Chapter 622

Lin Yujiao knew that Li Xiuyu was very kind to her at least for now, and even contradicted He Shi for her. She was very moved by this.

But who can guarantee the eternal heart?
At Niu's house, Lin Yujiao was very happy, so she planned to stay and have lunch before leaving.

"Lin Yujiao! How dare you come here? Tell me, did you find someone to kill me?"

Lin Yujiao, who was teaching Niu Qingxiang to embroider, was taken aback by this call, and when she turned her head and saw Chen Xiaohua with a look of hatred on her face, she was even more furious!

"Chen Xiaohua, are you out of your mind? Do you think everyone is as vicious as you? I wanted to harm you. I haven't had time to take revenge on you for harming me during the Red Festival! You You even came here to point fingers at me, what are you!"

A few days ago, Chen Xiaohua was picking chestnuts by the side of the mountain, otherwise why would she suddenly feel dizzy, and when she woke up, she was sleeping with Niu Gang, the son of Widow Feng in the village!
Moreover, the two of them were discovered disheveled!

Who in the village doesn't know that Niu Gang is a bit stupid and that Widow Feng can't do it well?Otherwise, how could Niu Gang, who is in his twenties, still not be able to marry a wife?

In the past few days, Chen Xiaohua has been looking for death and life and is unwilling to marry Niu Gang, but Widow Feng yells everywhere that she was broken by her son... If she doesn't marry Niu Gang, no one will want her!

Just now, Chen Xiaohua was in a daze in the yard, and heard her sister-in-law say that Lin Yujiao came to Niu's house today, after thinking about it, no one would harm her, so she decided that Lin Yujiao had harmed her.

Seeing that Lin Yujiao exposed her bad deeds, Chen Xiaohua immediately jumped up: "Who harmed you? Lin Yujiao, you shamelessly seduced an official, and you even relied on me? Lin Yujiao, you are so vicious, you are not good die!"


Chen Xiaohua covered her hot face and looked at Lin Yujiao in disbelief: " dare you..."

"Ba Ba" gave another two slaps, and then Chen Xiaohua met Liu Yang's cold eyes: "Miss Chen, if you dare to speak indiscriminately, you won't be slapping your mouth in a while!"

"Wow wow wow... You are bullying others! Mother, mother, come quickly, they are bullying your daughter!"

Chen Xiaohua covered her face and ran away. When Aunt Niu came out, she had already entered her house.

"Yujiao, what happened?"

Niu Qingxiang was very dissatisfied with Chen Xiaohua, and immediately babbled about what happened just now: "Mother, Xiaohua has really changed! She is shameless and got involved with Niu Gang, and now she doesn't want to marry him, so she ran away." Come and scold Sister Yujiao, saying that she found someone to harm her! Last time at the Red Sun Festival, Sister Yujiao also said that Xiao Hua harmed her."

Aunt Niu was puzzled: "Yujiao, what happened to the Red Festival?"

Lin Yujiao's eyes turned red: "Ma'am, it was Chen Xiaohua who deliberately led me there that day... It happened that my husband was drugged... I never said anything about it, I just didn't want to make trouble, but she came to find me because of her guilty conscience." I'm in trouble."

Leading people in front of a man who has been drugged is not the same as sending a little sheep in front of hungry wolves?
No wonder, she was forced to marry!

After hearing this, Aunt Niu trembled with anger: "This, did Xiaohua become like this? Yujiao, such a big thing happened, and your child ran out alone, you are trying to piss off your mother!" ? I treat you as my own child, is there anything you can't tell me and your dad? She is so vicious, I can't spare her!"

(End of this chapter)

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