Chapter 654 Complaint
Glancing at Li Xiuyu quietly, seeing that he was really thinking, Lin Yujiao continued to speak her "heart": "When I first married into the Li family, I was disliked because I was fat and ugly, and my mother-in-law couldn't wait to have a bite. Bite me to death. If grandma hadn't protected me at that time, I'm afraid they would have been kicked out by the two of them on their wedding day.

The second time I gritted my teeth and entered Li's house. I didn't want to embarrass you. I deliberately tried to please everyone, but no matter what I did, I couldn't please my mother-in-law and third uncle.If it weren't for your sincere protection and grandma's love, I'm afraid I still wouldn't be able to stay here. "

This helplessness deeply hurt Li Xiuyu's heart.

"When I saw it at the end of last year, you were so thin, you were in a bad mood, right?"

When she came out from the Li family at the end of last year?
She was in a good mood then!

Li Sanzha was so angry that she left with the money, why was she in a bad mood?
Still, he thinks bad is bad, right?
Lin Yujiao's voice became more and more resentful: "Who can be good? A woman, who can be in a good mood because she was abandoned by her husband's family? Although I am willing to reconcile, but I am an abandoned woman anyway? But, okay After I left the Li family, otherwise where would such a good husband-in-law come from? Husband, could it be that the Li family despised me because God made a mistake in the marriage?"

Wrong marriage, so my third brother will dislike Lin?
Thinking of the fate that the eminent monk gave to himself, Li Xiuyu became more and more sure: "I think it is! Otherwise, how could I have met you? Jiaojiaoer, you are not allowed to leave me in the future, you are destined to be my wife in this life! Don't Sad, with me here in the future, no one can bully you."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yujiao smiled softly: "I won't be sad. I can marry you without him. I have fallen from the chaff to the rice basket, and any fool knows it!"

Li Xiuyu also laughed when he heard this: "Are you really happy to marry me?"

"Yeah!" Lin Yujiao nodded very seriously: "Happy, very happy. When I think of you protecting me like this, I feel happy in my heart!"

How can such a lovely woman make a man unprotected?
Li Xiuyu finally knew the reason why he tried his best to catch her by his side. Who can say that such a good woman is a village girl?
How many housewives have her calmness, transparency, and virtuousness?
Li Xiuyu held Lin Yujiao's hand tightly: "Jiaojiao, no matter what happens in the future, you must trust me, and you will always be the only one in my heart."

The world is unpredictable, my man will be an upright man, and his brilliance will attract the attention of many women.

Although she wanted to say that he was not allowed to look at others, Lin Yujiao knew that this was absolutely impossible!
The only thing she wants to grasp is his affection for her, his concern for the child, and his attachment to herself!

Even if there are other women by his side in the future, those women will never be able to take her place and occupy the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, I'll remember. By the way, Mr. Gong, do you know who the third sibling has become friends with?"


"Shen Qinxin!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiuyu's eyes darkened: "It seems that this Ji family doesn't want to live a good life. Mr. Ji, he is really not suitable for being an official!"

Whether Mrs. Ji wants to be an official, Lin Yujiao feels that it has nothing to do with her.

But Ji Meiyuan doesn't want to live a good life, she has to be careful!

(End of this chapter)

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