Chapter 856
Seeing that the two were so happy, after Mrs. Jiang came out of the old lady's room, Mother Ju beside her said indignantly, "Ma'am, I didn't say anything about this matter. Why did you say it? Another one came in at home." Foxy, don't you look upset?"

As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Jiang's mouth twitched: "Do you think she won't come in if I don't open my mouth? Didn't you see that the two of them have a close relationship with each other every day? Since he wants it, I will make it happen." he!"

"Madam, you?"

The corners of Mrs. Jiang's lips twitched: "With his body, it's good for him to have more women? The old lady is also getting old, let her live happily for two more years! At that time, I can go back to serve me without any worries. How many years have you been?"

Ju's mother sighed softly in her heart: If it wasn't for the Jiang family's dowry, in order to rescue the Wang family's uncle, the master would not have separated his young lady and her cousin...

When it comes to the Wang family, Mother Ju feels helpless, the master only has the two sons who are not angry in his heart, how can he remember the capable, smart and filial daughter?
Poor lady!

"Madam, I hope God will help you."

If God had real eyes, her father wouldn't have sold her into Jiang's family!

Jiang Qixin has been in poor health since he was a child, and people who suffer from this disease will not live long. All families who love their children in the world will not marry their daughters.

But her father, for the Jiang family's dowry, how did he care if she was willing or not?
It's a pity that her cousin went out because she got married, and he hasn't come back for more than ten years since he left!

It was she who betrayed him!
Mrs. Jiang vowed: When she is free, no matter whether her cousin is married or not, she will find him and make up for her regret...

"Julian, is there any news from Guangcai?"

Mother Ju was startled and immediately replied: "No, he came back a few days ago. He said that he had gone to three places according to the places you provided, but he didn't find any news."

It has been more than ten years, where has he gone?
Mrs. Jiang thought in her heart: "Well, he is your son. I can rest assured that he will handle things. Let him inquire slowly. Don't worry. Be sure to inquire carefully. Anyway, I won't be able to leave Jiang's house for a while."

Out of Jiang's house?
Madame is making up her mind, she wants to reconnect with Young Master Biao after the Jiang family breaks up?
Ju's mother tried to ask: "Ma'am, if you hear the news, should you tell Guangcheng to go to him immediately?"

I haven't seen you for more than ten years. Is my cousin still the handsome young man back then? Does he still hate himself?
Mrs. Jiang was anxious to see her cousin, so she said, "Let's find him. If he is already married, let's see how he is doing. If he is not married, or if he is married and wants to leave, just give him some money."

It seems that the lady has made up her mind!

Ju's mother lowered her eyes: "Madam, don't worry, this servant will let that boy handle the matter well."

After saying this, Madam Jiang finally had a smile on her face.

"Well, I don't worry about your work. You came to me at the age of 15, and it has been 20 years? Don't worry, as long as you are loyal, I will not lose you!"

"Mrs. Xie! It's just that you must bring one of the Jiang family's children."

She rubbed her belly with a smile in her eyes: won't give birth? One day, she will let people know if she really won't give birth!

——In this life, I will only give birth to my cousin's children. I, Wang Qingyi, don't care about other people's children at all!
No one would know that after Mrs. Jiang married into Jiang's family, she did not even enter the bridal chamber very late, and she ate Bizitang afterwards...

(End of this chapter)

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