Chapter 725 What about Ghost Domain?
Royal Palace.

The master of the Xuanluo Hall was still sitting on the dragon chair, but his expression was dignified, even a little nervous.

He never expected that Huang Quan would intervene in the affairs of the royal family of the Western Jin Dynasty, and that Emperor Guisha even sent ghost envoys to rob the prison.

He actually underestimated the royal family of the Western Jin Kingdom, who actually had a connection with Huang Quan!

While he was meditating secretly, a person quickly ran in from the outside, knelt down respectfully and saluted: "Hall Master, the subordinates and others are not doing well, so the old man Feng was kidnapped by the ghost envoy of the ghost domain."

"How could you be the opponents of those ghost messengers?" The hall master snorted softly, staring at the subordinate with a dark gaze, "Do you know where those ghost messengers went after taking old man Feng away?"

The subordinate's expression was trembling, and his head was almost pressed against his chest: "This subordinate and others chased after them all the way, but those ghosts are very cunning, they act separately, and we don't even know where they are hiding. .”

The hall master's expression became more serious and cold, and he clenched his right hand on the armrest tightly.

Although he didn't say a word, the aura around him was chillingly cold.

The subordinate quietly raised his head and glanced at him, frightened by his chill.

Hurriedly lowering his head, the subordinate said cautiously: "Master, Old Man Feng was kidnapped by Huang Quan. If we continue to investigate, I'm afraid we will offend Huang Quan."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp gaze from the Palace Master.

The hall master frowned, and stared at the subordinate coldly, as if his cold gaze could kill him instantly.

"Offend Ghost Domain?" The palace master snorted and said, "What about Ghost Domain? How have I ever been afraid of anyone in Xuanluo Hall? If you dare to snatch criminals away from me, you will have trouble with me!"


"Shut up!" The palace master cut off the subordinate's words sharply, "If you let other people's ambition destroy your prestige, I will kill you with my own hands!"

The subordinate was trembling with fright, and hurriedly said: "This subordinate dare not, the Palace Master calms down!"

"Hmph, I'm sorry you don't dare!" The Palace Master said disdainfully, his face full of contempt, "Everyone knows that Ghost Domain is the biggest force in the Kyushu Continent, and no one dares to provoke them. And I Xuan Luo Dian can only live under the ghost domain, and that Shengyuan villa and Tianji sect are called the three major powers besides the ghost domain."

Speaking of this, he clenched his right hand even more tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged: "In terms of strength, I don't believe that the Xuanluo Temple is inferior to Huang Quan! It's just right for Huang Quan to intervene in this matter. If Emperor Guisha is also in the imperial city, then I will personally take down his head! In this way, my Xuanluo Palace can be called the most powerful force in the Kyushu Continent!"

The subordinate listened to his passionate words that seemed to be talking to himself, but his heart was full of worry.

The reason why Ghost Domain is known as the number one force in the Kyushu Continent is of course its strengths. Xuanluo Hall faced Ghost Domain, and the result...

Of course, he didn't have the guts to say these words in front of the Palace Master.

While the subordinate was secretly slandering, the palace master ordered sharply: "Order the gates of the city to be strictly guarded, and no one is allowed to leave the city without my order!"

No matter how fast the ghost envoys in this ghost domain moved, they wouldn't have brought people out of the city so quickly.

As long as they are still in the city, even if he overturns the entire imperial city, he must find them all!
(End of this chapter)

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