Divine Doctor and Poisonous Girl

Chapter 34 Do You Want To Buy It?

Chapter 34 Do You Want To Buy It?
Before dark, Yunxiyue arrived at a lush forest in the southwest of Anshui Town.

She didn't rush into the woods, but chose a place on the outskirts of the forest to settle down, preparing to go deeper after dawn.

Although Anshui Town is not big, there are many high mountains and deep forests around it, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth in the mountains and forests.

It's just that most of the residents of Anshui Town are of ordinary strength, and they don't have the strength and courage to look for these natural treasures, but occasionally they will see some mercenary groups from other places haunting around Anshui Town.

I don't know if there is a mercenary group in this forest?

After Yunxiyue ate some dry food, she took out a porcelain bottle and sprinkled the medicinal powder inside along a big tree evenly on the ground.

This is her homemade medicinal powder, which is colorless and odorless on the surface, but it has a pungent smell to the beasts, making them afraid to approach it easily.

After finishing everything, she jumped up the tree and fell asleep against the trunk.

But after a short sleep, she heard a rustling sound from below.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a faint light in the grass near the big tree, and then, several bloody men came out.

She held back her breath and quietly observed the movement below.

I saw those men walked to the tree where she was and sat down on the spot. One of them took out a water bottle from a Qiankun bag and took a few sips.

"Damn it, I wouldn't have accepted this task if I knew it earlier!" After drinking the water, the man began to curse, "The task was not completed, not to mention separated from the main force, and the medicine on his body was used up."

"That's right. We're all injured, and there's no cure for them. I'm afraid it's hard to go any further in this forest. I said, why don't we just go back, anyway, we've all come to the outside."

"Go back? If we go back like this, what will others think of us? No matter what, we have to find a large army and join other people."

Several people talked with each other, but no one found Yunxiyue on the tree.

Yun Xiyue supported her head with one hand, thinking to herself, these people are injured and have no medicine, so she can sell medicine to them.

In order to collect the medicine, she had already made sufficient preparations. She had nothing else on her body, but she had quite a lot of various medicines.

Just to prepare these medicines, she spent a lot of money to buy medicinal materials from the pharmacy. Fortunately, almost none of the medicinal materials she bought was wasted, and all of them were made into medicines.

After staring at the people below for a while, Yun Xiyue suddenly said, "Hey, I have medicine, do you want to buy it?"


Hearing the sound, several men jumped up and looked up at her warily.

When they saw that delicate and exquisite young girl, they were a little surprised. They obviously didn't expect to see a young girl in this vast forest in the middle of the night.

"Who are you? When did you stay up there?"

Sitting cross-legged on the tree trunk, Yun Xiyue said with a pure and harmless face: "I was here before you came."

How can it be?

Several people were amazed, they didn't realize that there was a person staying in the tree all the time!

"You haven't answered me yet, do you want to buy medicine?" Yun Xiyue said, pointing to their bloody clothes, "You look seriously injured, you need to be treated quickly."

Naturally, they knew that they had to treat the injury quickly, but this girl's whereabouts were unknown, and she must be an unusual person who dared to stay here alone in the middle of the night.

Such a person who doesn't know the details, can they buy her medicine?

(End of this chapter)

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