Chapter 681 Come to my life!
The middle-aged man saw that his own person was lying on the ground, and he was furious for a moment, looking at Yun Xiyue, he wanted to tear her into pieces.

"Don't tell me you two trespassed on my Cangxia Manor, you actually dared to hurt the people in my manor! It's so audacious!" The man said viciously, "Today, I will let you know that my Cangxia Manor is leaving! Take your life! Come!"

After finishing speaking, without giving Yunxiyue and Qu Yi a chance to speak, the man instantly took out his big knife that was glowing with cold light, and rushed towards Yunxiyue with murderous aura.

"Xiyue be careful!" Qu Yi subconsciously shouted, his tone full of worry.

Yun Xiyue didn't speak, but quickly moved away from the spirit beast and Qu Yi within a few bounces.

At the same time, she hastily took out the Tianji Sword.

When the broadsword collided with the Tianji sword, there was a crisp clanging sound instantly, and even a dazzling spark shot out.

The red douqi lingering on the Tianji sword gradually strengthened, and gradually wrapped around the middle-aged man's sword, as if it was about to swallow the sword.

Seeing this, the man quickly condensed a cloud of blue fighting energy, and the water-type fighting energy burst out instantly, pushing back the red fighting energy.

The two colors of red and blue collide and squeeze each other, as if they want to devour each other.

And in the same way, Yun Xiyue and the man were also exerting their strength secretly. Suddenly, a strong air flow surged from their bodies, sweeping away like a strong wind.

The guards who followed the man couldn't bear the turmoil and coercion. They were knocked back again and again, and some even fell to the ground.

Qu Yi also felt very uncomfortable, so he hurried to the side of the heavenly spirit beast, using it as his fortress.

Even if he couldn't see the fighting scene between the two, but he could only feel the strong breath, he could still imagine how fierce the battle between the two was.

The middle-aged man came suddenly, and the attack was also sudden, but even so, he could clearly see the man's strength.

That's a mid-level Dou Sheng!
Although Xiyue is already the strength of the peak Dou Huang, she is still not an opponent of the middle-level Dou Sheng.

For a moment, Qu Yi's heart was full of worry and tension, for fear that Yun Xiyue would make any mistakes.

Here, Yun Xiyue and the middle-aged man had already fought for several rounds, but she gradually felt a bit strenuous.

Although this man is only a mid-level fighting saint, he is not as good as the heavenly-ranked spirit beast that is equivalent to the peak fighting saint's strength.

But humans are more flexible than spirit beasts, and have richer combat experience.

Therefore, she just felt a little overwhelmed when confronted with this person.

And the middle-aged man was also secretly amazed at her strength, he didn't expect that this woman who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old was actually a peak fighting emperor.

With this level of strength at such an age, even the best of Cangxiazhuang's younger generation can't compare to her.

It is not too much to call this woman a genius!
But, how could such a woman break into the territory of Cangxia Manor?

With doubts in his heart, after another round of fighting with Yunxiyue, he asked, "Who are you? Why did you break into my Cangxia Manor?"

"Would you believe me if I said that we came here just by mistake?" Yun Xiyue took a few steps back to distance herself from the other party.

The middle-aged man didn't attack her in a hurry, but frowned and asked, "By mistake? There are formations outside, can you get out of those formations?"

(End of this chapter)

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