Chapter 319 Eliminating one person is one person (recommendation ticket plus update)
Taking the [-] gold coin crystal card from Jing Tong, Yun Xiyue said with a smile, "Second princess, please."

After speaking, he made a gesture of invitation in a serious manner.

Jing Tong glanced at her speechlessly: "I didn't expect you to love money so much!"

"Money, who doesn't love it?" Yun Xiyue said casually, and shook the crystal card.

Jing Tong shook his head helplessly: "Okay, let's go quickly."

After speaking, he stepped forward and walked straight forward.

Seeing her leaving back, Yun Xiyue slowly put the crystal card into the Qiankun bag, with a deep smile on the corner of her lips.

There is a great opportunity to make money in front of you, and if you don't make money, you don't make money, anyway, Jing Tong is not short of money.


After walking for half an hour, the two found a spacious and open place to sit down and rest.

Yun Xiyue took out food from the Qiankun bag and gave some to Jing Tong.

"You've prepared well." Jing Tong looked at the snack she handed over, picked up a piece and tasted it, "It tastes pretty good."

Yun Xiyue also picked up a piece and ate it: "How can we not be more prepared when we go out? We will stay here for three days, so naturally we have to prepare in advance."

Jing Tong turned his head and looked at her curiously, looking thoughtful.

"Ask whatever you want, and it depends on my mood whether I answer or not." Yun Xiyue said suddenly.

Jing Tong's face was a little embarrassed, but he still asked: "Do you often walk in the field? Just walked all the way, and you seem to know the situation in the field very well."

"The second princess seems to have forgotten that I grew up in the countryside." Yun Xiyue replied slowly, "The countryside is not comparable to the imperial city. Walking in the wild is common."

After some words, Jing Tong didn't know how to answer the words, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Yun Xiyue didn't want to break the silence either, the two just ate in silence alone.


"Do not talk!"

Just as Jing Tong wanted to break the silence, she was interrupted by Yun Xiyue.

Immediately, Yun Xiyue dodged and hid behind a big tree nearby, silently observing the distance.

Jing Tong also followed lightly, and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

"Hush." ​​Yun Xiyue made a silent gesture at her, keeping her gaze on a group of people not far away.

Not far away from them, a group of six or seven people was walking towards them.

The leader was a tall man.

"We've been walking for so long and haven't seen a single person, so we don't have to snatch it if we want to," one of them said.

"I just came in, and it's still early before the end of the training. I don't believe that we really didn't meet anyone." Another person said.

The man in the lead also said aloud: "As soon as I see someone, no matter who it is, I will destroy the opponent's jade card first, and one person can be eliminated. There are a total of five hundred flags in here. If we don’t eliminate others, we may not even get a flag.”

"What the boss said is true." The others quickly echoed.

Their voices were so loud that even Yun Xiyue and Jing Tong could hear them.

Jing Tong was a little scared at the moment, after all, the strength of the other party was higher than hers.

And from the looks of it, he should be a student of the Higher Academy.

"Yunxiyue, what shall we do?"

Yun Xiyue frowned, and said in a low voice, "Leave here first."

The opponents are basically sixth-level fighters. Although their strength is not as good as hers, but there are so many opponents, it's better for her not to go head-to-head.

The most urgent task is to look for the flag, and then look for Qu Yi and the others.

  This chapter is a recommendation ticket plus update, and the update is completed today~
  Thanks to [EnticE.*[♀]*100*2 book coins] little angel for the reward, thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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