Chapter 673 Anger

"Mother, it seems that sister-in-law has gone outside."

go outside?
Li He thought that Lin Yujiao had a big belly, and she would definitely not go out with an old woman: "Then she must have gone to the backyard from the side of the house. Doesn't she have to go for a walk every day?"


They immediately went out, when Li He suddenly remembered something: "By the way, from the third family, how is Miss Shen Jiu and your elder brother doing now?"

Speaking of Shen Qinxin, Ji Meiyuan's mood improved a lot: "Mother-in-law, I heard two days ago that they have new poems coming out."


Looking at Li He's shining eyes, the depression in Ji Meiyuan's heart disappeared in an instant: "Of course it's true, Miss Shen Jiu and I are friends, and we often communicate with each other."

As soon as the words were finished, Li He's face was full of excitement: "That's good, that's good! From now on, you can walk around with her more and let her know that our Li family likes her very much!"

——Lin Yujiao, just wait, I think you can still be proud for a few days!
Ji Meiyuan gritted her teeth with hatred and responded: "Okay! My daughter-in-law must obey her mother-in-law's arrangement!"

A group of people walked out of the courtyard, but they turned around and couldn't find Lin Yujiao.

"The bitch is hiding?"

Looking at Mother's gloomy face, Li Qiuju lowered her voice: "Mother, will she hide with grandma while we are looking for her?"

"Ah? How did I forget the cunning of this bitch? Come on, let's go to your nurse's house and have a look!"

When she heard that she was going to her grandma's house, Li Qiuju immediately stopped her: "Mother, grandma is a person who wholeheartedly favors her. If you are going, I'm afraid you will make grandma angry again."

Speaking of Mrs. Li, Li He couldn't help trembling.

Ji Meiyuan saw that her mother-in-law was about to retreat, and she rolled her eyes immediately: "Sister-in-law, this time, mother-in-law is not looking for trouble. If grandma knows the cause and effect of this matter, she will definitely support her. Don't worry, the whole family If people don’t move their minds in one direction, and everyone hides their own secrets, the family will still be broken up? Mother-in-law, do you think I’m right?”

As soon as these words fell, Li He's pride suddenly burst into air: "Yes! I don't believe it anymore. The daughter-in-law here saves private money, and I, a mother-in-law, can't control it anymore! If your grandma wants to be partial, there must be a reason for partiality, right?"

A few people went to Mrs. Li's room again, but they were stopped by Mrs. Wan when they reached the door: "Madam, the old lady is still resting. The autumn dryness these two days made her very dizzy."

Grandma is sick?
"Mother Wan, is the eldest daughter-in-law here?"

Mrs. Li's house is on the innermost floor of the Li family's courtyard. It is the place where the original owner built the incense hall. The old lady believed in Buddhism and lived here, so she couldn't hear anything about the outer courtyard.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wan immediately said, "No, will the eldest young mistress rest in the house?"

Li He couldn't believe it: "Didn't come? Then she's not in the house, where can she go?"

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Mrs. Wan was upset in her heart, but she was very respectful on the surface: "Madam, why don't you come in and take a look?"

She dare not go in!

Li He turned around immediately: "Forget it if you're not here, we'll talk about it later when she comes back."

Several people turned around, and as soon as they walked out of Mrs. Li's yard, Li Qiuju was not convinced: "Mother, is it possible to let her go like this?"

"Let her go? I don't believe she won't come back! Hmph! Bitch, you run out every day, and you don't even know whose kind of child you're pregnant with!"

As soon as the words fell, a deep voice came in suddenly: "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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