Chapter 665 Inquiry
Royal Palace.

The resplendent imperial palace highlights the glory of the past.

It's a pity that it has now been occupied by Xuanluo Palace.

And the palace where the emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty lived at the beginning has also become the place where the master of the Xuanluo Palace stayed.

At this time, the hall master was lazily leaning on the soft bed, resting his head with one hand and closing his eyes.

Two maidservants stood on either side of the slump, holding a fan in their hands, fanning him gently.

Suddenly, a subordinate quickly walked into the palace and saw that the palace master was taking a nap, so he walked forward with a light step.

"Hallmaster." The man called out cautiously, seeing that the hallmaster didn't respond, he thought that the hallmaster must have fallen asleep, and he should come back later.

But just when he was about to turn around and leave, he heard the palace master's deep voice: "What's the matter?"

The man raised his eyes quietly, just in time to see the hall master lazily opening his eyes, but his eyes were staring at him as sharply as an eagle.

His heart skipped a beat, and the man hurriedly said: "Master Xue ordered his subordinates to come down and report to the Hall Master. Neither the woman named Feng Feiye nor the man whose name is unknown have not been found."

When he said this, the subordinate was very trembling, for fear that if he was not careful, he would make the palace master unhappy.

The hall master's face was indeed much darker, and he stared at the subordinate sharply, making him tremble all over with fright.

After a while, the hall master slowly said: "It's a bit of a skill, and it can hide without a trace. Keep looking, even if you turn the entire Western Jin Kingdom upside down, you must find these people!"


Seeing that subordinate exit the palace, the palace master continued to close his eyes and meditate, but his mind was thinking about how to deal with these people after they were caught?


The next day.

Early in the morning, Qu Yi and Miao Wei went out to inquire about the news.

After breakfast, Yunxiyue also took Huaxi out of the inn.

The street was very lively with people coming and going, and the shouts of the vendors were endless, as if they were competing whose voice was louder.

However, Yun Xiyue was not in the mood to go shopping slowly, she took Huaxi and went straight to the medicine store in the city.

Entering a pharmacy, she casually bought some herbs.

While waiting for the waiter to pack the medicinal materials, she said casually, "Shopkeeper, your shop is doing very well."

When the shopkeeper heard it, a smug smile appeared on his face, but his mouth was pretending to be modest: "This girl is joking, the shop is a small business, and the income is only enough to make ends meet."

"Oh? Really?" Yun Xiyue put on a surprised look and said, "Why do I see that there are so many customers who come to buy medicine?"

Hearing the words, the shopkeeper shook his head and said, "It's just that there are more customers today. In the past, there were not many customers."

Yun Xiyue jokingly said: "Shopkeeper, you have a lot of customers today, so you have to watch carefully, don't let the woman on the arrest warrant sneak in to buy medicine. If Xuan Luodian finds out, I'll have to trouble you .”

When the shopkeeper heard this, he hurriedly made a silent gesture at her: "This girl, please don't talk about Xuan Luodian secretly. As for the woman on the arrest warrant, how dare I sell medicine to her? If Xuan Luodian knows , I will die!"

Yun Xiyue also hurriedly put on a frightened expression: "I am talking too much. But shopkeeper, you'd better be careful. What if the woman asked someone else to buy it?"

"Thank you for reminding me, girl, but the medicine I sold today does not have medicine for treating trauma, so that woman must not have asked anyone to come to me to buy medicine."


Yun Xiyue frowned secretly, so Feng Feiye was injured?

(End of this chapter)

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