Chapter 391 Sea Shark Alliance, The Villa's Past

"Why do you think Jiang Shuokai took us to the ward?" Shen Yu looked straight ahead with a slight smile on his lips.

Miao Miao: "Shouldn't we talk in a safe place?"

"There are so many safe places, but it is his mother's ward."

Hearing this, Miao Miao fell into deep thought.

If Jiang Shuokai only wanted to ask about the life and death of those two people, there was no need to make it so complicated.unless--

"He is using a subtle way to let us see his current situation!"

The boy genius who was often beaten and had a withdrawn personality would disappear for a few hours every lunch break, and when he came back, he was sweating profusely and occasionally stained with cement lime.

Miao Miao once asked him insincerely, but Jiang Shuokai replied like a joke——

"Moving bricks at the construction site."

Now it seems that it may be true!
After all, a comatose patient, a separate ward, these are not affordable by ordinary families.


"Is there anything that can't be said directly? You have to use this kind of oblique way."

"If you say it, you will be treated like today. If it is serious, it will even affect your relatives. If it were you, dare you say it?"

Miao Miao couldn't help shivering, and shook her head slowly: "Don't dare."

"He can release these signals, which shows that he is not too stupid."

"Mr. Shen, do you have any plans?" Shen Wei, whom Miao Miao knew, had never been in the habit of being a good person—whatever you give, you must ask for.

It's a pity that Shen Yu didn't answer directly, but asked something irrelevant: "How is Chen Mo's work status recently?"

Miao Miao was slightly taken aback.

Are you talking about Jiang Shuokai?Why did you suddenly mention Chen Mo?

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, Miao Miao organized her words and reported: "Judging from the feedback from Sister Cai, AirAsia's advertising revenue has increased slightly, and it is also trying to accept large orders from some companies, but the effect is... not good. As you wish."

"Really?" Shen Wei raised her eyebrows, her eyes were still calm, "What's the problem?"

"Nowadays, the advertising of big companies usually adopts the form of bidding. It is not difficult to get admission tickets based on AirAsia's qualifications. Miao paused for a moment, took a peek at Shen Yu, and then continued, "Chen Mo is indeed very capable in advertising creativity and production, but in terms of socializing, it is far from enough."

The business field, in a sense, is the communication field.

The lights are feasting, and the cups are exchanged.

Only by coaxing Party A well can you be qualified to be Party B.

Anything that is low-key and petty, flattering and flattering can only be regarded as pediatrics, and some even give a lot of money, or give it to women directly.

Only you can't think of it, no one else can't do it.

Obviously, Chen Mo is quite jerky in this regard.

"... Several times we came up with a better plan, but in the end the bidding results were eliminated miserably."

"How did Chen Mo deal with it?"

"The facts are in front of him, and when everything is settled, he can't do anything about it. But..."

Shen Wei: "Speak directly if you have something to say."

Although Miao Miao doubted Chen Mo's ability, she would never rely on her status as "the son of heaven and a close minister" to others.

She said pertinently: "Chen Mo is under a lot of pressure. He sits in that position, with so many eyes staring at him, but the company's performance has not been improved for a long time. It is inevitable that he will be anxious. According to Sister Cai, he has I have been working overtime and often stay up late to modify the plan.”

But many times, the direction is wrong, and no matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

After finishing what should be said, Miao Miao stopped talking.

There was no expression of joy or anger on Shen Yu's face, she just said: "It's getting late, let's go back first."

The two got into the car respectively, and drove away in different directions after exiting the retractable door of the hospital.

While waiting for the red light, Miao Miao suddenly recalled the details of their conversation...

Including every movement and gaze of Shen Yu, I went through it carefully in my mind, and suddenly my eyes widened, as if some secret had been discovered, and the gaze became meaningful...

Chen Mo and Jiang Shuokai, is there really no connection between these two people?

not necessarily!
In other words, not now, does not mean there will not be in the future.

"Is this the 'catfish effect' Mr. Shen mentioned?" Miao Miao murmured softly, with genuine admiration in her eyes.


Back at Dongli Mountain Villa, the sun was setting.

Shen Yu locked the car door, walked in, and talked to Gu Qing with her mobile phone——

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Before you all sorted out the information and conclusions, I will be responsible for summarizing them, and then Zhang Yang will talk about it. Everything went smoothly and passed the test easily."

"That's good."

"It's strange to say that when you and Miao Miao slipped away, the professor saw it clearly, but he didn't say anything in the end."

"Looks like we're lucky."

