Chapter 628 Make an idea

Brother Chen?
Lin Yujiao was shocked: "You know he saved me?"

The corner of Li Xiuyu's mouth twitched: "Then Chen Minsheng suddenly fell and became stupid, there must be something wrong, I resorted to some means, and Chen Silang said the reason."

this man!
Always impress her!

"Husband, today there are celery beef dumplings and sauerkraut pork dumplings, which one do you want?"

"I want to eat that bun of yours!"

"Husband! I'm serious! Today is Liu Yang's 15th birthday. After this birthday, she will really be [-] years old. I specially wrapped it for her!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiuyu's eyes lit up: "Liu Yang is fifteen? Then he can marry next year!"

"Pfft! What the hell are you thinking about?"

Li Xiuyu fell in love with the little daughter-in-law's bright eyes, and sat in her arms: "What's a ghost idea? When a girl grows up, she must marry someone! Otherwise, who wants to become an old girl?"

Lin Yujiao felt uncomfortable when she heard this, and immediately pouted: "What old girl? Liu Yang is still young! It won't be too late to marry in two years! It is said in medical books that women who are married too early and born too early are prone to accidents , it is best to remarry at the age of seventeen or eighteen."

Remarry at seventeen or eighteen?
Thinking of his second junior brother's unlucky appearance, Li Xiuyu twitched his mouth: "This marriage is not what the book says. When the marriage comes, it can't be stopped."

Marriage is here?
Xianggong, does this mean that Liu Yang's marriage has come?
No, there are no other men who are familiar with Liu Yang except for a few juniors of his father-in-law!
As for Xianggong's juniors, forget it!
Lin Yujiao knew that Liu Yang looked down on them, that woman was extremely proud, and her father-in-law and the two juniors were both from great families, and there would be many wives and concubines in the future...

"Husband, don't mess with the marriage. Liu Yang said that her man can only marry her once in his life!"

As soon as these words fell, Li Xiuyu was taken aback: "Isn't it? Liu Yang said this?"

Lin Yujiao nodded: "We also talked about this when we were chatting. She said that you, Master Li, can only be regarded as a fair man. If she were me, she would definitely not marry! I would rather be broken than broken. A couple for life, this is the standard for her to marry!"

One pair for life people?
"how can that be?"

Lin Yujiao looked solemn: "That's why I told you specifically, Liu Yang is an extremely capable girl, although she usually doesn't talk much, she is very assertive."

It is because Liu Yang is excellent that his awkward second junior brother is tempted!
Thinking of his second junior brother's family background and the current situation of Prince Yu's Mansion, Li Xiuyu knew it was a big deal!
As the eldest son of Prince Yu's Mansion, no matter how chaotic the family is, and now that his half-brothers have accidents, he, the only normal first son, probably won't be able to relax outside anymore!
"Jiaojiao, in fact, not all men are lustful people. Sometimes they really have no choice. Especially the children born in the families of princes, princes and relatives. I am afraid that he wants to do this. And not enough power.”

Lin Yujiao understands, but she knows that her understanding does not mean that Liu Yang understands: "So, don't draw any red lines, let it go with the flow. If Liu Yang doesn't care about these things, she will naturally agree. If she cares about these things, what do we say? It's no use either."

Let nature take its course?
If you really let nature take its course, I am afraid that my second junior brother will become a lonely family!

No, he has to discuss this matter with his second junior brother...

 Did you have a great New Year? Huahua is still sticking to the code words~~What?~~
(End of this chapter)

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