Chapter 620 No mercy
I saw Wen Qian walking into the yard angrily, with an angry look on her face, as if she wanted to swallow Yunxiyue alive.

However, when she saw Ji Xuanqing, her anger that was about to erupt was unexpectedly blocked.

This can't help but make Yunxiyue also feel admiration.

"Miss Wen Qian came to see us for something?" Yun Xiyue asked first.

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Wen Qian said coldly: "Wu Yun, I have something to talk to you alone."

"What if I don't want to?" Yun Xiyue said casually, with a laid-back look.

Wen Qian was so annoyed by her words, she couldn't help stamping her feet: "You must come with me, I will only talk to you!"

Yun Xiyue hooked the corners of her lips, and said slowly: "Okay, I'd like to hear what Miss Wen Qian wants to say?"

However, before she could stand up, Ji Xuanqing took her right hand first, and shook her head slightly.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Yun Xiyue patted the back of his hand lightly, and comforted, "What do you think she can do to me? Wait until I come back."

After finishing speaking, she took out her right hand that was held by him, and walked out of the yard with Wen Qian.

However, just after Yun Xiyue left, Ji Xuanqing suddenly showed a painful look.

He raised his hand to cover his chest, and his handsome brows were also tightly knit together.

"Is it time again?"

He murmured in a low voice, turned his head, and looked deeply at the direction Yun Xiyue left.


Yun Xiyue followed Wen Qian to a secluded rockery.

The rockery is built beside a not very spacious pool, and a curved corridor is built on the pool.

At this time, the two were standing on a trail among the rockery.

"Miss Wen Qian brought me here, but I don't know what to say." Yun Xiyue asked.

"Why do you hide the fact that you are a woman?" Wen Qian asked straight to the point.

Yun Xiyue shrugged, and said indifferently: "I just like women disguised as men, so I will hide it."

"But do you know, it's because of your concealment that I thought Mr. Ji liked men!"

Yun Xiyue couldn't help but burst out laughing: "That's what you think, what does it have to do with me?"

"If it wasn't for what you said, how could I have misunderstood Mr. Ji as your man?" Wen Qian stomped her feet angrily.

"I'm not wrong." Yun Xiyue spread her hands with an innocent face, "He is my man, did I lie to you?"

Her words silenced Wen Qian, so she could only stare at her angrily.

Facing her angry gaze, Yun Xiyue restrained her expression, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Wen Qian, I told you a long time ago, don't try to snatch my man. If you still don't give up, don't blame me for being rude." Even if you are the third lady of Shengyuan Villa, I will not show mercy!"

Her words of warning made Wen Qian even more angry.

I saw Wen Qian sneered, and said disdainfully: "Wu Yun, don't think I'm easy to bully. Since you know that I am the third lady of Shengyuan Villa, you should know that if you dare to harm me, you will Go against Shengyuan Villa."

"Really?" Yunxi Yueman said indifferently, "Although you are the third lady of Shengyuan Villa, you are not Wen's daughter after all, but I don't know if Wen's will be against me for you. Saved Mrs. Wen's life."

Her words hit Wen Qian's sore spot again.

On the surface, although she is the third young lady of Shengyuan Villa, she is not the daughter of the head of the family after all. How can her status compare to that of the eldest brother?

How could he be ridiculed by Wu Yun like this!
(End of this chapter)

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