Gu Qing on the other end corrected: "It's about strength. After all, teachers rarely care about top students."

The two chatted for a few more words, and Shen Yu ended the call after making sure that nothing happened in class.

Lolita detected someone entering the door, and happily came out to greet him: "Xiao Wanwan, I can help carry your bag~"

Shen Yu handed it to her: "Thank you."

"You're welcome~" She blushed, her eyes shy.

Chu Yujiang stepped forward and nodded respectfully: "I want you to go to the study."

Shen Yu kept changing his shoes, and said in a calm voice, "Got it."


knock knock --

Shen Wei thought that she would hear a low, magnetic and pretentious "come in", just like the secretary knocked on the door and the president responded.

But he didn't expect that the person inside would open the door with his own hands, as if he had been waiting for a long time and couldn't wait to see her.

So, come in person.

Their eyes met, and the woman raised her eyebrows.

A smile flashed across Quan Hanting's eyes, and he turned sideways to make way: "Come in."


Shen Yu entered, and he closed the door.

"Find me?"


Shen Yu walked to the sofa and sat down: "Because of what happened this afternoon?"

Quan Hanting sat beside her, "Did you save a male classmate?"


The man's eyes darkened slightly.

Shen Yu couldn't help laughing, poking his cheeks that were about to turn black was not enough, and boldly pulled the bridge of his nose, but the intimacy emanating from the movements made someone's broken mood instantly improve.

"You..." Quan Hanting wrapped his arms around the woman's slender waist, allowing her to make trouble on his face.

Like a sigh, like a pet, doting to the limit.

"The vinegar altar at home seems to have been turned over again, what should I do?"

Quan Hanting: "..."

"Did you smell it? Is it sour?"

"..." Bad girl, is he addicted to cleaning up?
"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. The person I rescued today is called Jiang Shuokai, he..." Shen Wei thought for a while, as if thinking about how to evaluate this person, "It's quite interesting."

"Oh? What's so interesting?" The sour smell filled the sky without making a sound.

"If it's useful, it's interesting."

In Shen Hou's eyes, people can be divided into two categories—useful and useless.

It happened that Jiang Shuokai was classified into the former category, so she didn't mind spending a little more patience on him.

Money is easy to find, but talent is rare.

Quan Hanting understood what she meant, and never doubted his own charm and Shen Yu's hard-to-touch heart. If it was so easy to be pried away, then he would not have had to spend so much effort to catch her.

But knowing it is one thing, being jealous is another.

He didn't like Shen Yu's eyes on other men.

"Have you found out the forces behind those two people?"

Quan Hanting got up, picked up a document from the table, and handed it to her.

Shen Wei took it apart and saw ten lines at a glance.

"Just such a thing?" She thought that the person who dared to commit murder in Qihang School would be some kind of big shot, but she didn't expect...

But why did the school manager do this?

Looking at the information, he is also a celebrity in the education field, so why bother with Jiang Shuokai, a poor student?
And in such a crude and easy-to-disguise way, hire thugs?

Shen Wei: "There is no reason for this."

Quan Hanting: "I don't know for now."

Shen Wei remembered what Jiang Shuokai said before leaving——

"Sorry, I can't say it yet, but you'll know soon enough."


How fast?
The next day, Jiang Shuokai, who was addicted to being late, arrived early for an unprecedented time.

He just wore a mask and a peaked cap on his face, his whole face was completely covered, only a pair of dark eyes were exposed.

Mysterious and dark, but damn attractive.

Shen Yu greeted with the usual expression: "Morning."

He replied slowly: "Morning."

Then Miao Miao also came, grinning: "Good morning, it's really rare."

Jiang Shuokai smiled wryly: "Sorry, yesterday's group practice..."

"The professor praised us for doing a good job, don't worry, and gave you a score."

"..." He didn't mean that.

Originally, Jiang Shuokai was ready to face Miao Miao's sharp cross-examination, but the other party didn't intend to speak other than to say hello, which made him full of words and didn't know where to start.

But the tense nerves gradually eased, and a trace of gratitude flashed in his indifferent eyes. should have seen through his embarrassment and helplessness, right?

Maybe I also saw cowardice...

Another week passed, and the weekend came in a blink of an eye.

The day when Song Qian, the president of MT Finance, married his wife and held a wedding ceremony.

Both Shen Yu and Quan Hanting had packed up and were ready to go out, but Hu Zhibei, who hadn't shown up for a long time, came back in a hurry.

"Lao Liu, I have something to tell you."


"Yes!" Hu Zhibei looked cold and serious, not like a trivial matter.

