Chapter 843 Overnight
Finally, Qiu Yanan went back to the house and tugged the sleeves of Daoist Hua Yuan who was furious: "Uncle Hua, I forgive him, don't drive him out."

Hua Yuan didn't believe it: "Really forgive him?"

Qiu Yanan nodded: "Really."

Looking at the disciple who laughed foolishly, Hua Yuan decided to help him one last time: "Then when are you going to get married? You have to set a date, and my old man has to call all his seniors."

How can it be so fast?

He just said forgiveness, and then he talked about getting married in a blink of an eye?

Qiu Yanan blushed, how could she say this as a woman?
Seeing that she was shy, Gu Chi quickly answered, "Master, we've already been married, what kind of marriage are you talking about?"

Hua Yuan's eyes widened: "What a fart! Didn't you dump your divorce papers at that time? Brat, coax me, old man?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Chi smiled slyly when he heard the words: "Master, I stole the divorce certificate long ago! Without the divorce certificate, Nan Nan is my wife!"

With a sound of "dong", a bag was knocked on Gu Chi's head: "How can I have such a stupid apprentice as you? Since this girl doesn't even have a divorce letter, after so many years, you haven't even let her have a child." Pregnant? Go out, don't say you are my Hua Yuan's closed disciple!"

"Coax", Qiu Yanan's face was as red as the sun...

Finally solved the major matter of his disciples, Taoist Hua felt that a major event had been accomplished!
After receiving the news that the elder disciple sent this closed disciple, he immediately went down the mountain. Sure enough, he had to help the old man!

It's too cold and there's too much snow outside.

After Lin Yujiao and Qiu Yanan went to see Mrs. Li, they left them behind.

Li Xiuyu's wing has four rooms and one living room. Lin Yujiao and Li Xiuyu usually sleep in the main room, while Zhang's mother, Liu Yang, and Chunli Chunxiu sleep in the second room.

The one opposite the hall is a study, and the back of the study is a guest room.

The outer room of the guest room is usually occupied by A Bing, and the inner room is empty there.

A Bing and Li Xiuyu were not at home, and the courtyard was originally the courtyard of a rich family, and the design was very independent, so the master and apprentice Guchi lived in the guest room.

And Qiu Yanan and Zhu Xiuqin both slept in the same kang with Lin Yujiao...

"Jiaojiao, your kang room is beautifully made, and your bathroom is really nice, clean and convenient."

Speaking of the washrooms, Lin Yujiao said cheerfully, "This is not my idea, it's that girl Liu Yang's idea. It cost a lot of money to repair these washrooms."

"Oh? Liu Yang, is that your bodyguard girl you mentioned? She has a good idea! Next time I buy a yard, I will repair it according to your method."

Lin Yujiao immediately said: "Exactly. She is very smart and can definitely give you good advice."

Speaking of buying a yard, Zhu Xiuqin came alive: "Aunt Qiu, there is another yard not far from where we bought the yard, which is very close to my cousin's place, why don't you go and have a look tomorrow?"

"How about the yard?"

"About [-]% new! It's an outhouse built by a businessman from the south. I heard that his wife in the south is gone, and his wife here gave him two sons and a daughter. Now he's bringing her back. That's it, the business here is over, and the yard is going to be sold."

Businessmen seek profits, but they also pay attention to enjoyment.

As soon as Qiu Yanan heard it, she immediately made up her mind: "Okay, let's go see it together tomorrow. By the way, where is your girl Yujiao, why didn't I see it?"


Qiu Yanan was taken aback: "Is it convenient to say?"

Lin Yujiao bit her lips: "Aunt Qiu, I'm afraid to say it, you say I'm too mean..."

(End of this chapter)

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