Chapter 280 County Magistrate Fu's Unbelievable
Although he couldn't help complaining, Jin Duoduo stretched his arms and legs and went out for a run with the team.

Catching up with sister March, Jin Duoduo asked vigorously:
"Third sister! Let's prepare this one now! I used to have a scary ghost mask, and I bought it during the Lantern Festival.
But now it is too late!Let's make a few ourselves! "

Sanyue reached out and tapped her on the head, and said with a smile:

"Who told you to use a ghost mask to pretend to be a ghost?"

"Isn't it?"

March smiled and said:

"Just wait and see! My sister will let you know what a ghost is!" After speaking, he accelerated and rushed forward.

Jin Duoduo touched his head and muttered, "Don't you use a ghost mask to pretend to be a ghost?"

Shitou catches up and rolls his eyes at her.

"Hurry up, you're already slow and lazy! We're waiting for you again! You won't be in time for breakfast!" Shitou deliberately slowed down even though he said so.

Jin Duoduo gave him such a long-winded look, and caught up with him head-on.

Not long after breakfast, March searched every room in the house. Jin Duoduo didn't know what he could do, so he asked March.

"Third sister, what are you looking for, I want to help too!"

Sanyue wanted to say no, but seeing Jin Duoduo as a big lady, how about
"Oh! Exactly! There is a very important task for you!"

Jin Duoduo's eyes shine!
"What mission?"

March endured a smile and said:
"Go get a chicken from the backyard! A big one! A rooster with a comb on its head! Go!"

Jin Duoduo is unknown so "Why is it a rooster?"

Sanyue was fiddling with the things in her hands without raising her head.

"Because the hen keeps the eggs!"


Er Yue has no intention of helping at all, seeing Jin Duoduo honestly went to the back to catch chickens, knocking melon seeds and chatting with San Yue, while watching her tinkering there.

"What are you doing? Why are you twisting the newly bought white mosquito net? Tsk tsk, just mess around, just do it"

Sanyue used the scissors to twist the mosquito net vigorously, not wanting the second sister to get in the way and said to her:
"Don't you like watching the excitement the most? Why don't you go to the backyard to watch Duoduo catching chickens!"

Er Yue spit out the melon seeds and said:
"What's so good about catching chickens! I'm not going!"

Sanyue smiled: "You thought you were the one catching the chicken? Don't forget that she is a lady! Catch the chicken"

Er Yue threw the melon seeds in her hand onto the plate, and then ran out, and after a while, there was loud laughter.

Sanyue shook her head with a grin, she had to use any method to deal with anyone!

The hemp rope collected from the warehouse, two cut mosquito nets, and a pile of discarded cotton are waiting for Jin Duoduo's chicken. Whether it will be successful depends on tonight!

Li Jixuan came after noon, Sanyue discussed the details of the evening with him in the room, Zhou knew what they were going to do tonight, and would listen to them if they insisted.

"March! Jixuan! Are you really planning to visit Mr. Fu suddenly at night? Mother thinks it's better to mention it!"

Sanyue told her mother the reason for her discussion with Jixuan, and Zhou Shi nodded after thinking about it.

"Jixuan, I have everything ready! We can set off anytime! But! Qingyun Qingzhi, have you told them all?"

Li Jixuan nodded. "En! I made an agreement with them when I went back yesterday! I'll just wait for you! Then let's set off when the sky gets darker!"

March has no objections, so let's just settle this matter.

Mrs. Zhou knew that they were going to be busy until very late, so she went to make dinner in a panic. This time, I want to eat dinner early!
In front of Fu's mansion, he met with Qingyun Qingzhi, and asked the concierge to go in to inform Master Fu and Mrs. Zhang in March.

After a while, servants quickly came to invite him, and a group of San Yue and Li Jixuan followed in.

County magistrate Fu and Mrs. Zhang had been waiting in the main hall for a long time, and they were a little surprised to see that they came so late and there were quite a lot of people.

Mrs. Zhang asked March and said:

"Sit here, mother in March! Is there something urgent for you, a large group of people, at such a late hour?"

San Yue stepped forward and took Zhang's hand, not knowing what to say.
After Li Jixuan and magistrate Fu made way for each other to sit down, Li Jixuan spoke first.

"It's still because of those human traffickers last time! A few days ago, the younger generation told Mr. Fu that someone behind the scenes ordered poisoning, and wanted those human traffickers to come to their deaths, but fortunately, there was a man named Dao Scar who was rescued by me! "

Magistrate Fu nodded, but there was something wrong.

"Later, after the man named Scar was out of danger, he felt that he didn't want to hide it for the person behind the scenes anymore, so he even brought the person behind the scenes to do all the tricks!"

County magistrate Fu and Mrs. Zhang looked at each other in surprise, and asked curiously:
"Who is the person behind the scenes? He can bribe the jailer!"

Sanyue saw that the godfather and mother really didn't look like they knew about it, and felt much better.

When Li Jixuan saw the county magistrate and his wife looking at him, he stopped being sloppy and kept talking.

"This person is none other than the eldest son of the family! Young Master Fu!"

The first reaction of Mrs. Zhang and County Magistrate Fu after hearing this was that it was impossible.

Zhang's aunt thought about his usual behavior, shook her head and said:

"Impossible! He usually sticks to the etiquette most! This..."

County magistrate Fu sullenly said nothing, after thinking for a long time, he said in a deep voice:

"Apart from the prisoner's testimony, do you have any other evidence?"

Li Jixuan said realistically:


"Then you can punish my son based on the words of a prisoner?"

Li Jixuan did not give in.

"Master Fu! This prisoner was almost poisoned to death by the people behind the scenes. If he didn't survive by chance, how could he have the opportunity to correct the murderer?

It was precisely because of the poisoning that he hated the people behind the scenes so much, how could he protect and implicate irrelevant people? "

Magistrate Fu closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the back of the chair, with a look of suppressing anger.

Mrs. Zhang looked at her husband worriedly, and asked Sanyue eagerly:
"What General Li it true?"

March bit her lower lip and said:

"En! It's true. At that time, I couldn't understand why he wanted to attack my brother. I hadn't seen him a few times! But then I thought of one thing! That is, I saved God Bless in the woods. !"

Mrs. Zhang covered her mouth in shock, and even County Magistrate Fu opened her eyes and sat down, looking at San Yue.

Seeing her godfather and mother looking at her in March, she gritted her teeth and finished the rest.

"Since I saved Tianyou, I remember that the godmother told me that she had already sent those two slaves who betrayed the master to seek glory. Later, I first met Mr. Fu in the back garden of the mansion. He Said something to me that made a deep impression on me."

Mrs. Zhang held Sanyue's hand nervously, and asked eagerly:
"What? What did he say?"

(End of this chapter)

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