Chapter 841 Forced Marriage

After finding someone who finally found out about Grandpa Sun, but still couldn't find her, Lin Yujiao looked at her hands, and became more and more sure that Grandpa Sun was not a mortal!

Cousin, what's the matter?
Why did you start to be in a daze?
Zhu Xiuqin immediately reminded everyone when she saw that everyone was covered in dust and dust: "Cousin, Master, Master, and Aunt Qiu have just arrived, let them enter the house first to keep warm."

After hearing Zhu Xiuqin's reminder, Lin Yujiao finally blushed!
She actually stopped the elder at the door?
"Grandpa Hua, I'm sorry, I'm confused! Shigong, Master, Aunt Qiu, this is a guest room, the kang is warm, please sit on the kang."

Taoist Hua glanced at Lin Yujiao and nodded with a smile: "He is a child with a true temperament, no wonder my younger brother recognized you. He has only accepted one disciple in his life, let alone admitting his relative! My child, you are destined! Don't worry, he will come back one day!"

Destined person?
Lin Yujiao's heart skipped a beat: Could this Grandpa Hua see that she is a reborn person?
After everyone sat down, Mama Zhang and two maids brought tea and snacks: "Grandma, this old slave will go to the big kitchen to order food, you stay here with the guests."

Lin Yujiao immediately said: "I heard from my second brother and sister that I bought mutton today, and it may have been boiled. Mama Zhang, go and tell the second brother and sister that we will not eat at the big stove tonight. Bring a piece of mutton, and I will cook a pot of fresh meat tonight." .”

Unexpectedly, Lin Yujiao hadn't gone out yet, but there was a voice: "Burn more, the old man didn't even eat breakfast!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yujiao was dumbfounded: Didn't you eat breakfast?
"Grandpa, don't worry, I will let you eat well!"

Hua Daochang has no hobbies in his life, and eating is the number one priority!

"Okay, if the girl's craftsmanship satisfies me, I don't mind finding your stinky grandpa for you!"

After saying this, Lin Yujiao's eyes lit up: "Grandpa Hua, if you are not satisfied, Jiaojiao will do it until you are satisfied!"

"Hahaha... My little brother finally did something that satisfies me!"

Lin Yujiao has always liked to eat fresh mutton.

In this winter, a large nest of mutton and fresh meat are cooked, served with a few side dishes, and a pot of old wine. Li Xiuyu will sweat profusely and touch his stomach every time he eats.

Liu Meier heard that Lin Yujiao had a visitor here, and immediately delivered more than half of the mutton, as well as the side dishes and side dishes she wanted: "Sister-in-law, the big stove is almost ready, Mama He will stay here to help you."

Lin Yujiao was also polite: "Well, thank you then."

Sure enough, they were master and apprentice, Gu Chi and Hua Yuan ate the mutton so delicious that they even robbed the soup in the end.

Lin Yujiao was sweating black: This is too edible, right?
Seeing the master and apprentice gobbling it up, Qiu Yanan looked disgusted: "Since it's so delicious, do you want to eat the lamb bones on the table?"

Hua Yuan smiled and said: "Girl Qiu, that Chen'er ate all the bones, are you willing to marry him?"

So you want her to marry?
Think beautiful!
Qiu Yanan didn't even think about it: "Don't marry!"

Lin Yujiao's Double Ninth Wine was very delicious. It was made by adding water from her fingertips. It was fragrant and strong, long in the mouth, and tasted like fire. Daoist Hua felt a little drunk!

I saw his eyes widening: "Humph! If you don't marry or don't marry, you will be an old girl! If you don't marry again, where will my disciples and grandchildren come from? No, I have to ask that kid Qiu Junbao to raise a girl. What does he want to be an old girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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