Where will Chapter 660 be?

After finding an inn to live in, the four of them gathered in Yunxiyue's room.

"Xiyue, do you think Feiye will be okay?" Qu Yi hurriedly asked with nervousness on his face.

Yun Xiyue looked him over, and said in a deep voice: "She will be fine. The most urgent thing is to find out where she is first, and then understand why Xuan Luodian wanted her wanted."

Qu Yi still looked very nervous, until Miao Wei patted him on the shoulder, his emotions gradually calmed down.

"I'll go to the street to inquire about the news later."

Yun Xiyue nodded and said, "No matter what you find out, don't act rashly, lest you startle the snake."

"I understand." Qu Yi nodded slightly and said seriously.

But at this moment, someone knocked on the closed door, and the four of them immediately raised their vigilance.

"Who?" Qu Yi asked.

"It's me, Wuying."

Hearing this voice, Qu Yi hurriedly stood up and opened the door, only to see Wu Ying and Wu Shuang standing at the door.

The two walked into the room quickly, and Qu Yi looked at both sides of the corridor to make sure that no one noticed them, so he hurriedly closed the door.

"Master." Wuying and Wushuang came to Yunxiyue and bowed to her.

Immediately, Wushuang said impatiently: "Master, we saw Miss Feiye's arrest warrant on the street."

Yun Xiyue's expression was very serious, and her voice was also somewhat dignified: "We saw it too, and we are discussing to find her."

"Master, don't worry, we will arrange for the ghost emissaries stationed here to look for it." Wuying said firmly, "We will definitely find Miss Feiye!"

Yun Xiyue raised her eyes to look at him, with a bit of hope in her eyes: "I believe in the ability of the ghost messengers to handle things, and this matter will be hard on you."

"Master's words have ruined us. The emperor has explained that when he is not around, you are our master, and everything is subject to your arrangements. We must do our best to obey the orders of the master." Wuying said righteously.

Yun Xiyue raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said in a relaxed tone: "I understand. Then you go to work first, and we will search together, and strive to find Feiye as soon as possible."

"Yes, my subordinates will go now."

With that said, Wuying and Wushuang quickly left.

After the two left, Yun Xiyue said: "You guys go back to your rooms. Don't worry too much about Fei Ye. There are ghost messengers to help you find her. I believe you will find her soon. As for you going to the streets to inquire about news, Also be careful not to appear too deliberate and be suspicious."

"We know." Qu Yi said, looking at Huaxi and Miao Wei, "Huaxi don't go, you just follow Xiyue, Brother Miao and I will go and find out."

Although Hua Xi was also worried about Feng Feiye, she didn't say much, and nodded in response.

After discussing properly, everyone went back to their rooms.

After resting for a while, we went downstairs for lunch together.

Afterwards, Qu Yi and Miao Wei left the inn and went to the streets to inquire about news.

Yun Xiyue went back to her room, stood by the window, looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street below, and couldn't help but frowned.

I don't know where Feng Feiye is now, is he injured?

Suddenly, she felt something tugging on her skirt, and when she lowered her eyes, she saw Xiao Xuanzi looking up at her without blinking.

Bending down to pick up Xiaoxuanzi, she stroked its head, sighed and said, "Xiaoxuanzi, tell me, where will Feiye be?"

Naturally, Xiao Xuanzi couldn't answer her question, but seemed to feel her somewhat depressed mood, and rubbed his head against her face.

(End of this chapter)

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