Chapter 693

When it came to revenge, Li Xiuyu thought for a moment: "Miss Zhu, if they killed your mother and your elder brother, what do you want to do with this revenge? Kill them directly, or torture them slowly?"

With Zhu Xiuqin's hatred, she wished that the mother and daughter would die immediately!
"Brother-in-law, if the two of them die like this, I'm afraid it will cause a shock. It's best to let them die slowly, and then they won't be noticed!"

"Yeah!" Li Xiuyu nodded: "That's a good idea. The wife of Zhu Xiancheng is also the wife of Bapin County Cheng, and her daughter is the sixth concubine of Shen Zhizhou. If she dies like this, there will definitely be troubles. Moreover, it will be difficult to pick you out like this."

"Eldest brother is right. We need to discuss this matter carefully, and we must do it seamlessly! And that Zhu Xiumei, we will deal with her after you pick Miss Zhu out!"

Seeing the two of them discussing ideas for themselves, Zhu Xiuqin was moved.

Instead of letting someone marry her to a fool, she would rather marry her benefactor!

At this point, she doesn't intend to be hypocritical: "Brother-in-law, I will fulfill my promise. If they really killed my mother and brother, whoever avenges me will be the one I will marry!"

As soon as these words fell, Lin Yujiao called out: "Qin'er..."

Zhu Xiuqin interrupted Lin Yujiao's words: "Cousin, I have always been delusional. People are not judged by appearances, and the quality of people's hearts has nothing to do with appearances. As long as Brother Chen treats me kindly in the future, I will be satisfied!"

In order to add points to his junior brother, Li Xiuyu immediately promised: "He dares! How dare he treat you badly, your brother-in-law, I will abolish him!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Hu's heart trembled: He is not afraid of anyone, but he is afraid of this big brother who is ruthless and cunning!
"Brother, is it possible that you don't understand your own brother? I have been thinking for more than [-] years before I can marry a daughter-in-law who is knowledgeable and polite. How can I feel sorry for her? I swear here that in the future I will be right If you can't live with my daughter-in-law, senior brother, you will destroy me!"

After all, Zhu Xiuqin was only 14 years old, and when she heard Chen Hu's mouthful of his daughter-in-law, her little face turned into a red hijab...

Zhu Xiuqin was sent away the next day, but Chen Hu also disappeared.

Xiuzhu Pavilion was about to open on October [-]th, and Lin Yujiao didn't have time to take care of Zhu Xiuqin's affairs these few days. She was concentrating on making new clothes and new clothes.

But on the tenth day of October, the news of the Celestial Dynasty's release of the list arrived.

Li Xiucheng failed the college examination, and Jiang Liuhua failed the exam, but Jiang Qifan won the No.1 in the second class.

This is another good result for Yunzhou Mansion since Tanhualang appeared a few years ago, and the whole Yunzhou Mansion was immediately bustling.

When Liu Yang heard that Lin Yujiao was going to Jiang's house to celebrate, he was very surprised: "It's autumn, how could it be released? Isn't it supposed to be in spring?"

Lin Yujiao was puzzled: "Liu Yang, where did you hear that Dachu Kingdom's rankings are released in spring? Dachu Kingdom has been like this since the founding of the country hundreds of years ago. At the beginning of October, the county exam, the township exam, and the government exam are taken together. "

When Liu Yang heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead: She brought this world to hundreds of years ago in her own world!
"I read a diary in a miscellaneous book, could it be that I remembered it wrong?"

Lin Yujiao smiled: "I must have remembered wrongly. No matter which dynasty in the Dachu Kingdom, the rankings are released in autumn. Hurry up and change your clothes. Mrs. Jiang is very kind to me. Today I have to go and congratulate her."

(End of this chapter)

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