Chapter 865 Prepare for Action
Lin Yujiao just smiled but did not answer the old man's question.

Mrs. Jiang glared at her sister-in-law, and then everyone dragged her from Mrs. Wang to Mrs. Su. They all said that Uncle Jiang was lucky, and Mrs. Jiang would definitely have a lot of grandchildren soon...

After returning from Jiang's house, Lin Yujiao had been thinking deeply: How much did Shen Qinxin dream about? What happened after she and Li Xiuyu entered Beijing in the previous life?
Sitting in front of the table, she kept tapping the table with her fingers: Why didn't she know to collect more information about Master Li in her previous life, otherwise she wouldn't be passive now!
——No, she still has to follow the memories of her previous life, and think about what other major events happened in those ten years!
"Grandma, a letter from my uncle has arrived."

Mother Zhang came in with the letter, and Lin Yujiao interrupted her thoughts.

After Lin Yujiao read the letter, Liu Yang was very curious: "What did your lord say in the letter?"

Lin Yujiao shook her head: "I didn't say anything, I just talked about what I did after arriving in the city and when I plan to come back."

"Didn't come back so soon?"

"I didn't say the exact date, I just said that there are a lot of candidates in the palace today, and that Lou Meier has indeed become prettier and thinner."

Speaking of Lou Meier, Liu Yang became interested: "Are you really skinny?"

Lin Yujiao glared at Liu Yang: "Of course, can I still sell fake medicines? You haven't seen me back then, and I'm not much better than her."

Liu Yang looked suspicious: "Don't scare me."

With a "poof", Lin Yujiao smiled: "Why did I scare you? It's unbelievable, right? Unfortunately, I didn't draw it at the beginning. By the way, Liu Yang, how are you preparing?"

When it comes to business, Liu Yang immediately said: "Young Master Ning sent the news yesterday, the matter has been arranged properly, and we will start to act within two days."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yujiao's mood improved a lot!
Now, she wants to take advantage of Li Xiuyu's absence to take care of that He family!
You can't kill, you can't beat, Mrs. Li He, don't you love to give your son women?
Today, I, Lin Yujiao, will fulfill my poor father-in-law and give him a flower of interpretation... And, by the way, I will give you a good son-in-law!
Thinking of Li He's possible expression, Lin Yujiao showed a bloodthirsty smile on her face: "Okay! Then what did Shen Qinxin do in Hejia Village, did Ah Hu find out?"

"Found it. She went to Li He's. As for what she said, she couldn't find out."

Are the two starting to hook up again?
Lin Yujiao made a decision: "Let Mr. Ning act as soon as possible, and the Qi family must pretend it was an accident!"

"Don't worry, if you can't do this well, what are you doing?"

As soon as Liu Yang finished speaking, Lin Yujiao looked at her unexpectedly: This sister, could it be that she and Mr. Ning are at odds again?
All arrangements are in place, just waiting for the opportunity.

On this day, Lin Yujiao lay on the kang and talked with Chunli, Chunxiu and Liu Ya about the double-sided embroidery method, but Fu Yuanying came to visit.

"Brother, why are you here in such a cold day?"

Fu Yuanying took a sip of the hot tea: "Jiaomei, why does your tea taste better than ordinary tea? And after drinking tea, I always feel very energetic."

He also found out?
It seems that her fingertip water can enhance the efficacy of the medicine many times!

Lin Yujiao smiled: "There are many good Chinese medicines in the tea soup I made for you. This prescription is very biased. I gave it to an adult first. He said it was very good, so I made it for you. Why, I think it works. ?”

"Well, the effect is very good. And I always feel that I am not afraid of the cold today."

(End of this chapter)

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