Chapter 405 Queen Shen, Not Short of Money

"Since we want to test your attitude, why doesn't Guidongnan say a word?"

If Miao Miao remembered correctly, no matter during the banquet or on the car, the piece of wood was really a piece of wood, and it was silent.

Shen Yu's smile deepened: "Anyway, if someone can't sit still and speaks first, it's good for him to listen. There is no need to waste saliva, and there is no need to expose himself."

Miao Miao has been beaten to pieces.

So, she was being used again?

Depend on!
It took a full 2 ​​minutes before the mood calmed down.

Miao Miao took a deep breath: "The person I misjudged was Guidongnan, so what about the missing key information?"

Shen Yu said something surprising: "Chang Bo and Yuan Fei are in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."


"Moreover, Chang Bo is above, Yuan Fei is below."

"...You can see this?"

Shen Wei: "Didn't you see it too?"

"Me?" Miao Miao pointed to her nose, obviously out of state.

"You just said that Yuan Fei's windbreaker is a new model launched by the B family this year, and Chang Bo's watch is a small Swiss luxury brand. If you look more carefully, you will find that the windbreaker cufflinks are exclusive custom-made. There is a The letter C, and the same goes for the strap of the watch, with the letter Y on each metal buckle."

C, stands for constant wave.

Y, stands for original non.

Wearing the first letters of each other's surnames, such an intimate behavior, he doesn't want to do anything other than a relationship of lovers.

As for who goes up and who goes down...

Shen Wei: "As soon as Yuan Fei stretched out his hand, Chang Bo handed over the champagne naturally, which shows that in daily life, Chang Bo habitually takes care of Yuan Fei, just like a man takes care of a woman. Whoever attacks who suffers?"

After listening to Miao Miao, she smacked her lips in admiration.

After a long while, he squeezed out a sentence: "Mr. Shen, are you a devil?"

Shen Wei: "...I am human."

At the same time, there is a food stall in the old street not far from Zhegui Palace.

"Miss Boss, have another bottle of beer!"


"Brother, I still have some here, you drink mine first." Yang Weining pushed over.

Liu Yu'an was not polite to him either, and with a wave of his hand, he directly put two skewers of tenderloin onto his plate: "Here, use this instead."

Seeing this, Sui Zhou couldn't help laughing: "Let me tell you, are you two so clear?" 
"Brothers also need to settle accounts clearly."

"This tells you to come and go."

Then with one voice——

"You don't understand!"

The tacit understanding of the identical twins is brought to the extreme at this moment.

Sui Zhou rubbed his nose, he should eat skewers.

The proprietress: "Here comes the beer—"

Liu Yu'an raised his hand to take it, thanked him, bit off the bottle cap with his teeth, and filled it up for himself and everyone else, "Come, come, let's go."

Everyone toasted, Kang Jian was not in high spirits, so he reluctantly took a sip.

Seen by Yuan Fei, "Old Kang, you are so boring. If you have deep feelings, you will be bored, and you will only lick if you have shallow feelings. If you don't do it, you will not give brother face!"

Kang Jian frowned: "I'm not in the mood to make a fuss now."

Yuan Fei: "Who messed with you? I'm serious now."

"Are you serious?" Kang Jian's voice suddenly sank.

Yuan Fei suppressed his smile: "Since you sat down until now, who the hell are you showing your mother-in-law's face to?!"

The atmosphere stagnated, and everyone fell silent.

Sui Zhou: "Why, what's the matter?"

Also confused about the situation was Yang Weining, "Didn't you be fine just now?" He burped while speaking, especially in the quiet atmosphere.

Liu Yu'an tugged at him, and reprimanded him in a low voice: "Don't open your mouth if you don't understand the situation..."

So as not to be treated as cannon fodder and be blasted into slag.

Yang Weining said "Oh" belatedly, then sat down obediently, waiting to eat melons.

Kang Jian laughed back angrily: "Who am I showing to, you don't know?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested, and I don't want to know!" In terms of words, Yuan Fei is better than everyone else, and he was given the nickname "Tear X Little Expert".

In the past, Kang Jian was too lazy to argue with him, even if he didn't agree in his heart, he just turned a blind eye and managed to get over it.

But today, at this moment, he suddenly didn't want to bear it anymore.

"Since you're not interested, why are you asking? The logic is chaotic and inconsistent. No wonder you can only do design, not programming."

Literally beats the heart.

Yuan Fei hates people saying that he has poor logic, although it is true.

"Kang Jian, I didn't see it! You are so eloquent and you are a code farmer. You should become a lawyer. You can make a case for what is wrong. How do you say it? A dog that bites doesn't bark." .Shouldn't I praise you for keeping it secret?"


With a slap on the table, Kang Jian stood up suddenly: "Yuan Fei, keep your mouth clean! Who the hell are you calling a dog?"

