Chapter 677 still love
Chen Qingsheng stepped forward to help his own mother: "Thank you, Mrs. Li, for making it happen. Mother, let's go back. My sister is disobedient. This is her retribution. When she is on the road, I will go to see her one last time. Forget it." Your mother-daughter relationship."

Aunt Chen knows that it is already a great kindness to be able to ask for this step!
No wonder others, only my own daughter is ignorant.

She wailed loudly and was helped away by the Chen family.

Aunt Niu felt uncomfortable seeing the old sisters like this, but she was even more unhappy when she made things difficult for Lin Yujiao: "Yujiao, do your best, if you can't do it, don't force it. Although your husband is an official, the county An official is not as good as a county manager, don't make things difficult for him for such a person."

Aunt Niu really regards herself as a relative.

Now that you have promised, you have to do it.

Lin Yujiao knew in her heart that she had no friendship with Aunt Chen, but Chen Si had saved her once, and she had to repay this love!

"Thank you, ma'am, for thinking of me. I know what to do. If I can help, I can help. If I can't, there's nothing I can do, right? After all, this involves the emperor's family, so get involved as little as possible."

Many people immediately felt that Lin Yujiao was reasonable, and they all rushed to invite her to their house.

Lin Yujiao declined everyone's kindness, packed up the things she wanted in the small courtyard, and returned to the city.

When I went home, I didn't expect that Li Xiuyu had already returned.

Seeing that his complexion was not good, Lin Yujiao asked cautiously, "Husband, are you back?"

Looking at his little daughter-in-law with a swollen belly, and taking another look at Aunt Zhang, Li Xiuyu frowned: "Jiaojiao, who is this aunt?"

Seeing that she was mentioned, Aunt Zhang immediately stepped forward to salute: "I have met Mrs. Li! This old slave is surnamed Zhang, everyone calls Aunt Zhang, and she is Uncle Fu's nanny. The old man heard that his aunt wanted to buy an old lady, and it happened that this old slave had served several young wives , the old man gave the old slave to the aunt."

It turned out to be an old servant of the Fu family?
Although this aunt was Fu Yuanying's nanny, which made Li Xiuyu feel a little uncomfortable, but he knew that his little daughter-in-law had to have an experienced old man by his side, so he immediately suppressed his jealousy.

"Where are you from?"

Lin Yujiao hurriedly explained her whereabouts and purpose: "Husband, I'm actually a little afraid to go home today."

"Ah? Don't dare to go home? Jiaojiao, did your mother do something to you again?"

Judging by his expression, I am afraid that Li He has already filed a complaint?
I'm afraid that what she said was only beneficial to herself!

Lin Yujiao bit her lips, took a long breath before slowly opening her mouth: "Husband, today's matter is caused by Mr. Fu coming to the house..."

When Aunt Zhang heard that Lin Yujiao told Li Xiuyu, she didn't even favor her at all, and immediately felt that this aunt was too honest.

"My lord, this fact was caused by the old slave, please allow the old slave to say a few words?"

As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog, and a good old servant is hard to find.

Li Xiuyu respected the person sent by old man Fu: "Mother Zhang, this will be your home from now on. If you have anything to say, just say it, don't be restrained."

"That old slave is going to cum! My lord, in fact, when the old slave came, the old man had already explained that when the old slave can still move, the old slave's monthly payment will be paid by the Fu family in the future. It is really not necessary for the Li family to support it. But when the old slave is too old to move, he will have to be taken care of by his aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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