Chapter 399 Falling in love with him, low into the dust

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the bar.

Miao Miao: "I'll wait outside..."

Shen Chunhang didn't give her a chance to finish speaking, "Follow up."


When two people entered, the heavy metal bass stimulated the eardrums, and each beat hit the heart like a dull hammer, causing resonance.

The wind was blowing under the man's feet, and the smoky gray coat was unbuttoned. With each step, the hem curled up in a chic arc.

Panting, Miao Miao followed behind, trotting almost the whole way, thinking: I don't have such long legs to bully people.

Shen Chunhang glanced away, turned around and walked towards the bar.

Ye Xuanzhi was already drunk, she rested her chin lazily on the countertop with one hand, her eyes were half-closed, moist with water, coupled with her hot outfit, she had a special charm and charm.

Two slender long legs overlapped and hung from the high chair.

With such a posture, not to mention the beauty, Miao Miao probably would have difficulty even sitting on that chair.

Even if you sit on it, you may not be able to pretend...

She looked at Ye Xuanzhi enviously, "It's so beautiful..."

Only such a woman is worthy of being the principal, right?
Shen Chunhang stepped forward and snatched the wine glass from her hand.

The woman raised her eyelids and looked at him in confusion.

Seeing this, the bartender couldn't help but say, "You..."

Shen Chunhang raised his eyes lightly, "You called just now?"

"Ah? You are her friend?!"

"I took her away." While speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull her.

Ye Xuanzhi was shy and struggled slightly: "Let go...I won't go..."

The man frowned fiercely.

"I don't even know you..."

Shen Chunhang withdrew his hands, and the woman leaned back on the bar, sitting crookedly.

The man leaned close to her ear and coaxed softly: "Be good, let's go home."

"Home? It's not..." She became emotional, "A house without him is no different from a high-end hotel."

Shen Chunhang's expression paled.

Women still don't know it.

Miao Miao stood not far away, listening to the conversation between the two, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ye Xuanzhi snatched back the glass and waved to the bartender: "You, come here... come here!"

"Uh...Miss, please stop making trouble and go home quickly."

"I have money! You...give me another drink!"

The bartender cast his questioning eyes on Shen Chunhang, but saw the man's already indifferent face, which was now expressionless.

Ye Xuanzhi didn't get a response, she slapped the bar angrily, her voice was sullen and tender, "You are so annoying! You told me I'm rich, why don't you believe me?"

As he said that, he put down his wine glass and went to look through his wallet, and there was a sudden movement——

"Huh? Where's my phone? Why is it missing? Did you take it?"

After being reminded by this, the bartender hurriedly went to get the mobile phone in the compartment of the wine cabinet, "Here, the red wine was spilled before, I helped clean it up, and then put it on the shelf to dry..."

Ye Xuanzhi watched intently, but didn't reach out to pick it up: "You, do me a favor."

Listening to the sound, it seems to be quite normal.


"Call a man named Shen Chunhang for me, just say... that I was molested by other men in a bar, and tell him to come and save me immediately."

This kind of conversation happened four or ten minutes ago, but the reason was that Shen Chunhang came to pick him up because he was drunk, and now it directly turned into molesting.

Are all women this boring?

It's better to be gay.

The bartender complained silently.

Shen Chunhang stared at Ye Xuanzhi for a while, and let her talk to herself. During this period, the woman mentioned his name many times, but the man was indifferent.

Bartender: "Here, I have called for you, this one is next to you."

Ye Xuanzhi was stunned for two seconds, and belatedly raised her head and looked to the side: "...Chunhang?"

"Let's go, we're going back." This was the third time Shen Chunhang reached out.

Apparently, drunk women don't appreciate it.

In other words, she was playing with her temper and temper.

"No return!"

Miao Miao couldn't help but sweat for the beauty, because the headmaster's face had paled to the extreme.

And this calmness is more frightening than hysteria.

"One last time, are you going or not?"

Invisibly, there is a strong force, mixed with threats.

Xu Shi's attitude stimulated the woman's sensitive nerves, Ye Xuanzhi blurted out: "No, let's go!"

Shen Chunhang was not angry, on the contrary, he has been calm since he came in.

Hearing this, he hummed softly, "Drink slowly, I'll go first."

Turn around and leave.

This turn of events made the bartender stunned at first. Could it be that this is the legendary "Master Whore Control"?
Miao Miao also couldn't help being stunned, vacillating between following Shen Chunhang to leave and staying to persuade the beautiful woman.

In the end, Shen Chunhang made an idea for her——

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up."

Miao Miao said "ah", and then realized that he was talking to herself, "...oh."

No more hesitation, just pull up and keep up.

At this time, Ye Xuanzhi, who was supposed to be so drunk, ignorant of the outside world, and unresponsive, suddenly froze and her smile faltered.

No fuss, no noise, no yelling to continue drinking.

Tsk, what a woman...

All of them are actors!

The bartender summed it up in one word - work!

From the corner of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the woman's suddenly pale face, and panic welled up in his eyes. He gloated and thought: Have you just played it off this time?

Ye Xuanzhi was indeed drunk, but not so drunk that she passed out.

