Chapter 616 Looking for help

Magistrate Ji wants to make trouble?
Does he dare to make trouble?
What is he making a fuss about again?
Li Xiuyu knew that local officials below the fifth rank didn't even have the chance to go to Beijing, and they had to have a chance if they wanted to make trouble.

Furthermore, Gan Ning's three-way and five-rank official examinations are all in his hands for the past two years, and it is of no benefit for him to make trouble!

Li Xiuyu knew that County Magistrate Ji didn't dare to make trouble, but he might go to Shen Zhizhou to discuss countermeasures.

He smiled immediately: "It's not so easy to be dismissed from office, but it is indeed possible to let him know that the Li family is not so easy to bully!"

"What do you want?"

Li Xiuyu smiled: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to make him feel uncomfortable, who asked him to keep a donkey? Ah Bing, go and tell Chen Zhong and Chen Li to follow the county magistrate closely!"

A Bing responded and left immediately.

At this moment, Master Ji shivered: "Has the temperature cooled down today?"

The follower, Awang, looked at the bright sunshine outside the window: "Master, it doesn't seem to be there."

Why is it so cold without cooling down?
Master Ji was anxious: "Then is there any news from the Li family?"

Awang shook his head: "No."

Master Ji suddenly became more uneasy: "Let's go, let's go to Zhizhou Mansion."

Seeing the county magistrate Ji who came in a hurry, Shen Zhizhou laughed: "However, some young daughters think of small tricks, and they should be treated as a little joke. Master Li will definitely not care about it, don't worry."

"My lord, I heard that Master Li appreciates Miss Shen Jiu's poems very much, can I ask Miss Jiu to help me with some kind words? If the next official's assessment is not blocked today, I must thank Miss Jiu very much. This is what I got by accident not long ago. A picture of "Flying Immortals" by Taoist Jiushang, for Miss Jiu to play with."

The words "Picture of Flying Immortals" written by Daoist Jiushang caught Shen Zhizhou's attention. This man was the most famous mage in the previous dynasty, but he lived to be one hundred and eight years old before becoming immortal.

"Master Ji is too polite, you are so hardworking, I thank you on behalf of the little girl."

This Shen Zhizhou is really an old fox, he won't scatter hawks if he doesn't see a rabbit!

Although this "Picture of Flying Immortals" is not a priceless treasure, there are not many calligraphy treasures left by Taoist Jiushang, and this "Picture of Flying Immortals" he asked for from a family!

County Magistrate Ji's heart ached unceasingly, but he also let go of his heart, thinking that the loss of money would always solve the disaster.

But what he didn't expect was that his every move would soon reach Li Xiuyu's ears: "Oh, the county magistrate Ji is really generous this time, this "Flying Immortal Picture" doesn't cost a thousand taels of silver, so it can't be bought !"

Lin Yujiao was dumbfounded when she heard this: "What? A piece of paper is worth so much money? Isn't this too expensive?"

"Pfft! My silly Jiaojiao, if the picture of "Great Yuan Returns to One" by Taoist Jiushang, I'm afraid you won't be able to get a tael of silver! Don't underestimate this piece of paper, there is some paper! But priceless."


Lin Yujiao admitted that she was short-sighted, who told her that she had never seen such elegant and delicate things in her previous life?
"Husband, do you think Miss Shen Jiu will intercede?"

Li Xiuyu smiled: "What do you think?"

"Send love with poetry."

Shen Mansion on the second day, Qinhe Garden.

"Miss, Master Li has another letter."

Shen Qinxin, who was enjoying her new poem, immediately jumped up when she heard it: "Hurry up, give me the letter."

Seeing that her master was so happy, Ginkgo handed it over immediately: "The gatekeeper Zhang Bo said that it was sent by a man who looked like a servant, and also pointed out that it was for you, Miss. This servant girl sees that the words are exactly the same as the words on the previous letters. I will take it back for you, Miss."

(End of this chapter)

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