Chapter 696 Eye-catching
On October [-]th, Xiuzhu Pavilion was unexpectedly lively.

Not only Mrs. Jiang and a group of noble ladies came to patronize, Fu Yuanying even invited the Lion Drummer Team to celebrate. Immediately, half of the people in Yunzhou knew about this tailor shop.

Li Qiuying smiled for a whole day until her face froze, and the orders she received in one day today were enough for all the embroiderers in Xiuzhu Pavilion before.

"Yujiao, now you can raise your baby with peace of mind."

Lin Yujiao said with a smile: "That can't be done, it will be the turn of spring and summer when I have a baby, I have to take some time to draw some spring and summer styles, or else I won't earn a lot of money if there are no new models. .”

This girl is really a money fanatic!

Today Lin Yujiao came as a distinguished guest, no one knew that she was a part of this shop, not even Mrs. Jiang.

The Xiuzhu Pavilion in the city was listed, the Li family did not cause a sensation, but the Fu family was in an uproar...

"My mother didn't go to see it. My sister-in-law's shop has been renovated and she can't see the original appearance at all. This time, my brother will get rich."

Mrs. Fu Cheng looked at Mrs. Fu Liu, and then said with a smile: "That's good, if Huang's shop can earn money, Cuiyi's dowry will be rich in the future."

what a man!
She's obviously jealous, but she's pretending to be generous!
Mrs. Fu resisted the urge to scold others: "Mother is right, Cui Yi is the eldest granddaughter of our Fu family. With her dowry, I don't know which one will be settled. It's just that Lianrou is not young anymore. The mother also has to start preparing the dowry for the younger sister."

Fu Cheng's natal family is weak, and she knows that this step-daughter-in-law is trying to provoke her relationship with the uncle.

Immediately she still smiled: "Lian Rou's dowry is given by her father-in-law, I am not capable as a mother, so I can only wrong her."

Mrs. Fu still didn't give up: "Mother, you said that the business of big brother's shop is so good, why don't we ask him to take a share?"

Fu Cheng said with a smile: "I can't say that, or the uncle thinks that I, as a mother, want to get involved in Huang's shop. In fact, Yunzhou City is so big that a tailor's shop in Xiuzhu Pavilion alone is too big." If you can’t finish it, if you want to earn some pocket money, why don’t you open one yourself.”

Open one yourself?
Fu Zhu's heart was really moved: This idea is good!
The news that the Zhu family and the Liu family wanted to open a clothing store quickly reached Lin Yujiao's ears. She smiled when she heard this, "Liu Yang, do you think they can take our business away?"

The beauty of Xiuzhuge's ready-to-wear is not only that it is tailor-made, not to mention the fact that it is made by a person, but also that the clothes are very well-shaped.

Liu Yang was revising Lin Yujiao's first draft, and smiled disapprovingly: "Yujiao, are Aunt Qi's mother and daughter reliable?"

Lin Yujiao knew what Liu Yang was referring to when she heard the words. The reason why Xiuzhu Pavilion's clothes were so tangible was because of the iron Liu Yang used.

Women can make clothes, but it is very difficult to make clothes so smooth.

And with this iron, all the seams are as smooth as if they had never been sewn...

"Don't worry, their mother and daughter have signed a death contract. Only the mother and daughter know how to use this thing, so they will naturally abide by the contract."

What can make money is always a secret, and the style of clothes cannot be kept secret, as long as one is made, someone will follow suit.

But being able to make the clothes into shape is the secret.

"I think we can not only pay Zhu's mother and daughter in the form of monthly money, but also use incentives to make them work harder on this matter."

"Oh?" Lin Yujiao raised her eyes, "Liu Yang, what can you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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