Chapter 359 Missing strangely, leaving behind her mobile phone (one more)
Seeing Qi Zichen leave, Yang Lan couldn't help frowning, and pushed open the door of the ward to enter.

"Xiaoyan..." She looked worried.

"Mom, I'm fine." The girl was sitting on the head of the bed with a cushion tucked into her back. Although her complexion was still pale, her eyes were full of vitality and she smiled slightly.

Yang Lan breathed a sigh of relief, but what followed was deeper worries.

Has Qi Zichen's influence on Xiao Yan reached this far?

Can live, can die.

Yang Lan opened her mouth several times to say something, but she was afraid of provoking Shen Yan, so she hesitated again and again.

Instead, Shen Yan took the initiative to say: "Mom, I'm sorry for making you worry."

Yang Lan's eyes showed surprise: "Xiao Yan, you... finally figured it out? Did Qi Zichen say something?"

There was a sweet smile on her face: "Brother Qi said that he likes me very much and wants to marry me."

Yang Lan frowned, and there was a strange flash in his eyes.

Shen Yan was still immersed in joy, with a smile on her face, "He also said that I made him feel bad, and I will never do such a stupid thing again."

Yang Lan nodded hastily: "Yes, you can't do this anymore, you know?"

"Well, I will cherish every minute and every second in the future, so that I can grow old with Brother Qi forever."

Originally, Yang Lan didn't believe it. After all, the Qi family refused marriage so simply, how could they suddenly change their mind?

But Shen Yan's expression and eyes were too determined, it didn't look like she was pretending.

She was puzzled.

"Mom, where's my phone?"

"Oh, here." Yang Lan took it out of the bag and handed it over, "Who do you want to call?"

"No, I want to go online."

Yang Lan has no doubt about him.

"Mom, I'm hungry..."

"Then I'll send someone to bring food over."

"I want to drink the jujube and lotus seed soup you boiled."

"Okay, I'll go back and do it right now, and I'll be back soon." Yang Lan happily left, but she didn't forget to tell the nurse to keep him safe before leaving.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, when Yang Lan returned to the ward with the thermos, there was a burst of crisp laughter.

"Ziyan, you are too funny...haha..."

"That's how I went back. Who told my brother to be naughty and pull my braids all the time? Also, when we were in elementary school, my brother liked to go to Internet cafes for a while, and my mother took care of him again. He actually Learn from Dabai to sneak out of the dog hole..."

"Ziyan is here." Yang Lan pushed the door open and entered.

Qi Ziyan stood up cautiously, "Auntie."

The two families had a bad quarrel, and she wasn't sure if Yang Lan would give her a good face.

"Sit down, don't stand, Auntie is very happy that you can come to talk with Xiao Yan. I just made red dates and lotus seed soup, and you can drink a bowl too..."

Yang Lan opened the thermos, filled two bowls, and handed them to the two.

Qi Ziyan raised her hand to take it, and the moment her eyes met, she couldn't meet Yang Lan's gaze directly because of - guilt.

If it wasn't for her family's refusal to marry and her brother's ruthlessness, how could Xiao Yan become what she is now?
"Mom, let me and Ziyan be alone for a while."

Yang Lan smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I won't bother your little sisters..."

"Is it the patient's family?" A little nurse came over and happened to run into Yang Lan who was standing in front of the ward.

"Yes, I am."

"About the patient's condition, the attending doctor would like to communicate with you in person. Are you free now?"


"Then you come with me..."

In the ward.

Qi Ziyan: "Auntie's lotus seed soup is too fragrant."

Shen Yan asked considerately: "Do you want another bowl?"

"Enough is enough. Why don't you drink more?"

"I can't drink it. The room smells like medicine, and I feel sick."

Qi Ziyan thought for a while, "How about I go out with you?"

Shen Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and an undercurrent surged through her eyes, and she became calm in an instant, "Is it possible? Will it be too troublesome?"

"It's not troublesome at all! When I came here, I saw a small park behind. The weather is fine today. Let's go for a stroll?"



After the afternoon class ended, Shen Yu didn't let Quan Hanting pick him up.

"What's the matter?" On the other end, the man was not very satisfied.


"what's up?"

"Shen Yan is hospitalized, I'll go see her."


Shen Yu raised her eyebrows: "What's your tone? Why can't it be me?"

"For that family, thank God if you don't do anything bad, and visit the sick?"

"underestimate me?"

"Wrong. Grandpa thinks highly of you."

Shen Wei: "..."

At six o'clock, I drove to the hospital.

