Chapter 813

When it comes to the youngest son, Li He has no intention of robbing the girl: "Yu'er, your third brother is not as capable as you, and it is not uncommon for people to fail the exam after ten or eight years. He only took the exam three times. Do you want to let him take the exam a few times?"

With such a mother, it's no wonder that the third brother will have a future!

No, he couldn't stop there.

Li Xiuyu continued to persuade: "Mom, no one said that if you do something, you can't take the exam again. It's not enough to just study and not be pragmatic. How about this, I will entrust someone to work as an accountant after the next year. It's easy, but there are at least two or three taels of silver a month."

Can you earn two or three taels of silver after working hard for a month?
Her son's pocket money is ten taels a month, not including the money to buy pens, ink, paper and inkstones. What can he do with these two or three taels?
Li He almost jumped up: "Yu'er, this is not good. If you work for others and get shouted at, then how can your third brother do it?"

Li Xiuyu frowned: "Mother, since this is the case, let him learn from his second brother. If he can't read it well, he must have the ability to make money, right?"

"What can I do? The two shops at home are extremely busy. Your second brother goes out at dawn and comes in after dark. Where can he read? No, no, no, your third brother must be a high-ranking official like you, so your brothers only rely on each other.”

His third brother wants to be a high official like him?
Mother's brain, has it become tofu?
As for his third younger brother, who eats, drinks and has fun all day long without staying at home, either making teahouses or visiting brothels, he is still a high-ranking official?
Li Xiuyu is really speechless to this mother-in-law!
There is really nothing to say, Li Xiuyu turned around and said, "Follow your mother. The day after tomorrow will be Shen's wedding wine and Jiang's wedding wine. I have to drink both of these wines. My son has to prepare some gifts."

"Preparing gifts? Yu'er, what other good things do you have? How about, take them out and pick them out for you?"

Seeing Li Heshi's excited expression, Li Xiuyu felt extremely uncomfortable, but he was his own mother after all, and he couldn't say that she would not let her go if she wanted to go.

Immediately she looked helpless: "Mother, I do have a few good things in my hands, but they are all gifts from the Holy One. Although they are not expensive, they cannot be sold. I have to make this clear to you."

When Li He heard it, his emotions fell instantly: "Mother didn't say she wanted you to sell it, she just wanted to see it, isn't that okay?"

Are you really looking at it?
"In that case, let's see, mother."

A group of people entered the house, Li Xiuyu asked everyone to wait outside, and after a while he came out with a large box.

There are several things on the table, all of which are rich and expensive.

Li He's eyeballs were about to fall out, and he asked reluctantly, "Yu'er, is this thing really from the palace? Can't it be sold?"

Li Xiuyu nodded: "Well, they are all from the palace. Mom, I see that everything here has the words 'Made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs'. How about this, since this item can't be sold, it can still be used. You can choose something to wear that day. , Give it back to me when you’re done.”

Can it be worn out?
She wears something from the palace to the wedding, isn't that very face-saving?
When Li He heard this, he immediately grabbed a Shuangfeiyan's gold hairpin: "How about wearing this, mother? The color and style are very good, and it looks extremely rich."

Good eyesight.

Pure gold hairpins are not uncommon, but what is uncommon is the handwork and the two pearls on the wings that are as thick as index fingers.

Li Xiuyu said: "It's up to you. If you like it, you can wear it. Just return it to me after drinking. Ma'am, would you like one too?"

(End of this chapter)

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