Chapter 407

And "buying medicine" is not some ordinary herbal medicine, but alluding to medicine guide.Three rabbits buy medicine, in fact, they want to get rid of five rabbits.

Then, the second conclusion comes out: Wutu is a killer.

"Look at the second rabbit" means that it can see a doctor, and it is also that it proposed to use the fifth rabbit as a medicine guide.

So, the third conclusion: the second rabbit killed the fifth rabbit with a borrowed knife, and killed the fifth rabbit without any effort.

So far, more than half of the nursery rhymes have been analyzed, and three conclusions are also listed with reason.

"What about the other half?"

"Why is it gone?"

Someone was shouting from below.

Miao Miao: "The topic only requires three conclusions, and does not require a full analysis."

In other words, only when Gu Qing's three conclusions are recognized can she advance smoothly.

Look at what other people have written?
Miao Miao randomly took out a test paper from the pile of test papers that failed to enter the interview, and projected it on the whiteboard.

In the next second, a burst of laughter erupted in the huge conference room.

Analysis 1: The big rabbit is sick, look at the second rabbit.Explain that the big rabbit is an old man, and the second rabbit is a doctor, and he is also a private doctor.

Conclusion 1: The big rabbit is very rich.

Analysis 2: Three rabbits buy medicine, four rabbits cook.Explain that Sansiliangtu is a servant who does errands.

Conclusion 2: The big rabbit is really rich.

Analysis 3: Five rabbits died, six rabbits lifted.When the big rabbit was dying, the corpse of the five rabbits happened to appear.

Conclusion 3: The big rabbit wants to use the corpse to return to life.


In the end, there was a big summary: money can make ghosts turn the millstone, and a dead rabbit can become a living rabbit.

Fortunately, the name column of the respondent was not projected on it, and everyone laughed. As for who it belongs to, I am afraid only the person concerned will know.

With the on-site random inspection, although those who were eliminated felt regretful, they were not dissatisfied.

Skills are not as good as people, so I am willing to bow down.

Taking advantage of the relaxed atmosphere, someone suggested: "Can you let us see how the person with the highest score answered? Even if we lose, let everyone lose clearly, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was immediately echoed by a large audience.

Understand what you lose, it's all an excuse!

These people are purely curious and want to know the correct answer.

"Okay!" Miao Miao took out the bottom one from the ten answer sheets for promotion, and projected it on the screen.

Compared with Gu Qing's succinct and to-the-point, the owner of this test paper is obviously more "sexy". Not only did he analyze the entire nursery rhyme, but he also started from two different angles and came to different conclusions.

Therefore, the answer area is densely filled with words.

But it is not crowded and messy. On the contrary, the layout is clear and the writing is powerful.

First angle: murder.

The analysis in the first half is almost the same as that of the ancient Qing Dynasty, even more detailed and specific, and the logic in it is clearly sorted out.

The second half is roughly as follows:
Why did the second rabbit borrow a knife to kill the fifth rabbit?According to the following nine rabbits crying and mourning five rabbits, it is not difficult to see that this is a "love killing"!
The second rabbit fell in love with the ninth rabbit, but the nine rabbits loved the fifth rabbit. In the end, the second rabbit wanted to kill the fifth rabbit. Because the big rabbit was sick, he suggested that the fifth rabbit should be used as medicine. In the end, the third rabbit did it, and the fourth rabbit helped to commit the murder. .

Things have become clearer by now.

So, how to explain "five rabbits died, six rabbits carried, seven rabbits dug, eight rabbits buried" and the last ten rabbits appeared?
"Six rabbits carry" does not mean that six rabbits carry the dead five rabbits (because the five rabbits have been made into medicine and there is no corpse at all), but that the six rabbits are "carried" because - it is dead.

Judging from the information given by the nursery rhymes, Liutu and Qibatu have no grievances and no enmity, so the latter two do not have the motive to kill.

The one who killed Liutu could only be the killer Santu.

