Chapter 285 Going crazy in the middle of the night and suspecting the urine test
The cheetah was extremely fast, and Shen You could feel the bumps when running, as well as the whistling wind past his ears.

It's too real.

Suddenly, the cheetah loosened its mouth, and she fell from a height. The palpitations caused by weightlessness made her tremble all over, and she woke up suddenly.

Unexpectedly, there was an even greater shock to come.

But I saw a figure standing quietly in front of the bed, staring at her like a ghost, the light moonlight shone into those dark and deep eyes, and there was a sad and cold light, inexplicably cold.

Shen Yu's pupils shrank, she sat up suddenly, and gritted her teeth——

"Shen, Qian!"

"……it's me."

"Are you fucking sick? Come into my room at night... ah!"

With an exclamation, Shen Yu was picked up by him, went straight to the bathroom, and fell into the bathtub!
Before I knew it, the bathtub was filled with water.

The moment she fell in, water splashed everywhere.

Cold liquid poured into her nose from all directions, almost making her breathless.


Shen Yu found a point of strength, stood up abruptly, raised her hand and slapped the man in front of her.

Strength, heavy and ruthless.

The sound is clear and crisp.

"Is it crazy enough?" The pajamas were all wet, and they stuck to the skin, outlining a woman's exquisite figure. Her face and neck were covered with water, and her hair was messily drooping on her sides.

She is undoubtedly embarrassed like this.

But those eyes were black and bright, burning with anger and burning.

Not weak, not timid, not meek, not very afraid, invincible.

Second slap.

"Now? Are you awake?"

The man was beaten to the side of the head, and after a while, he slowly turned back, his eyes were blank.

"You... hiccup... me?"

Shen Yu smelled the strong smell of alcohol on his body, and couldn't help sneering: "You were the one who hit him, why, do you want to fight back?"

Shen Qian shook his head, and then shook his head again.

In the end, it turned into a rattle, muttering: " can't this right?" He raised his hand to caress her left cheek, and there was a look of pain in his bewildered eyes, "You can't fight... the can't hear..."

Shen Yu's heart tightened.


How would he know? !

Once, Shen Qian slapped her permanently deaf, but that happened in the previous life. Since Shen Wei stepped into this old house, the original trajectory of this life has been completely changed.


Shen Qian was also reborn!
This idea only existed for less than a second before it was denied by Shen Yu.

The winner of the previous life, the final winner, rebirth has no meaning for him, because the previous life was already perfect enough.

Another point, if it was Shen Qian in his previous life, he would never allow himself to get drunk.

Even if he was drunk, it was absolutely impossible to show his drunken state in front of others, especially in front of her.

That "Shen Qian" who is extremely calm and restrained, self-disciplined and abstinent to the point of perversion will never do such a stupid thing as drinking and losing his mind!

"What do you mean—can't you hear?" All thoughts were in a flash, and Shen Yu's expression remained the same.

"I dreamed... such a light flap..." He raised his hand and waved it down, "You're bleeding..."

Shen Yu touched her earlobe subconsciously, and a sneer appeared on her lips.



The cause of the previous life, the fruit of the present life.

"Shen Qian, you - you deserve it!"

pop- pop-

Two more slaps.

But in exchange for a foolish smirk from the man.

Shen Qian grabbed her hand and waved it to his face, "I owe you... I will pay you back... Don't mess with him... You wo... You wo..."

The consequences of a hangover include not only dizziness, but also fragmentation.

So Shen Qian rarely allowed himself to get drunk.

At this moment, he was standing in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, thinking about what happened last night?
Looking at the unfaded fingerprints on both cheeks, it was obvious that someone had slapped him, and more than one!
Shen Qian only remembered that last night, President Liangda organized a bureau and invited a few young models to accompany him, and he was given a lot of red wine.

After going to the chess and card club, a group of people started to spell white again.

He wasn't drunk at the dinner, but because he was drunk during the game, his temples throbbed with pain.

This was a sign of drunkenness, Shen Qian found an excuse to leave while he was still sober.

When he got home, he sat on the sofa...

and then?
Xiaoyan handed him a glass of warm water, and when he drank it, it was probably because the taste of alcohol left in his mouth was too strong, and he tasted a faint bitterness.

after that……

"Hiss!" Shen Qian pressed his temple and rubbed it gently.

What did you do after that?
All he remembered was—anger!World-shattering anger!That feeling seems to be disobeyed, or betrayed...

But what exactly happened, but no impression.

At 07:30, after cleaning up, Shen Qian went downstairs to have breakfast.

As soon as he entered the dining room, he bumped into Chen Yan face to face.

"elder brother……"

The man's eyebrows tightened: "Come here."

"What are you doing? Mom told me to eat..."

Shen Qian raised his eyes coldly.

She tactfully closed her voice and obediently followed behind.

The two came to the living room, which happened to be where Shen Qian was sitting last night.

"Speak." With his right hand resting on his forehead, the man said lightly.

Shen Yan tilted her head, with doubts in her eyes: "Brother, what do you want me to say?"

"What happened last night."

"What happened last night? I don't know..." She looked blank.

Shen Qian stared at her, and took a long time to look away: "It's better to be like what you said."