She knew that the bartender had called, and she also knew that Shen Chunhang had arrived. At a certain moment, she suddenly wanted to be willful for a while.

Maybe, he will be different in his mind?
For the first time, Shen Chunhang was patient.

The second time, he was gentle.

The third time, it was a little lighter.

Just when Ye Xuanzhi thought she was about to succeed and couldn't hide her joy, there was no fourth time.

He left her and walked away without hesitation...

Her intuition told her that with Shen Chunhang's departure, the relationship between the two of them would probably come to an end, which made Ye Xuanzhi feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, with cold hands and feet.

Regardless of her ruined image and pretending to be drunk, she staggered after her.

"Hey - you haven't paid yet!" The bartender called the security guard.

Ye Xuanzhi was blocked, she took out a stack of red tickets from her bag, and smashed them on the security guard's chest: "Get lost——"

The voice is sharp and the eyes are not friendly.

But she was just stern and soft-hearted, unable to conceal the panic in her eyes.

"Chunhang—wait for me—"

After chasing under the streetlight outside the bar, Ye Xuanzhi finally caught up.

The man stumbled.

The woman took the opportunity to go around in front of him, and her white and tender fingers grabbed the cuff of the man's coat, which was a gesture of weakness.

Miao Miao took half a step back calmly, this was never her battlefield, just quietly be a bystander.

"Sober up?"

As the night wind blew past, Ye Xuanzhi suddenly shivered, with an unnatural expression: ""

"How many more drinks?"

The woman lowered her eyes and shook her head slowly: "No."

In Miao Miao's eyes, this kind of picture always feels a little jumpy for some reason.

Just like...

The dean is reprimanding naughty students.

Under the pressure of Shen Chunhang's momentum, the beauty became a head shorter for no reason.

This kind of "shortness" is not shortness of breath, but... lowliness.

In "This Life and This World", Hu Lancheng mentioned behind the photo that Zhang Ailing sent him, and wrote such a sentence——

"After seeing him, she became very low, low into the dust, and flowers bloomed from the dust."

Perhaps, love to the extreme, people will not consciously humble.

Miao Miao shivered, and the back of her neck was cold.

On the other side, Shen Chunhang and Ye Xuanzhi fell into a strange silence after a few words.

The man's expression is cold.

The woman is disturbed.


Shen Chunhang opened his mouth and broke the silence: "Since you're not drunk, let's take a taxi home."

Ye Xuanzhi raised her eyes suddenly, and there was a flash of injury in her eyes: "You...are you not going to send me off?"

"Well, there are other things." He waved at Miao Miao, "Get in the car."

Ye Xuanzhi cast sharp gazes at Miao Miao, with obvious hostility, and when she saw who it was, her expression suddenly relaxed, and then turned into a look of sadness, with complicated eyes: "It's you?"

As he spoke, he forced a smile.

Although the beauty was drunk and her expression was a little stiff, she still looked good with her crooked brows and eyes.

Miao Miao nodded in embarrassment: "Miss Ye, we meet again."

Shen Chunhang ignored the greetings of the two, took out the key, and walked straight to the parking place.

"Chunhang, do you mean sending Miss Miao off by 'other things'?"

"You have too many questions." With a cold glance, the woman lowered her eyes in shock, "Let's go."

Miao Miao followed up bravely, and when she passed by Ye Xuanzhi, she looked sorry.

The latter didn't even bother to give her a perfunctory expression.

To be honest, Miao Miao didn't care.

It's true that she has a sensitive personality, but she doesn't want this "sensitivity" to be used by others to hurt herself.

The only thing that can be done is not to listen, not to see, to ignore, but not to mind.

Ye Xuanzhi looked at the backs of the two walking away side by side, her emotions were turbulent several times, and finally only helplessness remained.

She can't be Shen Chunhang's master, and she has no position to keep him, let alone stop him.

The dim street lamp elongated the woman's figure, revealing an inexplicable sense of depression and loneliness...

She wanted to test her position in Shen Chunhang's mind, and wanted to obtain equal rights, no longer a "mistress", but a legitimate "girlfriend".

So she pretended to be crazy by drinking.

He wanted to win back his self-esteem in front of that man, but in the end he even lost the only remaining "self-esteem".


The car drove through the intersection and turned right into the roundabout.

No one spoke.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

Shen Chunhang: "Did I scare you just now?"

Miao Miao shook her head: "It's okay."

"Now do you think the word 'principal' fits well with a beast in clothes?"

"Principals are human too."

Humans have common problems and make mistakes.

It has nothing to do with the profession of "principal".

Shen Chunhang showed a smile, although he only hooked his lips very lightly, the atmosphere eased obviously.

"You will help people find reasons."

Miao Miao grinned: "Can you understand the necessary skills of an assistant to the president?"

"Then can I understand that the CEO who hired you is a 'faint king'? He only likes to hear good things?"

"Then can I also understand that you are beating around the bush and scolding your niece?"

"Woah?" Shen Chunhang raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, I used to be Mr. Shen's assistant at Minya Advertising Company!"


The man stopped talking.

Miao Miao was in a good mood and never mentioned anything about Ye Xuanzhi just now.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and shut up what you shouldn't say.