Because when Santu went to kill Wutu, Wutu happened to be with Liutu and joined forces to resist, and finally failed.The fifth rabbit became the big rabbit's medicine, so what about the sixth rabbit's body?
This is how "seven rabbits dig a hole and eight rabbits bury it".

When the fight was over and everything was settled, Ten Rabbits appeared.

According to the above analysis, it cannot be seen that the big, two, three, four, seven, eight, nine, and ten rabbits survived.

And it is not without reason that these survivors were able to save their lives.

Big Rabbit - the high class with money and power in their hands.

Two Rabbits—a ruthless conspirator.

Three Rabbits—a cold and ruthless murderer.

Four Rabbits - Followers who see the wind turn the rudder.

Seven rabbits and eight rabbits - accomplices succumbed to lust.

Nine Rabbits—a beauty like disaster.

Ten Rabbits - An old man who reaps the benefits.

During the analysis process, the author also used symbols such as arrows and circles to help sort out the logic.

There are more than three conclusions drawn, and if you pick one at random, you can make up thirty of them.

"Hiss... is this guy a criminal investigator?"

"It's not like a white-collar worker, it's like a policeman."

"Contemporary Conan?"

"Such a short nursery rhyme contains so many terrible details."

"My God! How did he analyze it?"

"When I was studying in country M, I lived with an old lady. She usually liked to tell some dark fairy tales in order to scare the mischievous children. It is said that the fairy tales of the last century were actually very bloody, but everyone It’s just that I don’t understand. If you understand, you will know that you are afraid.”

"I finally know what it means to think carefully..."

"MotherGoose (Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes), in addition to this song "Death of the Rabbit", "Lizzie Borden Picks Up the Axe", "Who Killed the Mockingbird" If you are interested, let me know more about it?"

"Tsk, I can't help but get cold hands and feet when I hear these names, so forget it."


There was a lot of discussion, and the answers to the test papers hadn't been displayed yet.

Miao Miao turned the A4 paper to the back, analyzed it from the second angle, and presented it to everyone at a glance.

Compared with the first angle, the second angle is suspected of being a showman in terms of wording, because the whole article adopts the form of questions and answers——

Why did the big rabbit get sick, but the five rabbits died?

Because the big rabbit is already dead.

Who is the second rabbit going to see?
five rabbits.

Didn't the three rabbits go to buy medicine?Why does the big rabbit still die?

Because it buys poison.

If the three rabbits bought poison, what did the four rabbits boil?
big rabbit.

How did the five rabbits die?

Five rabbits did not die.

Who are those six rabbits carrying?

Eight rabbits.Because Seven Rabbits dug a hole and buried Eight Rabbits.

Why did the nine rabbits cry and say to the ten rabbits that the fifth rabbit will not come back?

Because there have never been five rabbits.

It's not so much an answer as a story -- a ghost story.


"I'm getting goosebumps..."

After reading this answer, everyone has to obey.

Knowing where he lost, there was nothing to worry about, so he got up and left one after another.

Miao Miao brought the ten people who finally entered the interview to the door of a separate office.

"The five applicants for the general manager please go in first." Miao Miao opened the door and asked sideways.

Five people filed in, and Gu Qing was among them.

When passing by Miao Miao, she saw that the other party moved her lips silently, saying——

Come on.

At that moment, the anxiety in Gu Qing's heart strangely calmed down.

She took a deep breath and straightened her back.

About four or ten minutes later, the door of the office reopened, and all five people who had entered came out.

The expressions on the faces vary.

Some people are happy, some are worried, some are happy, some are sad.

When Zhang Yang looked at Gu Qing, Gu Qing also just raised his eyes, and his eyes met each other. He saw the complicated flashing in the woman's eyes, as if he couldn't explain it in words.

He couldn't help but groan in his heart.

Inside... did something happen?

Without asking the two about the time to communicate, Miao Miao had already sent the message to let the remaining five people in.