After saying that, he walked away.

Shen Yan lowered her eyes and stood where she was, making it hard to see her expression.

"Ah Qian, come here, there is the millet you like to drink..."

"Mom, the company is in a hurry, so I'm leaving first."

"Hey...then you can't skip breakfast."

Yang Lan watched him go away, then turned around and walked towards the dining room, and suddenly stopped: "Xiao Yan? What are you doing there alone?"

"No..." Chen Yan walked over with a smile, hugged her shoulders affectionately, and acted like a little girl: "What are you eating today?"

"Millet porridge, beef noodles."

"Well, I like them all!"

"Little glutton."


Shen Qian picked up the car, and when he drove out of the gate, he saw the bodyguards in uniform handing over, in a blink of an eye, he suddenly remembered something.

Turn off the engine, get out of the car, and walk up to that person.

"Big, little..."

"Who was on duty last night?"

The bodyguard was a little confused.

"Speak!" Shen Sheng reprimanded coldly, his eyes were horrifying.

"Yesterday, last night... Akai was on duty."

"What about others?"

"Rest in the dormitory."

"Take me there."


Half an hour later, Shen Qian came out of the monitoring room with a sullen face.

That black Mercedes... Quan Hanting!

He and Wan Wan...

In the next second, his fists were clenched tightly.

"Young Master..." As soon as the bodyguard who followed beside him opened his mouth, he was frozen in place by a piercing look, unable to move.

On an August day, the sun was shining brightly, but he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

It wasn't until the sound of the engine starting came, and the car rushed out of the gate like an arrow from the string, that the bodyguard reacted belatedly.

Raising his hand, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.


"Mr. Shen." Tan Yao received the call with a respectful tone.

Shen Qian stared straight ahead expressionlessly, turned the steering wheel calmly and rationally, Shen Lin's voice was transmitted to the other end through the Bluetooth headset——

"Call Central Hospital and ask them to arrange a urine test."

"The examinee?"


Tan Yao was startled immediately, without asking the specific reason, he only asked, "When?"

"The sooner the better. I'm driving over now..."

When Shen Qian arrived, Tan Yao had already been waiting with the laboratory doctor for a long time.

Doctor: "Have you had breakfast?"

Shen Qian: "Not yet."

"President Shen, please..."

Ten minutes later, Shen Qian came out of the department, "When will I get the result?"

Tan Yao: "I asked, this afternoon at the earliest."

"it is good."

The director personally sent the two out of the hospital gate.

"Mr. Shen..." Tan Yao hesitated to speak.

Shen Qian opened the door and sat in the driver's seat, "On the road."

The black Mercedes turned out of the hospital and merged into the dense traffic.

"Why did you suddenly ask for a urine test?" Tan Yao glanced at the few red marks on his boss's face.

Why does it look like someone was beaten?

Shen Qian: "It's nothing, I just suspect that I drank something that shouldn't be touched."

After Shen Yan handed him the glass of water, no matter how hard Shen Qian racked his brains to recall what exactly happened after Shen Yan handed him the glass of water, so far he could only remember that he was in the monitoring room.

What to do, I still learned from the bodyguard.

Before this, the only person who had contact with him was Shen Yan!
It is very likely that she said something, what's more, deliberately induced him to suddenly check the surveillance.

Then, his "fragment" is not just drunk, perhaps, but also the glass of water.

At the same time, in the old house, before Shen Yu went out, he called Butler Zhou.

"My room door lock is broken."

Zhou Qingfu had a meal.

Such a problem as a broken door lock is absolutely unacceptable for the Shen family under strict rule.

"Sorry, Miss San." Zhou Qingfu bowed his head, "I will arrange a replacement as soon as possible."

"Since you want to change it, why not replace it with a fingerprint lock?"


"Is there a problem?" Shen Yu raised his eyes coldly.

"Yes, yes, but I haven't used a fingerprint lock at home before. It will take some time to buy it, and I'm afraid it will take you a night..."

"This is easy to handle. A friend of mine specializes in door locks. Let him send a set of fingerprint locks, and you can send someone to install them."

Zhou Qingfu nodded: "That's good."

Shen Yu walked away.

Shen Yan, who was sitting on the sofa with Yang Lan following the drama, listened to the conversation between the two, and frowned slightly.

"She's the one who has the most things!" Yang Lan snorted, "All the rooms use ordinary locks, but she uses a unique fingerprint lock. Who else in this family will break into her room? Anyone who is a thief is a thief. !"

"Mom..." Shen Yan shook her arm, "It's easy to get old when you get angry, we don't need to be as knowledgeable as that kind of person, let's continue watching the drama."

"Good girl, why have you suddenly... changed so much?" Yang Lan frowned.

When she accused Shen Yu in the past, Xiaoyan would definitely agree with her when she heard it, and trampled her down as much as possible.But just now...

Shen Yan lowered her eyes, and flashed a smile: "If you are poor, you will change. People will always grow up."

Yang Lan patted her hand with a look of relief.


It's easy to do things if you have a relationship, and the results of the urine test came out quickly.

Just after eating at noon, Tan Yao received a call from the hospital: " said. What?!"

From calm to frightened, the expression changes only in an instant.

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(End of this chapter)

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