Chapter 845 Poor father-in-law

Lin Yujiao looked at Liu Yang seriously: "My mother-in-law is a woman, so I can't have an accident. If she has an accident, I can live comfortably, but Mr. Li can't. My mother-in-law can't have an accident, but my father-in-law is a man. Something, just a romantic affair, how many men are there in the world?"

The world is so unfair!

Liu Yang didn't speak, only heard Lin Yujiao sigh: "Papa is really pitiful!"

"Then let him not be pitiful! Find him a sweetheart, and he will be so happy that he won't be able to find Bei!"

Lin Yujiao opened her eyes wide: "Have you really found a candidate?"

Liu Yang smiled: "Of course! How can I not handle what you told me?"

This time, Lin Yujiao was really excited, she couldn't go out with a big belly, she could only rely on Liu Yang!
"Tell me, what kind of woman is it?"

"It's not far away. There is a family named Ying at the corner of Qianjie Street. There are only two mothers and daughters. The woman's surname is Qi. Although she is not beautiful, she has a good appearance and a gentle temperament. The most important thing is Her husband has been dead for more than ten years, and now her only daughter is married, and she is only 34 years old and lives with only one old woman."

34 years old?
It's a very suitable age for a father-in-law!

Even more rare is a widow without a family!

"Nice people?"

"Word of mouth is good, I inquired about it quite clearly!"

Lin Yujiao worried: "Then what if she never thought about remarrying?"

A woman in her thirties is exactly the age of a wolf and a tiger, and she doesn't want to remarry?
Liu Yang has heard people say that after the daughter of the Qi family got married last year, she wanted to find a suitable person to live in, but she never found the person she liked.

The life of the Qi family is average, there are a few acres of land outside the city, and they usually rely on doing embroidery for odds and ends, and the yard is quite spacious.

The most important thing is that Daddy Li knows this Qi family!

The neighbors of the past three years, although they are not very familiar, they have met many times, and they have had a fair relationship...

"Mrs. Qi wants to marry!"


Liu Yang nodded: "I spent some money and found the matchmaker Liu on Zhengda Street, she told me."

Willing to marry!

Lin Yujiao was still a little worried: "But... But my mother-in-law is still there... What if Mrs. Qi doesn't want to be a concubine?"

Although it is a rule in the court that only men with fame can take concubines, but men without fame in the folk, as long as they have money, there are many concubines, and the yamen don't care at all.

The main reason is whether the Qi family is willing or not!
But Liu Yang doesn't care!
"Opportunities are created by people, so leave this to me!"

——If he can deal with his daughter, I don't believe that he can't deal with this half-old man!
"Liu Yang, thank you for your hard work."

Liu Yang chuckled: "It's such a small matter, it's easy! Didn't I take Mr. Li's money? Of course, I want to serve Madam happily!"

"Bad guy, you're making fun of me!"

Liu Yang made a grimace at Lin Yujiao: "I'm not kidding you, maybe I'm kidding myself? I don't care about you. I'm going to take a shower. I haven't showered for several days!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yujiao immediately said, "I sent someone to deliver your new bathtub. It was made according to your requirements and it will be placed in your back room."

Is there a new bathtub?
Liu Yang is a very enjoyable person, as long as conditions permit, she never treats herself badly!
The reason why she is so happy in the Li family is because Lin Yujiao really made her take charge of it!
"Great, I'm going to try my new tub today!"

With the addition of a new bathtub in the new bathroom, I wonder if it will have the effect of a modern bathtub?
 Prepare to save the manuscript for a sudden update, it may be a little less these days, wait for the flowers~~
(End of this chapter)

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