Chapter 610

Just after A Bing finished speaking, Li He's sharp voice came in: "No matter how shameless you are, at least you have to give Erlang an explanation? Yu'er, tell yourself, how did this happen? Are you really For the sake of a woman, have you become disrespectful?"

For a woman, he became disrespectful?
After all, it is a person who has experienced too much, even the person who can do not blink in front of the emperor, so naturally he will not say much.

Li Xiuyu waved his hand: "Go, Ah Bing, invite the old lady to the main hall. Tell everyone, let all the masters in the family go."

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

Lin Yujiao didn't have another word for this stupid Li He. Seeing that A Bing stopped him outside the house, she came in with food: "Husband, no matter what the matter is, eating is a big deal. You drank too much last night. Drink a bowl of hot water first." Weak Nuan Nuan Stomach to talk about."

Sure enough, the only person who cared about him was his little Jiaojiao!
Li Xiuyu stretched out his hand to catch him in his arms, leaned against Lin Yujiao's chest with his eyes closed, and said in a low voice, "Jiaojiao, I was wrong, I shouldn't have ignored your reminder."

This is better!

To save the day when I think about it, I think she is making trouble.

Anyway, nothing happened!

Lin Yujiao put her arms around his neck with one hand: "It's okay, nothing happened, if you make a mistake, you make a mistake, what does it matter? Eat, don't break your stomach, your life is mine, you have to take care!"

Lowering his head and kissing the top of the fragrant hair, a smile gradually appeared on Li Xiuyu's face: "Silly girl, you can't even comfort others. I'm not that weak. I just regret not listening to you."

Lin Yujiao answered very quickly: "Then you can listen to it carefully next time, right? After dinner, the porridge won't taste good when it gets cold. I put barley in it and cooked it specially for you!"

"Okay, I'll eat. Jiaojiao, have you eaten yet?"

Lin Yujiao rubbed her stomach: "Eat it, if I don't eat it, my daughter will starve to death!"

Speaking of stomach, Li Xiuyu felt uneasy: "Jiaojiao, didn't you hurt our precious girl last night?"

When she was pregnant with twins in the previous life, every time she was tired, she felt extremely uncomfortable, but in this life, her stomach never made trouble with her. It seems that her fate with the children is innate.

Lin Yujiao lowered her head happily: "No, our children know that their parents love them very much, so they won't be so stingy. Eat quickly, if the mother-in-law sees that we are late, she will definitely make a fuss. "

Li Xiuyu's brows were light: "Let her make trouble, anyway, when will she not make trouble? It seems that I really have to ask my grandma if I am her own!"

After hearing this, Lin Yujiao's eyes flashed: Li He Shi, you are finished!

When Li Xiuyu and Lin Yujiao arrived at the main hall, the whole family had arrived, except for Ji and Liu Meier.

Seeing Li Xiucheng's sarcastic eyes, Li Xiuyu didn't even give a corner of his eyes: "I was thinking, you all think I should have an explanation?"

Li Xiuyuan felt sad: "Brother, I dare not ask you for an explanation. It's just what happened last night that made you so angry and hurt Tao Niang like this?"

Is it that you dare not ask him to speak?
If he really dared to ask himself to speak, what would happen?
Looking at his family in a daze, Li Xiuyu was very distressed: "What happened? Second brother, you were not involved in this matter, I know. As for why the slave got hurt like this, I will tell you later. I'll give you an explanation. Ah Bing, bring that golden leaf girl here."

(End of this chapter)

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