"I'll say whoever barks."

"The one below you has been working for a long time, and his mouth has become as broken as a woman's?"

It was not like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and its hair exploded instantly.

He is not ashamed of being "same", but it does not mean that he likes to be talked about.This is not only a joke, but an insult.

Before he could open his mouth to fight back, Chang Bo suddenly stood up——

"Old Kang, that's enough!"

Kang Jian sneered.

Yuan Fei seemed to have found a backer, and leaned into Chang Bo's arms, aggrieved: "He mocked me..."

"Okay, I'll take care of it."


Kang Jian was expressionless.

Chang Bo smiled wryly, eyes full of helplessness.

He and Kang Jian usually have a good relationship, but compared with true love, siblings are three points inferior.

"Old Kang, what can't you say well? When will you change your temper? Even if Xiao Fei says something wrong, you shouldn't attack him personally."

Yuan Fei rolled his eyes: He's just too polite a man, how cool would it be to fuck him directly?
You have to be polite first and then soldiers, chirping and crooked.

Kang Jian took a deep look at Chang Bo, and then fell back on Yuan Fei, "Sorry, I take back that sentence."


Yuan Fei was slightly stunned, and moved his lips unnaturally, " didn't mean it, so forget it."

He said the last four words very quietly.

When I was impulsive, I wanted to spit out the most vicious words, but when I calmed down, I regretted it.

After all these years brothers...

Sui Zhou rolled his eyes and jumped out to smooth things over: "Hey! If you have anything to say, sit down and talk about it, don't hurt your feelings."

No one answered.

Sui Zhou simply left his seat, walked to Kang Jian, put his hand on his shoulder, and exerted a little force: "Old Kang, come here, sit down and talk."

Kang Jian half-pushed and half-settled, and went down the steps.

Chang Bo and Yuan Fei also felt quite boring.

Everyone sat down again, and Kang Jian took a skewer to eat.

Yuan Fei pointed to the plate of duck gizzards on the opposite side, "If you want to eat, help me pick it up."

Chang Bo's eyes are full of doting: "...OK."

Before reaching out his chopsticks, Kang Jian took the initiative to put the duck gizzard in front of the two of them.

Yuan Fei's eyes flashed, and he said thank you awkwardly.

Kang Jian waved his hand.

The atmosphere really warmed up.

Sui Zhou took a sip of the wine, put it down, knocked the bottom of the glass on the table, and made a muffled sound: "Old Kang, tell me what you think?"

Kang Jian was silent.

Yuan Fei curled his lips: "Isn't it because we left Zhou Chi behind? When is this, and we still can't tell the enemy from us..."

Kang Jian paused every word: "Zhou Chi is not an enemy."

"There is a capitalist standing behind him, and the ultimate goal of joining the team is to suck blood!"

"Hey—suck blood? Then we need to have blood to suck. Before the fox fairy came out, who were we? With the rapid development of Internet and computer technology, there are countless similar game development teams. there's a few?"

Kang Jian paused, and his eyes slowly swept across the crowd: "The fox fairy is Zhou Chi's idea. It can be said that without him, there would be no achievements."

"Old Kang! It's not fair for you to say that. Yes, Zhou Chi provided the prototype and framework of the fox fairy, but the sweat and hard work of all of us in the process of turning the concept into reality cannot be denied , and cannot be obliterated!" Yang Weining ignored his brother's hint, and was the first to jump out to refute.

Kang Jian only asked calmly: "Can we make a game of the level of 'Fox Fairy' by ourselves?"

Everyone is silent

Kang Jian took a sip of wine by himself, and sarcasm crept into the corner of his mouth: "So, isn't it us who are going to obliterate all of this now?"

Yang Weining frowned: "What do you mean by that?"

"What is our current identity? Core technical personnel? The backbone of the company? Oh, I almost forgot, the old ghost still holds 20.00% of the dry shares shared by everyone, and the average is less than [-]% of each person's head. I'm a small shareholder, and I still don't have any money, and I use technology to invest in the shares. The most important thing for Shen Yu is money. You were full of complaints about the meal at the Guigui Palace just now, saying that you were not used to eating and that you were not full, but how much did you spend? How much did you pay, do you know?"

"Fuck! You don't really want 18, do you?"

These are all rumors spread on the forum.

In reality, who would spend 10,000+ for a meal?Unless you're out of your mind.

Kang Jian shook his head: "No."

Sui Zhou patted his chest, "Huh... you scared me to death..."

"To be precise, it is 38 yuan, with a fraction of 920 yuan."

Sui Zhou's movements froze, his expression stiffened.

Yang Weining picked up a peanut and almost fed it into his nostrils.

Chang Bo and Yuan Fei looked at each other in surprise.

"Hiss... what did we eat?"

"God! I should have eaten harder if I knew it earlier, what kind of skewers are you still struggling to eat now?"

