Chapter 870 Old Friends Gathering
As soon as these words fell, Ander was surprised: "My lady, what do you mean?"

The queen mother closed her eyes: "It doesn't mean much to be sorry for the family. Although Li Tanhua is a fifth-rank official, he is just talented and has infinite stamina. After all, this world is the emperor's world. One day. It's better to be one step ahead, don't let the calculation go over there."

Ander immediately understood what this meant. The top three officials in the world that the emperor had personally appointed, the Empress Dowager Xigong had already married a daughter of a family relative into the No. [-] mansion...

The number one scholar is old, and his sons and daughters are hopeless.

This Li Tanhua is handsome and elegant, with outstanding talents. Although he didn't show it in the court, he has a strong stamina.

"The slave understands."

After An De went out, Aunt Lian smiled: "Madam, I'm afraid that some people don't appreciate you taking so much effort to arrange for them."

The Empress Dowager of the East Palace did not open her eyes: "Let's do everything according to God's will! I only have one daughter, and I have no children. If they don't appreciate it, don't worry, it means that the Tan family is exhausted."

Aunt Lian asked again: "Then what if Master Li doesn't like it, what will you do, Madam?"

"Don't like it?" The Queen Mother of Donggong finally opened her eyes: "How is this possible? Li Tanhua's wife is just a village woman, and she only married her as a regular wife because of her kindness. Going around, the daughter of the Tan family is going to be his wife, he doesn't want it?"

It seems that I think too much?
Aunt Lian smiled lightly: "Your Majesty is right, in this court, who can walk steadily without a backer?"

Who doesn't know the current situation in the DPRK?
The Empress Dowager of the Eastern Palace had a plan in mind: "You can understand the truth, how can Mr. Li not understand?"

Lin Yujiao, who was devoted to pharmaceuticals, never imagined that her husband was a favorite, either because of this calculation, or because of that concern. After a box of three-month tea soup was made, it was already three days later.

"Today is a good day."

Lin Yujiao smiled at Liu Yang: "Indeed, today is a good day."

This morning, the sun is shining brightly.

It was cold and snowing, so Father Li couldn't even go to the vegetable field, so he went to a teahouse on the street to drink tea, chat and play chess with a few people of similar age.

After several old friends played a few games of chess, someone suggested: "I heard that the old restaurant next door has some new dishes. It's cold today, why don't you go have a drink or two?"

This proposal was good, and it was immediately approved by everyone.

"Brother Li, you can drink a lot, come and have another drink."

Old man Li is relatively young among this group of people, and the person who spoke was Old Wang next door, he said with a smile: "Okay, drink another glass, drink another glass, this wine will warm you up. Come on, Brother Wang, Let's have a drink."

"Come on! Have a drink! It's cold tonight, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

The snow started to fall again, everyone drank slowly, and the dishes were served hot again.

They are all elderly people, so everyone calls my house, I say my son, he calls his daughter, and the wine table is very lively.

"Brother Dagen, your son has become such a high-ranking official, yet you don't even have a concubine?"

It was Lao Zhang who was talking to the opposite door. His family had three grocery stores, all of which were in his hands now. The family lived well, and not long ago, they took in a little widow.

Father Li's face was flushed red by the wine: "I'm already so old, and I'm going to be irritable if I say this."

Father Zhang disagreed: "What does it mean to be old? Boss Qiu from Qianjie took a concubine the day before yesterday. He is already sixty, and we are not even fifty. How can you call it old? Brothers, what do you think?" right?"

(End of this chapter)

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