Chapter 631

Let her take her time, but Liu Yang will not take her time, she does things with sincerity and pragmatism.

In the middle of the morning, the two quietly passed by during the appraisement process of the clothes. At this moment, Mrs. Wan came: "Grandma, the old lady asked you to come over, she has a visitor."

Is the old lady a visitor?
Lin Yujiao got up immediately: "Mother Wan, where is the guest from?"

Mrs. Wan said in a low voice: "It's someone from the old lady's natal family. This person is the cousin of the old lady's natal family. They haven't seen each other for many years."

"Then what day is it today? Why did it come suddenly?"

The corner of Wan Pozi's mouth twitched: "Why else? Isn't it just for her widowed granddaughter!"

Widowed granddaughter?
Wow, that's a lot of information!
Lin Yujiao immediately grabbed Mrs. Wan's hand: "Mother Wan, you have to tell me about this cousin girl, otherwise it will be difficult for me to be rude when I go out later."

Mrs. Wan whispered: "This girl from my natal family can be regarded as my uncle's cousin. When my uncle was seven years old, he had a serious illness. The expert said that he had to order a baby relative to take refuge, so the old lady went to her mother's house to say In this matter, she became engaged to the four-year-old granddaughter of my uncle's family."

Or an engaged cousin?
In the previous life, I had never heard of it!

Lin Yujiao regretted it a little. Why didn't she think about asking about Li Xiuyu's situation in the previous life?
"Then why didn't it work?"

Mrs. Wan twitched her mouth: "Why else? My uncle has been studying only since he was selected as a scholar at the age of 12, but the cousin's father was elected and recommended an official five years later, and the family left Yunzhou. Yeliang County, Liuzhou became the county magistrate. In order to climb up, the son of Liuzhou magistrate fell in love with the cousin girl. A year later, the Cai family sent someone back to say that the girl was ill and he wanted to be happy, but the uncle was not suitable for marriage at that time, so Let go of the marriage."

Alright, alright, it was the woman who voluntarily resigned.

"Then why are you a widow now?"

Wan Pozi lowered her voice: "The magistrate of Liuzhou is an only son, who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles all kinds of fine things. He doesn't want a good wife at home, but he prefers Hualou's top card. Because of this, he made a fuss and wanted to divorce his wife." But this flower card may be too beautiful, and she got into trouble with some king's son, and the two of them robbed each other, and the Zhizhou's son was killed by that prince's son!"

Oh my god!

Is this cousin lost a watermelon and picked up a rotten sesame?
"Then what are they doing here now? To get close?"

Wan Pozi nodded: "It should be. Now this girl's father is the county magistrate of Lanliang County. She returned to her ancestral home in Yunzhou after returning from her husband's house. I heard that the uncle went to Ganning Mansion to be the governor. I'm afraid it's to get close."

"Is this girl very good-looking?"

Wan Pozi nodded without hesitation: "Well, it's okay. But of course I can't compare to you, Grandma!"

Sure enough, she looks good. As soon as Lin Yujiao entered the old lady's living room, she saw this former cousin girl!
She has delicate eyebrows and delicate face, and she is dressed in a lavender long gown that pinches her waist to set off her tall figure.

Maybe it's because she stayed at her husband's house for a long time, and she could tell the arrogance of that noble lady at a glance.

Such a woman is the most annoying!
She is clearly peeping at other people's husbands, but she still has a condescending expression, as if she is saying that even if she is a concubine, she is more proud than you who are a regular wife!

(End of this chapter)

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