Gu Qing shook his head with a wry smile, but cast a reassuring look at Zhang Yang.

He was a little confused.

After entering inside and seeing the real face of the interviewer, Zhang Yang suddenly realized why there was such a look on Gu Qing's face.

He is probably about the same now.

The woman sitting behind the desk pointed to the five chairs lined up in front of her: "Please sit down."

It turned out to be Shen Wei!
It wasn't until the interview got to the point that the person in front had already given a brief self-introduction, and when it was his turn, Zhang Yang realized it belatedly.

"...Zhang Yang, 26 years old, graduated from XX University with a master's degree, and now works in..."

The following process is not as tricky and interesting as the nursery rhymes of the written test, but more inclined to the examination of professional knowledge and personal ability.

Zhang Yang put aside his nervousness when he saw Shen Yu at first, and answered quite beautifully and simply.

If you can sum it up in one sentence, you won't repeat the second sentence.

But the answer is impartial, straight to the point of the question.

Compared with the other four people, he is like a reference answer - be as concise as possible, there are only results, and the analysis process is not uncommon.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and Shen Yu had already made up her mind.

"Zhang Yang, I've seen your analysis of that nursery rhyme. It's wonderful from two angles, different conclusions, and different wording methods."

The man nodded and said politely, "Thank you."

"Then do you know why I came up with such a question?"

He pondered for a moment: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield, turbulent and unpredictable. Those who survive are those who have special skills in some aspects. This is the truth told by the nursery rhyme itself."

Shen Yu listened quietly without commenting.

The facial expression is also so that people can't see the slightest clue, except for calm, there is only indifference.

But Zhang Yang continued to speak——

"As for your purpose, firstly, you want to test the interviewer's logical analysis ability, and the completion time is limited to 10 minutes, which adds extra pressure virtually."

"Secondly, if you can think of it, you can do it. A person who can analyze and understand this nursery rhyme thoroughly means that this person can bring himself into the state of mind of each rabbit in the nursery rhyme."

Not only can he be a high-ranking person like the big rabbit, but he can also adapt to the role of a servile follower like the fourth rabbit; he can be a cold-hearted executioner when necessary like the third rabbit, and he can also use tears like the nine rabbits Win pity and love with fragility.

When the wind turns the rudder, it can bend and stretch.

This is what a company CEO should have.

Shen Yu's serious expression softened a little, showing the first smile since the five of them entered the door.

"Okay, you guys go out, the interview results will be announced later."

Ten people sat in the tea room, waiting quietly.

A quarter of an hour later, Miao Miao appeared, bringing the final recruitment results.

"Congratulations to Gu Qing and Zhang Yang. The others are also very good. Although there are no CEO and general manager positions for everyone, everyone is capable of filling the vacancy of department heads. As for whether to go or stay, you now have 10 minutes to consider."

After speaking, he led Gu Qing and Zhang Yang away.

The other eight people were left in deep thought.

"Okay, you two." When she reached a corner where no one was around, Miao Miao suddenly turned around and stared at the two with a half-smile.

Gu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, until now, she really relaxed.

Can't wait to ask: "Miao Miao, you and Shen Wei, why do you..." Appeared in Qihang and became an interviewer?
Miao Miao didn't hide anything, anyway, these two people have already been admitted, and sooner or later they will know——

"This game company is owned by Mr. Shen."

Gu Qing stared wide-eyed.

Zhang Yang gasped.

Although they had imagined this possibility, they still couldn't help being surprised when it actually became a reality.

How old is Shen Wei?

Already own such a company.

The most popular mobile game "Fox Fairy" is produced by this company.

Shouldn't such a person appear in the "successor class", how could he be placed in the ordinary class C, with "financial migrant workers" like them?
Miao Miao looked at the expressions of the two with a smile—"It's almost enough, open your mouth so wide, be careful of the saliva flowing out."

Gu Qing smacked his lips.

Zhang Yang quickly managed his facial expressions.

"Let's go, go see Mr. Shen."

