Chapter 858 Defense
On the third day, Liu Yang went to Jiang's house to deliver pills and came back with a message: "Yujiao, Shen Qinxin's tricks have been forgiven by the Shen family!"

"Oh?" Lin Yujiao raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "Then this family is not divided?"

Liu Yang smiled softly: "It's divided, but Mrs. Jiang gave them a lot of things. I really think it's weird that this Shen Qinxin has smeared the Shen family so much, and the Shen family even went to support her." ? I can't figure it out!"

Weird indeed!
This Mrs. Shen is not Shen Qinxin's own mother!
Shen Qinxin slapped her mother's face in such a way, but Mrs. Shen would forgive her?
Lin Yujiao kept making pills in her hands, and her mind turned quickly, carefully recalling what extraordinary actions Shen Qinxin did in her previous life...

"Liu Yang, go and call Chen Hu, I have something to do for him."

Not long after Liu Yang left, Chen Hu arrived: "Sister-in-law, do you have something to do with me?"

Lin Yujiao asked him to sit down and drink a cup of scented tea: "Well, there is something. Brother-in-law, you should know about Shen Jiu, right? For some reason, I always think she is weird."

When my elder brother left, I had to explain, and the safety of the elder sister-in-law was left to the brothers.

Chen Hu stood up immediately: "Master's sister-in-law, leave this matter to me, and I will also send news to the elder brother, so don't worry about it."

She wants to worry, but can she worry?
I don't have any skills, except for some simple medical skills, I can only embroider some flowers. She wants to kill Shen Qinxin, but can she do it?
She can't, but her husband can!

My husband said that he has the right not to be obsolete.

Then can she also say, is she a fool if she has a husband who doesn't need to worry about it?
Lin Yujiao, who was in a good mood instantly, nodded: "You sent my cousin here for the past two days, and you will come back directly when you come back in the evening. I have two good food supplement recipes, and I stew them for everyone to eat together."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Hu quickly ran away: the things made by my cousin are priceless!My daughter-in-law has lived here for two days, and I don't know what my cousin gave her. These days, she is more flexible when she is pregnant than when she was not pregnant!

After a while, not only Chen Hu and his wife came, but also Ning Jie...

"Junior Brother Ning, why did you come here if you didn't go to serve Master and Master?"

Ning Jie was expressionless: "Master said that since I was injured last time, my health has not improved. I heard that my sister-in-law is going to make food supplements for my younger siblings. Master said let me take advantage of it!"

It's delicious if it's delicious, and it's also high-sounding!
Lin Yujiao knew that the master disliked too many people robbing her of the food, so he simply packed the food and sent it to her!

Before Li Xiuyu left, someone built a big cage, and the cage was divided into several compartments. He kept a lot of chickens, ducks, rabbits, and sheep in the backyard. He was afraid that his wife would not have anything to eat in this snowy day.

"Liu Yang, let Mama Zhang go to the backyard to catch two old hens and make them together with Chunli and Chunxiu. I will add some milk palms to the back kitchen and stew them. Send one to Aunt Qiu and eat the other. .”

"Hey, I'll go right away."

Seeing Liu Yang turn around, Lin Yujiao stopped her again: "The chives in the backyard grow well, remove the tarpaulin and put some on it, wash it with warm water and put it in, Master and Aunt Qiu both love the smell."

As soon as Liu Yang stepped forward, someone immediately chased after him: "Master's wife, let me see if the coriander has grown, I like the smell!"

As soon as the words fell, the people had rushed out of the courtyard...

(End of this chapter)

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