Quan Hanting frowned, Shen Yu patted the back of his hand reassuringly: "I'll drive there first, come if you can catch up, forget it if you can't."

Before Quan Hanting could speak, Hu Zhibei stepped forward and said "Sorry", and then grabbed Quan Hanting's arm, his eyes full of refusal.

"Second brother, what can't wait..."

Hu Zhibei didn't listen to his nonsense, and just said something in a low voice, Quan Hanting's expression changed immediately.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, and quietly took a panoramic view of the two people's reactions.

Is there anything you can't say out loud?
Unless, it is to hide it from her.

"Wu Wan, you go." At the end, he added: "Don't wait for me."

Now, Shen Yu became even more curious.

But now is not a good time to delve into it. She nodded and left wisely. Soon, there was the sound of an engine starting.

Quan Hanting looked away.

Hu Zhibei couldn't bear his sloppy energy, and said anxiously: "When is this?! You still care about kissing me."

Quan Hanting's eyes darkened, revealing a vague sense of chilling: "Go to the study to talk."

Hu Zhibei turned around and waved to Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun: "Why are you standing there? Follow!"

The two looked at each other, thinking that the matter might be more serious than they imagined.

After all, it is too rare for the third master to be so ready.

Several people entered the study.

Quan Hanting: "Third brother, you just said that you found the whereabouts of the sea shark?"

Chu Yujiang was shocked, sea shark!

Ling Yun's eyes shone brightly, shockingly bright.

Hu Zhibei nodded: "Someone has seen them in the primeval forests in the equatorial region."

"Pristine forest?"

"Well, it's an expedition team consisting of seven scientists and twelve escorts. Their food and water were all robbed. They finally dialed the satellite phone and sent a helicopter to rescue them."

Chu Yujiang: "The Haisha gang hasn't shown up for so many years, why did they appear in the rainforest area?"

Hu Zhibei's face was serious: "I suspect they are training new members and plan to recover."

"Bastard!" Chu Yujiang, who has always been calm, rarely loses his composure: "Back then, I was almost caught by them... and now I still have the guts to come out?!"

Hu Zhibei sighed softly: "Wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze blows again. Unexpectedly, the remnants of the escape became climate again."

He still had a layer of worry that he didn't express.

Training in the rainforest area is extremely difficult, and one who is not careful may lose his life.

But the sea sharks are still the same, and even the expedition team that is valued by the above dares to rob, which shows that they have been driven to a desperate situation, so they are so crazy.

The other party is so eager for success, why?
Back then, the sixth child was injured, which disturbed the mother clan's family, and that one shot directly to severely injure the sea shark, but overnight, he died and scattered, and the originally powerful killer alliance turned into a mess in the blink of an eye.

In the final analysis, the culprit is Quan Hanting!

Now that the sea sharks are making a strong comeback, I'm afraid the first one to take revenge is...

Hu Zhibei shook his head, this matter is really not ordinary.

Obviously, what he can think of, others can think of too.

Quan Hanting's face remained unchanged.

But Ling Yun clenched his fists suddenly, his eyes were bloodthirsty: "It's just right to recover, and now the revenge of the past is now brought back together with the principal and interest!"

Chu Yujiang: "If we can kill him once, we can kill him a second time."

Hu Zhibei: "Although that is the case, the body of Lao Liu..."

Now there are only two months left before the half-year period, Jieshi will go to the hot spring villa again, and that time is also the time when Quan Hanting is the weakest and most likely to be taken advantage of.

Quan Hanting waved his hands, his black eyes were serious: "Mr. Zou is here, don't worry."

Hu Zhibei snorted coldly: "Since you don't have to worry, whoever was tortured into a coma last time has...cough...what kind of marks..."

Chu Yujiang swallowed, and the Buddha said: Don't say it!Can't say it!
Ling Yun looked up at the sky, only seeing the ceiling.

Quan Hanting's complexion turned black, like the bottom of a pot.

Hu Zhibei swept over Chu and Ling with hatred: "Nothing!"

Immediately, he developed a heroic ambition that everyone is drunk and I am alone, and everyone is afraid of me, and when he meets Quan Hanting's eyes that are as black as ink and deep in the face, Hu Zhibei speaks righteously——

"Anyway, what I said is the truth. Someone had a fever and fell into a coma for a day and a night."

Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun wished they could run away with the pot lid on.

Third Master, haven't you noticed that the air is so cold that it's scumbag?

 Liu Ye's self-esteem was stepped on the ground and rubbed against each other, like the steps of a devil...

(End of this chapter)

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