Chapter 861
Lin Yujiao was dumbfounded by Liu Yang's words: Does she care?
What does she care about?
Even a blind person can see that Junior Brother Ning is trying to curry favor with her good friend!
Lin Yujiao was delighted: "Hehe... Junior Brother Ning is really rare, he actually knows how to please children! Liu Yang, I think he is not interested in drinking or drinking, but in a certain beauty!"

Although she seems to be a different person now, her figure and skin have changed greatly from before, but her facial features are not exquisite.

In terms of temperament, she does have it.

"I'm not a beauty, so no matter which beauty he cares about, we village girls should do our part as village girls, don't make people feel indifferent!"

Village girl?
Uh...Liu Yang still remembers that little grudge?

Junior Brother Ning, you are calling misfortune out of your mouth, right?
Lin Yujiao lives a comfortable life at home, but Li Xiuyu is very busy...

"My lord, how are these people?"

Li Xiuyu wiped the sweat off his forehead: "Your Majesty can rest assured that many people can be released to work."

Ford said with a smile: "Now the emperor can rest assured to sleep. Prince Zhi and Prince Shun also need to add a few servants, but he has not been able to find suitable servants to add them."

These two brothers seem to be very honest, but who knows?
An emperor doesn't need to attack his brothers, but he would be a fool if he didn't...

The two walked out of the dark factory, and Li Xiuyu asked, "Does the emperor have someone he likes this time? Lou Meier, the daughter of the Northwest King, is determined to enter the palace. Does the emperor have any ideas?"

Eunuch Fude smiled: "If you want to talk about the princess of this building, she is also a beauty. The miscellaneous family didn't expect that she would look so good-looking after losing weight. It's just that adults also know that the emperor's thoughts, I'm afraid she can't get what she wants. "

"Then what does the Empress Dowager mean?"

"The Empress Dowager meant this. After all, she is the only niece of her elder sister, so she naturally wanted to stay with her in the palace. It's just that the Lord knows how cold the emperor's harem is, and Princess Lou's temperament, can she stay there?" ?”

Naturally, he couldn't stay still, that princess who grew up on horseback at the border, could stand the restraint in the palace?
"I heard that the reason Princess Lou wants to enter the palace is because the Northwest King spoils his side concubine too much, and the position of son has not been established for a long time. The Princess is worried about her brother."

Speaking of the mountains of Wanglou in the northwest, Mr. Fude sighed softly: "It is true that the sky is so high that the emperor is far away, but the emperor has a caring hand, but he can't reach it. Recently, Beirong heard that there is a lot of snow. It is best not to have a snowstorm, or else this side will be closed. That's enough to say."

Li Xiuyu smiled: "Although the west side is far away from the capital, the Northwest King can tell who he is. With Marshal Qiu here, Beirong is not a threat."

"With the old marshal Qiu sitting in the town, the emperor can feel at ease, but the old marshal is over [-] years old and he is hurting all over his body, but his sons can't catch up. If the general Zhen Guo is here, the emperor can really feel relieved. Mr. Li, I heard that you are old with General Jin, do you know where he is?"

"Eunuch De, I have learned martial arts from General Jin, so I do know where he is. It's just that there are rules in the school, so I can't disclose it yet."

Master Li knows the whereabouts of General Jin?
That's it!

Eunuch Ford is really happy: "It's all right, the miscellaneous family just want to admire General Jin, so don't take it to heart. I heard that your wife is pregnant with twins, but is it true?"


(End of this chapter)

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