Chapter 804 Two Tigers Fight

Lin Yujiao shook her head and stretched out her hands: "My husband, I actually think it's weird! My hands are nothing weird, right? But as long as I use hot water to wash my hands, water will drip, and the drips are only about ten drops each time. Then it only drops three times a day. At first I thought it was sweat, but the first time I dripped was cooking noodles for grandma..."

Unexpectedly, before Lin Yujiao finished speaking, Li Xiuyu covered her mouth: "Jiaojiao, it must be sweat, not some fairy water, you know? From now on, don't tell anyone, not even your parents and brothers." Say, do you hear me?"

Lin Yujiao blinked: "Understood, I just think it's too weird, so I dare not say it."

"Okay, be good! Just don't say anything!"

From this moment on, Li Xiuyu has another thought, hoping that no one will find Lin Yujiao's weirdness...

On the second day, Li Xiuyu accompanied Lin Yujiao to Fu's house, and Fu Yuanying almost got up from the kang when he saw him: "Li...Li"

Li Xiuyu looked at Fu Yuanying, who was pale, with a serious face: "Brother, what should you call me?"

Hearing this title, Fu Yuanying felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. Although he had recognized this brother-in-law a long time ago, he would not be treated so comfortably by others.

"What if I don't want to call?"

Facing this provocation, although Li Xiuyu was angry, his face was cold: "If you don't want to call, then my wife won't have to come to Fu's house anymore!"


Li Xiuyu's eyes flickered: "Just because she is my daughter-in-law, she is my wife for Li Xiuyu's life!"

Fu Yuanying snorted softly: "A lifetime? Master Li, a lifetime is too far away, but you have a great future, so it's too early to talk about such a thing as a lifetime!"

Li Xiuyu was full of confidence: "You are right, maybe life is very long, but Lin Yujiao is the only one who can sit in my wife's seat!"

"It's good to have confidence, but who can guarantee that people's hearts will not change in the future? Master Li, I can't call this uncle. If one day, you betray her, then I will protect her!"

"No? Yes! Fu Yuanying, if you want to protect my wife, it depends on whether you have the ability! Aren't you just a policeman? Besides this, what else do you have? If one day you even a policeman The seats are all gone, what protection do you have?"

"Save your life!"

Seeing what Fu Yuanying didn't even want to blurt out, Li Xiuyu was immediately stunned: "You! Fu Yuanying, you speak so loudly!"

Fu Yuanying did not flinch: "Master Li wants to use his power to suppress others? If so, then you just come here! Even if there is no such arresting position, my Fu family is not a family of ordinary people. Even if I am white, as long as I When Yujiao needs human protection, I will fight with my life!"

Protect with life?
These words shocked Li Xiuyu, although he knew that his little daughter-in-law was worthy of any man doing this to her, but there was a man who did this to her, and he wished he could bite this man to death!

Li Xiuyu stared at Fu Yuanying firmly: "Fu Yuanying, you are against me for a woman, are you really not afraid that I will harm your Fu family?"

Fu Yuanying shook her head resolutely: "No, I'm afraid! But I believe in Yujiao's vision. The man she chooses should be an upright and aboveboard man! If there is such a day, my Fu family will not sit still!"

Although these words are not pleasant to hear, is the man in front of him believing him?
(End of this chapter)

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