When going upstairs, he collided head-on with the flustered Yang Lan.

"What are you doing here?!"

"What happened?"

The two spoke at the same time.

At this time, Shen Chunjiang strode out from the elevator room, his brows and eyes were slightly chilly, "Did you find it?"

Yang Lan shook her head, her eyes were distressed.

Seeing this, Shen Yu said, "Dad, what happened?"

"You came just in time, Xiao Yan didn't know where she went, and she disappeared all afternoon."

"Have you called yet?"

"Shut down."

Shen Yu pondered for a moment: "When did you find out that the person was missing?"

Shen Chunjiang looked at Yang Lan, and the latter replied reluctantly: "I went to the office to see the attending doctor, and when I came back, it was less than four o'clock, and the nurse said that Ziyan took Xiaoyan out for a walk, and I didn't look for it either. I just rested in the ward for a while, but the two of them haven't come back yet."

"Ziyan? Is it Qi Ziyan?"

Yang Lan nodded.

So Qi Ziyan skipped class to visit Shen Yan.

If she remembers correctly, the quiz He Huai mentioned last time should be today.

The final score will also be included in the graduation grade, is Miss Qi so courageous?

Shen Wei smelled a strange breath.

"Father, let's search separately now. You and Auntie will be responsible for searching the front and back doors of the hospital. I'll start asking floor by floor from the first floor to see if anyone has seen Second Sister."

Shen Chunjiang nodded, "That's it!"

The three split up.

Shen Wei didn't ask from floor to floor, but went straight to the monitoring room.

After explaining the whole story, the security guard agreed to call the surveillance——

"These are videos taken after four o'clock. This camera is facing Ward 206. You can watch it yourself."

On the screen, Shen Yan and Qi Ziyan walked out of the ward, talking while walking.

Shen Wei: "Can the surveillance on the first floor be dialed up?"

The security guard nodded, "Okay, wait a minute..."

After 2 minutes, the surveillance found it and clearly recorded that Shen Yan and Qi Ziyan went to the hall, then went out and turned left.

"Where is this direction going?"

"Canteen, rehabilitation building, and a small park."

"Is there surveillance in these three places?"

"Sorry, I'm only in charge of monitoring inside this building."

"Where can I see it?"

"Security Section."

Shen Yu got up and left, and under the guidance of a cleaning lady, she stopped in front of a low, old house.

"This is here."

"Thank you."

After Shen Yu went in, she didn't talk nonsense, and directly explained her intentions.

When the security department heard that the patient was lost, they immediately paid attention: "First, call out the video at the main entrance of the hall."


This time it was much clearer, and the two went to the small park together.

Shen Wei: "Is there any video of the park?"

"The park does not belong to the hospital, and we do not have the right to monitor, but in case of emergency, we can apply to the higher authorities for viewing authority."

"how long it takes?"

"About four and ten minutes."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Shen Yu took out her mobile phone, walked out of the security department, and dialed Shen Chunjiang's number.

"Dad, look in the direction of the park, and don't miss along the way."

"Wu Wan, did you find anything?"

"Well. The surveillance shows that they are going in that direction."

"it is good."


Shen Yu decided to take advantage of the four to ten minutes to go to the ward.

Pushing open the door and entering, with a bang——

She turns on the light.

On the hospital bed, the white quilt was in a mess, maintaining the state when it was lifted when he got up. Shen Wei stood in the middle and looked around.

There was an insulated bucket on the cabinet, and there were two empty bowls beside the bucket. She approached and found the soup left in it. When she took a closer look, it smelled of red dates and lotus seeds.

There was an accompanying chair beside the hospital bed, Qi Ziyan should be sitting here talking and chatting with Shen Yan.

Even daring to escape a quiz related to graduation grades, does Qi Ziyan not take aviation training seriously at all, or is the sisterhood between the two already so deep?
Or, Qi Ziyan didn't want to come, but there was some reason why she had to come!
What is the reason?

Suddenly, Shen Yu's eyes paused, and he stopped at the corner of the quilt, and raised his hand to lift it away.

A mobile phone appeared in front of him.

If it's not Shen Yan's, then it can only be...Qi Ziyan's.

It showed seven missed calls. Shen Yu didn't know the password and couldn't unlock it. Of course, he couldn't see who called.

She dialed He Huai on her mobile phone.

 There is one more at zero o'clock.

  The answer to the prize quiz is - C!See the next chapter for why!
  Sherlock Holmes Fish Detective Time~
(End of this chapter)

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