Chapter 662
"Chen Xiaohua? Hehe, it's a good deal for her to be a bandit woman! Ah Bing, go and ask Fu Yuanying, his sister-in-law is back!"

His aunt is back?
This man is so sour!

A Bing nodded and went immediately, thinking of the danger tonight, Lin Yujiao's eyes were immersed: "Husband, shall we go back to Li's house tonight?"

The corner of Li Xiuyu's mouth twitched slightly: "Go! If you don't go, how can your elder brother of the Fu family do anything? Do you know what the background of those bandits is?"

What is her big brother Fu?
Vinegar old man!
Hearing this, Lin Yujiao's eyes lit up: "Husband, do you know the details of these bandits?"

When the words fell, Li Xiuyu looked smug: "Of course I know, why don't I give them a yellow girl? After the three dark ghost brothers caused the tragedy at the eldest princess's house in the capital, it is not honest to hide here? Okay, I don't want to live Now, I will fulfill you!"

The tragedy of the eldest princess's house?
These bandits even dare to touch the royal family?
Lin Yujiao was a little startled: "Husband, are they very vicious?"

Seeing that his little daughter-in-law was afraid, Li Xiuyu took her hand: "It's natural to be fierce, otherwise they wouldn't dare to provoke the emperor's relatives. But, with their little ability, I don't think so! I don't bother them, it's because they have done me a big favor."

Did him a favor?
"Then they aren't your friends?"

"Hehe, I don't have such vicious friends! Sometimes, the enemy's enemy is my friend! Daughter-in-law, don't worry, whoever dares to touch my daughter-in-law, he is impatient to live!"

The more Li Xiuyu kept silent, the more curious Lin Yujiao became: "Husband, could it be that you have an enmity with the eldest princess's family? What enmity, tell me?"

He really has a grudge against the Eldest Princess' family, but it's not okay to just tell her. If this little jealous man knows that the Eldest Princess' granddaughter has pestered him to death, why don't he make himself sour?
The Eldest Princess and the Prince Regent are in the same group, and the Regent is not a royal family, but a prince of the opposite sex. He has always had an ambiguous relationship with the Eldest Princess.

Without the operation and support of the eldest princess, the regent would not be able to become the regent!

"It's not that I have any enmity with the Eldest Princess, but that the Eldest Princess is the Holy Majesty's opponent, that's why I call her an enemy."

Lin Yujiao heard a lot about the royal family in her previous life.

The regent is in control of the affairs of the court, and the new emperor has been on the throne for many years but he can't really listen to the government. It seems that the regent died or something...

As a family of common people, even if there are scholars, they will not hear too many secrets from the court.

But Lin Yujiao knew something, so she stopped asking.

Fu Yuanying got the news and immediately got ready: "Liu San, let the brothers get ready, the time to perform meritorious service is coming!"

"Boss, is this news really accurate?"

Fu Yuanying twitched her lips: "Don't worry, this news is absolutely accurate!"

As soon as the words fell, Liu San became more energetic: "Okay! Boss, if we catch these three people and have three such big fish, I can marry a wife!"

The three ghost fire brothers, they are the ones that the eldest princess mansion wants to bite to death!
The princess's first daughter was raped and killed by the three will-o'-the-wisps!
Three years ago, this case caused a sensation in Dachu. The regent was still in power at the time when he was not sick. In order to catch these three people, the Habayashi Army had to capture the bandit den for a whole month!

But no one thought that these three people still ran away!
(End of this chapter)

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