She understands.

After half an hour.

The car stopped at the gate of a community, "Here we are."

Miao Miao got off at the station and said thanks through the window.

Shen Chunhang: "You're welcome."

"Principal, one minute, soon, please wait a moment." After finishing speaking, he ran towards the convenience store nearby.

The man opened his mouth to say something, but saw a figure running from behind, a little bulky.

Well, I can't even hear it.

She seems to have always been an actionist, doing what she says, never hesitating or delaying...

Shen Chunhang didn't wait for a long time, as soon as he turned his head and straightened the car, Miao Miao came out from the convenience store.

Pass him a bottle of warm milk through the car window.

"This is good for the stomach."

Shen Chunhang raised his eyebrows, and didn't immediately reach out to pick it up, but looked at her with a gaze of research and judgment plus scrutiny.

Miao Miao blinked, without looking away, and always answered calmly: "What's wrong? You don't like it?"

"Student Miao Miao, are you being too kind to the principal?"

These words, with vigilance, specifically pointed out the relationship between "classmates" and "principal".

Half joking, half serious.

As a man who is used to seeing spring flowers and experiencing autumn months, Shen Chunhang understands the tricks of these little girls very well, and it is not that there were no students who showed favor to him before.

What encounters, caring, giving things...

No wonder.

However, he has his own principles and never lays hands on a student, even if she is a fairy.

Therefore, Miao Miao's behavior easily affected his sensitive line of defense.

Saying it in this tone is both a reminder and a polite refusal.

So that the two of them will not be too embarrassed...

Unexpectedly, Miao Miao gave a snort and laughed.

"Principal, are you lacking in love?"

Shen Chunhang: "?"

"Just to treat you with a bottle of warm milk? That's too low a requirement."


"Anyway, if you make this trip in the middle of the night, the gas cost is probably more than the price of this bottle of milk, right? If I take a taxi by myself, I have to pay for the car too! So, it is really worthwhile to invite you to drink a bottle of milk."

Shen Chunhang coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

Well, there is no affection in this girl's eyes at all. When facing him, she is like a junior to an elder. I'm afraid she didn't even understand the hint in his words.

So, he is being passionate?

"Actually, you can buy me a pack of cigarettes." Principal Shen felt that he had to save his respect.

"Smoke? That's bad for your health. I'm fine with buying milk."

"Smoothly?" The man raised his voice slightly.

"Yeah," Miao Miao lifted the shopping bag in her hand and shook it against the car window, "I was planning to buy it too."

Good guy, it looks like there are seven or eight bottles in it, because it's in glass bottles, with her shaking movements, it ping-pong-ping.

Shen Chunhang: "..."

"Principal, drink the milk while it's hot, then I'll go up first. Thank you for sending me back, bye!"

After finishing speaking, he hurried away.

The man was sitting in the car, holding a warm milk bottle in one hand and touching his nose with the other, feeling a little embarrassed.


When Miao Miao entered the apartment building, the smile on her face instantly collapsed and was replaced by a heavy one.

Is her ambition so obvious?
Fortunately, it was fooled behind.

But this also reminded her that she should be more careful in the future so as not to be seen through again.

Take out the key, open the door and enter the house.

After washing, Miao Miao lay on the bed, and couldn't help asking herself what she thought about Shen Chunhang?



There are also.



In fact, she is already very satisfied. Looking at the person who once entrusted her dream from a distance, what could be more perfect than the current state of life?

Miao Miao smiled and buried herself in the pillow, wrapped herself into a silkworm chrysalis with a quilt.

She never thought of disturbing Shen Chunhang in the past.

He can date beautiful girlfriends, play games in the world, or get married and have children.

These Miao Miao didn't care, she just wanted to watch quietly.

See him happy.

Miao Miao entered the dream with a smile, the corners of her mouth always maintained that quiet upward arc.

And over there, in Ye Xuanzhi's apartment.

She sat in the darkness, like a lifeless puppet, wearing thin pajamas, looking at the desolate bright moon outside the window, hoping that that person would appear in front of her eyes, and asked softly——

"Xuanzhi, why aren't you sleeping?"

It's a pity that when the needle pointed to zero and a new day began, the person she was looking forward to never came back.

A panic gripped his heart.

Shen Chunhang's expressionless face flashed in his mind, the cold feeling spread to his limbs, the woman couldn't hold back anymore, she took out her mobile phone and dialed that person's number.

beep - beep -

Each sound is extremely long.

"Sorry, the call you made is temporarily unanswered..."

She didn't give up and continued to fight.

Got the same response.

Until, the fifth time, or the sixth time, or seven or eight times?

She couldn't remember it herself.

Finally, there was a man's low and cold voice from the other end——


It seems to be a sigh but not a sigh, but there is nothing to do.

Tears could no longer be held back, and burst out of my eyes.

"Chunhang, where are you?" The woman suppressed her crying, not wanting to show any vulnerability, "...When will you come back? I'm waiting for you."

 Guess everyone, will Principal Shen go back?
  A. Yes; B. No

  The old rules, answer in the comment area, there will be prizes for correct answers~
(End of this chapter)

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