Stepping into this office again, the two of them have transformed from just interviewees into prospective employees who have been admitted.

Shen Yu no longer sat solemnly behind the desk, but sat on the sofa.


Gu Qing and Zhang Yang looked at each other, and sat apart.

Miao Miao just happened to come in with a tea tray, couldn't hold back, and laughed, "What are you doing? You were still sticky just now, and now you're avoiding suspicion?"

"Cough..." Zhang Yang coughed unnaturally to cover up his embarrassment.

Gu Qing lowered his head, seemingly shy, but actually feeling uneasy.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, her eyes wandered between the two of them, as if she understood something, but she didn't take the initiative to mention it.

Just ask: "Do you want to change jobs?"

Gu Qing works as a senior manager in a financial company in Ningcheng.

Zhang Yang works in the Ningcheng branch of a global securities company. Based on his qualifications and ability, he thinks the position is not low.


Taking advantage of the new year's day holiday, they showed up in Beihai for an interview, and they were already convinced that they wanted to change jobs.

Shen Wei: "May I know the reason?"

Gu Qing: "We have been thinking about this issue since we were admitted to Qihang."

Shen Wei could probably guess this point.

Not to mention the big circle of the business world, just narrowing down to the financial industry, the words "Qihang Academy" mean that the body of the clay sculpture is plated with gleaming gold.

Many people will consider going further after getting the certificate of completion.

"The two of us have been in our respective companies for almost two or three years, and we have almost reached the top. While we are young and haven't settled down, we want to try again and save more capital for the future. In addition, our hometown is In Beihai, after so many years of 'Ning Piao', it's time for the fallen leaves to return to their roots."

Shen Wei: "Will your current work unit release you?"

In the past, it was not that there were no employees who had just graduated from the sailing and quit after getting the certificate. On the contrary, they caught a lot of them.

Therefore, in order to avoid brain drain, many companies will ask employees to sign a "Guarantee Letter" before they enter school, guaranteeing that they will continue to work in the company after completing their studies.

There is often a promise of a promotion and a raise.

Zhang Yang: "The situation you mentioned mostly happens to people who are recommended by the company to take the exam and are successfully enrolled. But Qingqing and I decided to take the exam by ourselves, and it has nothing to do with the company, so we haven't signed the "Guarantee Letter" .”

Shen Yu hummed lightly, this would save a lot of trouble.

"When are you going to start working?"

The two looked at each other, and bowed their heads in embarrassment, "Maybe...we have to wait until Qihang's studies are over..."

This is another place where they are embarrassed besides the relationship as a couple.

For a recruitment like this, of course, the sooner you can join the job, the better, but neither of them can do it at the moment.

Shen Yu frowned, it was indeed a problem.

The two positions of CEO and general manager are not a joke. They are related to the decision-making and operation of the entire company. Now that "Fox Fairy" has made a good start, everything must be kept up in the future, otherwise there will be faults and it will be easy to waste all previous efforts.

No matter how hot the game is, it may also be short-lived.

There are too many lessons learned from the past, and Shen Yu dare not relax.

She thought for a while, "After New Year's Day, there will be another two weeks for the Spring Festival holiday. In the meantime, you can give orders remotely and manage the company. Of course, you need to travel back and forth between Ningcheng and Beihai when necessary. After two weeks Zhou, during the Spring Festival holiday, you may be required to come to the company to sit in town. When the course over there is over in March, you will fly over and start working immediately. There is basically no rest in the middle, and even on New Year’s Eve, you can’t have a reunion dinner with your family. Is it acceptable? ?”

Shen Hou chose Gu Qing and Zhang Yang not because he was familiar with them, but because he chose the top managers from the perspective of the company owner.

She is not a philanthropist, and she will not kindly help the two of them solve the problem of job hopping. She will only consider whether the two are suitable for the position based on the interests of the company.

Among them, timing is also a very important aspect.