"I really don't think I ate so much RMB..."

Kang Jian began to report the menu, his face was expressionless the whole time——

"Black and white top-quality caviar, frozen half-headed abalone in sake, Ningjiang king crab, salt-fried gourmet Miyagi steak, wild yellow croaker, Tangzhuo big conch, abalone sauce with fish maw, crocodile tail stew..."

"Well, when we left, there was still a lot of food left on the table? Is there still time to pack it when we rush back now?"


Kang Jian cleared his throat, as calm as ever, and even detached from the incident: "I said this for two purposes."

"Yi Shenhou didn't underestimate us, on the contrary, she showed us her sincerity as much as possible."

"Er Shenhou is really rich and well-connected. Now that the Fox Immortal has become popular, even if we all leave, she can find a replacement in the shortest possible time. Then, all the hard work we put in this game will be wasted. I can only be a small shareholder in peace and quiet, and show up regularly every year to get dividends from the company. Are you willing?"

Yang Weining put down his chopsticks with a snap, and said angrily, "Why should we leave the job? She didn't do anything wrong, and she didn't have any reason to fire us!"

"Oh, so you think so." Kang Jian nodded, "I thought you guys were going to force Shen Yu to resign and give Shen Yu a bad shot."

"Cough cough..."

Everyone's faces were a little unnatural.

They do intend to do so.

Don't they all say that those who master the technology have the dominant power in the negotiation?But after hearing Kang Jian's words, he seemed not so sure anymore.

Shen Wei is rich, Zhou Chi is familiar with this circle, and the name of "Fox Fairy" has already been branded, which is fatally attractive to some network engineers and game developers.

Therefore, they no longer enjoy exclusive market, nor are they irreplaceable!

Thinking of this, everyone sweated at the same time.

Liu Yu'an, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "I agree with Kang Jian's point of view. Threats of resignation may be counterproductive."

Yuan Fei snorted softly, and complained in a low voice: "She, Shen Wei, can a 20-year-old girl have such great abilities? Anyway, I don't believe it."

Liu Yu'an: "If she doesn't have the ability, Zhou Chi will let her order and be loyal? Yi Hong will smile all over his face and take the initiative to greet?"

"That may also be the background of her family..."

"Reincarnation is also a kind of ability."

It turned out that there was nothing to say.

Quiet, as if dead still.

Everyone seemed to be caught up in complicated thoughts, stopped drinking, and stopped masturbating.

After a while, Sui Zhou tentatively said, "How about we wait for the old ghost to come back?"

About a quarter of an hour later, Guidongnan came over and parked the car on the side of the road.

The proprietress graciously brought clean bowls and chopsticks: "Would you like some wine?"

Southeast Gui: "A bottle of beer."


He picked up the chopsticks and tasted every dish with a dull head, only to realize that everyone was a little too quiet, so he raised his head after realizing it: "You...what's the situation?"

"Ghost, didn't you have enough for the meal at Zhegui Palace just now?"

Gui Dongnan nodded: "Most of them are from the sea, and I'm not used to eating them. By the way... you all stare at me in pain, can you explain?"

Chattering and chattering.

Guidongnan only captured key information: "38?"

"Yes." Yang Weining nodded, "Tell me now, do you regret it?"

"...a little bit."

Liu Yu'an cast a warning look at his younger brother, signaling him to calm down: "Now that everyone is here, let's get down to business! Old ghost, what is your impression of Shen Yu along the way?"

Gui Southeast shook his head: "After she got in the car, she began to close her eyes and rest. We didn't say a word, but we chatted a lot with her secretary Miao Miao."

"Have you found anything?"

He pondered for a moment, as if he was organizing his words: "First of all, the other party is guiding and probing between the lines, trying to get some clichés from me. It can be seen that Shen Wei has long been wary of us. I even suspect that she closed her eyes and rested after getting in the car. deliberately avoided."

Liu Yu'an: "Based on what you're saying, she probably already guessed what we want to do."

Gui Dongnan: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Old ghost, you continue."

"From the conversation with Miao Miao, we know that Shen Yu has an unusual background, and Qihang is not the only company under his name."

It coincides with Kang Jian's speculation.

Gui Dongnan: "In the end, I feel that the other party is...sincere."

"how to say?"

"There is no evidence, just a feeling."

Sui Zhou swallowed after listening, "Then what should we do next?"

Expectant gazes turned to Guidongnan.


"Wait for what?"

"Her next move."

"When will that be?"

"Soon. Maybe, tomorrow..."

 It is said that everyone wants to watch Liu Ye’s tough guy drama, and it happens that Yu also wants to write, so——

  write it!try it~
  This way Master Liu won't have to be locked up in a dark room~
  Happy National Day, the motherland will always prosper!
  In addition, more will be added the day after tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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