Chapter 872 Lin Yujiao's Worries
The old lady was anxious, and Lin Yujiao was really worried.

But she was worried about the old lady's body, not old man Li.

"Grandma, don't get too excited, father-in-law must have fallen asleep at a friend's house."

"A friend's house? Who are his friends? Yujiao, then ask the old Wang more, if he knows what kind of friends your father has. Eldest son, I have to entrust this matter to you."

Fu Yuanying stood up after drinking tea: "Old lady, don't worry, it's good if you have a goal. I'll ask my brothers to ask around, and send them as soon as I have any news. Sister Jiao, take care of yourself if your brother-in-law is not here." , leave this matter to the eldest brother."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, brother."

Lin Yujiao's complexion was not good after the whole night.

"Don't drag yourself down, there are two in your stomach."

Sitting on a chair, the warm room was very warm. Lin Yujiao took off her big cotton robe, and her stomach looked big and round.

After drinking the chicken soup, Lin Yujiao wiped her hands and mouth, and then put her hands on her stomach: "Liu Yang, they are really obedient, and they don't bother me at all."

"Then there must be a daughter, and the daughter is the mother's caring little padded jacket."

Lin Yujiao lowered her head and looked happy: "I think so, there must be a daughter, and the daughter is the little girl."

When I said this sentence, no one expected that it was really early!

Seeing that her complexion was not very good, Liu Yang suggested: "How about going to bed first?"


Liu Yang smiled: "I'm afraid you didn't come back so early, even if you did, you just sleep. He is the father-in-law, and you are the daughter-in-law. It seems wrong to worry too much."

Lin Yujiao smiled knowingly: "I really don't know what will happen to my mother-in-law?"

"What else? Everyone is asleep, maybe there is a little uncle in the stomach, what else can she do?"

This ancient rule is very broken, but when dealing with bad guys, it's also very cool!

Men have the absolute right to speak, as long as you stand up!
But this old man Li...Liu Yang is still a little bit drummed, this person is really useless!

If you speak well, you are a nice man, but if you speak badly, you don't look like a man!

These two couples are a perfect match!

When Lin Yujiao heard the word "little uncle", she suddenly trembled: "Liu Yang, if she really has one, she will go crazy!"

"It's better to be crazy! Once she goes crazy, your father-in-law may really be able to stand up!"

Lin Yujiao lay down and closed her eyes: "I hope! But in the future, Mrs. Qi, I have to take care of it. After all, it's because of me."

But he said that when Father Li, who hadn't seen him all night, woke up, he sat on the kang in a daze and couldn't even speak.

"Brother Li..."

Father Li looked at Qi's family blankly, and then at the messy kang, recalling his own madness that night in his mind.

In the past two years, Mrs. He has become old, and has lost interest in men and women. Especially in the past two or three months, there has been a lot of trouble, and the husband and wife have separated.

He thought he wouldn't do it anymore, but why did he do such a crazy thing?
drunken sex…

Father Li closed his eyes: "I'll go back and tell my mother, and I will definitely give you an explanation!"

The Qi family has been widowed for many years. After her daughter got married last year, she seldom went out because of several acres of fertile land outside the city and embroidery work. When she came back from the embroidery building yesterday, she found the man lying on the snow in front of her door. I can help him in for a drink of hot water first, but who knows...

"Brother Li, don't make things difficult, I know you drank too much."

(End of this chapter)

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