Chapter 880 The mess

Seeing that the old lady was so angry, Father Li's legs were so frightened: "Mother, mother, mother, don't get excited! Let her make trouble, my son doesn't care anymore!"

These words were like a tranquilizer, and the old lady immediately calmed down: "Boss, are you really saying this?"

With tears in his eyes, old man Li said, "Mother, my son really understands. He married her because he didn't listen to you before!"

My son in his teens, he just woke up!
Mrs. Li burst into tears: "My son, you only understand when you marry a wife and a virtuous man! But you can understand now, even if mother dies, you will feel at ease!"

Father Li suddenly kowtowed on the ground when he heard the words: "Mother, mother, the son understands this, but the son still has a lot to teach the mother, the mother must take care of his health! Yu'er is running around, Lin is pregnant, There are a lot of mothers missing in the family!"

"You child, why did I give birth to such an honest son like you? Wuwuwu... Fortunately, you have come to your senses, otherwise I will go underground, how can I meet your father!"

After saying this, Father Li also cried...

"Grandma, don't cry, your body is important."

Mrs. Li held Lin Yujiao's hand tightly and wept uncontrollably: "Son, it's good to have you, otherwise this family will really be over! Dagen, in the future, ask Yu'er more about major matters, and remember to ask Yujiao's opinions on family matters. The Li family If you want to be prosperous, you have to rely on their husband and wife."

"I know, mother, I know, don't worry."

"Oh, if I can really rest assured, it will be great! I don't know what happened to my Li family after marrying such a shrew...You child...Your mother..."

Thinking of Li Heshi, the old lady started crying again...

Seeing the old man crying all the time, Lin Yujiao felt sad and a little guilty.

"Grandma, there is an old saying: Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, don't be a horse and an ox for your children and grandchildren. Now that Dad understands this truth, you should take good care of your illness. Great-grandchildren can wait for grandma to hug you."

Lin Yujiao's words made the old lady appreciate her, and she finally stopped crying.

She took the cotton towel to wipe away her tears, patted Lin Yujiao's hand, and said hoarsely, "Good boy, fortunately, there is still you in this family. Gen'er, get up, take care of your own affairs, and be the head of the family." responsibility."

Li Dagen stood up: "Mother, don't worry, I know what to do."

"Okay. Lao Wan, bring me my box."

Her son has no taels of silver at all, and the old lady loves him dearly.

"Mom, I don't need this."

"Take it. Since the Qi family is yours, there must be an explanation. This is considered the Li family's betrothal gift to her."


The old lady waved her hand: "Go, mother is getting old, you have to take care of yourself in the future."

Perhaps it is true as the daughter-in-law said, if someone comes in to share, the He family will restrain himself...

As soon as Li He heard that Father Li had given money to Qi, he immediately went crazy again: "Sanlang, go, go and get me a knife, I'm going to kill that couple!"

"Mother! Are you really crazy? You are rewarded for your life. Do you need to exchange your life for the life of a bitch? Why don't you always listen to advice!"

Seeing that Li Xiucheng was really angry, He Qiutang hurried forward to help Li Heshi: "Mom, anyway, if you don't give this money to that person, grandma won't give it to you either. Just pretend you didn't hear. Don't be angry. Even if she comes in, does this family still have her voice?"

"No, I will never allow her to come in, unless I die!"

(End of this chapter)

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