Chapter 690
The little girl's clothes were very thin. Lin Yujiao knew that Liu Yang was careless in this regard, so she called Aunt Zhang: "Aunt Zhang, Liu Ya will be by your side from now on, but she is not a girl. I think her clothes are a little bit Thin, if you are free these two days, I will ask Liu Yang to bring some cotton and fabric back, and you can make some clothes for her."

The Lin family is really too busy, Aunt Zhang felt that there was nothing to do, and immediately burst into laughter after hearing this order: "All right, I have something to do now."

"Liu Ya, Aunt Zhang's craftsmanship is very good. If you want, you can learn from her and make new clothes for yourself, okay?"

Liu Ya has always picked up clothes that her cousin didn't want to wear since she was a child. When she heard that she was making new clothes for herself, she had already learned how to sew and mend them, her eyes lit up immediately: "Ma'am, I am willing!"

"Okay, from now on you will follow Aunt Zhang and learn things hard. My lord, have you seen it?"

Liu Ya nodded timidly: "I know your lord, he is a good man, he sent someone to save me."

This little girl actually said that she was saving her?
Lin Yujiao felt distressed, and stretched out her hand to touch her head again: "Liu Ya, no one will dare to bully you in the future, don't be afraid, you know? I will roast pig's trotters at night, eat an extra bowl of rice, and grow stronger earlier, okay?" good?"

Have a pound of trotters?
When I was at home before, she only had two bones with very little meat to eat during the Chinese New Year, and only my brothers and sisters could eat those pounds of pig's trotters!

In an instant, Liu Ya was drooling, and even vowed to be obedient in the future.

The pound of fermented bean curd and pig's trotters tasted very good. Two large pig's trotters were fried into two large plates. Xiao Liuya and Li Xiuyu ate the most.

After dinner, Li Xiuyu and Lin Yujiao personally took Liu Ya to the old lady's room and explained where she came from.

The old lady heard that the child had suffered a lot at home, and that Liu Yang did not need wages to foster her younger sister here. The old lady was not happy: "Just one child, how much money can I eat? Jiaojiao, I have to tell you about the wages." No?"

The old lady was teaching her to buy people's hearts. In fact, Lin Yujiao knew whether to give money or not was their private matter. When Xiuzhu Pavilion opened, Liu Yang had a share.

"Grandma, granddaughter-in-law knows. Liu Ya, thank the old lady quickly."

Liu Ya immediately followed suit, and her cuteness immediately won the favor of Mrs. Li.

When Li Qiuju learned that her sister-in-law was taking in outsiders at home, she was very angry: "Mother, this person really regards this as her own home! One more person eats, one more person's expenses, but the money she earns is not enough. Take it back, what is this!"

Li He naturally knew about Liu Ya's entry into the mansion, but it was a trivial matter, and if his eldest son started a private business in the yard, he would not ask her for money, and she had nothing to say.

"Okay, let her be proud for a few days first? October [-]th is only a few days away, and you can't bear it? Ju'er, you still persuade me to endure it, and now I can't bear it anymore? "

She called mother Renren, to prevent her from messing with her elder brother, and it has nothing to do with the Lin family!
Li Qiuju's resentment towards Lin Yujiao is getting bigger and bigger...

Ji Meiyuan didn't like this sister-in-law. She was sharp, stingy, and shallow-eyed. If she hadn't wanted to deal with Lin Yujiao together, she would have never even looked at her.

It's just that what Ji Meiyuan wants to do is not just to make Li Heshi hate Lin Yujiao, but to make her believe in her heart and soul!

(End of this chapter)

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