When she made the biggest concession and gave the lowest bottom line, Gu Qing and Zhang Yang were still not satisfied, so she would kick them out without hesitation.

That's why she asked Miao Miao to keep the other eight interviewers.

Without her first choice, she always has a second choice as an alternative.

At this time, Gu Qing and Zhang Yang clearly realized that the young girl in front of them was not only their classmate and team leader, but also the helm of a company.

The former can have intimate conversations and jokes; while the latter can only stand respectfully at a distance and serve them carefully.

After a full minute, Gu Qing nodded: "Yes."

Zhang Yang: "OK."

"Okay. Miao Miao, you take them to sign the contract, and then call the rest of the people in."

"Shen... President." Gu Qing almost blurted out "Shen Wei", but fortunately she changed her words in time, and she secretly sweated.

"Any thing else?"

Gu Qing moved his lips, hesitated to speak several times.

Shen Yu watched quietly like this, waiting patiently, but didn't urge her.

Finally, as if the other party had made up his mind, he asked, "Will my relationship with Zhang Yang be affected?"

Shen Wei raised her eyebrows.

"A lot of companies prohibit office romances, and besides, our positions are..." too high, she explained.

A CEO, a general manager, if they really join forces, it will not be too easy to do something.

Shen Wei asked back: "Will you join forces to do things that harm the interests of the company?"

Gu Qing shook his head, his eyes were straightforward: "No."

Zhang Yang also waved his hands, and said half-jokingly, "I'm a good person."

Shen Yu said calmly: "I'm not afraid of it, it's not bad, if someone really eats the inside out," she half-closed her eyes, but the smile didn't catch her eyes, "I have plenty of ways to take care of him."

When the two of them heard this, a chill came out from the back of their necks, and the coldness gradually spread to their limbs.

After Gu Qing and Zhang Yang left, Shen Hou met the remaining eight people.

Four of them decided to stay on as department heads.

Shen Wei asked them why.

Two out of four said they were very optimistic about the future of Qihang.

The remaining four or two expressed that they were not convinced and could do better than Zhang Yang and Gu Qing who had already been hired.

In this regard, Shen Wei also promised to give them the opportunity to be promoted and transferred every year depending on the performance of the department.

The other four chose to leave, but Shen Yu did not persuade them to stay.

So far, Qihang's various departments have roughly taken shape, and the next step is to station newcomers in each department.

She doesn't need to worry about this, she has her own department head Zhang Luo, CEO and general manager to supervise.

In the evening, at [-]:[-], the sky has turned gray.

Shen Wei signed the last document, closed it with a snap, and handed it to Miao Miao.

For this Beihai trip, all the work will be considered complete.

Miao Miao sent the documents to the technology department and the start-up human resources department respectively, returned to Shen Hou's office, threw her fat body onto the sofa, and sighed comfortably: "Finally liberated!"

Shen Yu put on her coat and walked up to her: "Get up."

Fat Miaomiao, who was still soft into a puddle of mud, sat up straight in an instant: "Huh? Is there anything else?"

"Please eat."

"Ow-Long live Boos!"

Half an hour later, the two were sitting in a barbecue restaurant.

There is a smokeless charcoal grilling basin in front of it, and the well-defined top cover is covered with pork belly, fat beef, mutton rolls, ribs...

Shen Yu was concentrating.

Miao Miao was engrossed.

When the two of them were sixty percent full, they slowed down the speed of chopsticks, and chatted while eating.

"Didn't you say you want to lose weight? Is this your attitude?" Shen Wei couldn't help teasing while holding a teacup.

Miao Miao has no guilt, but is confident: "The best way to lose weight is not to go on a diet."

"How much weight have you lost so far?"

Miao Miao stretched out her fleshy paws and waved in front of her: "Hey, this number..."

"Five catties?"


Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, "No wonder the chin looks sharp..."

"Really? Really?" Miao Miao's eyes lit up, and she was as happy as a little magpie.

When the two of them finished eating, it was already nine o'clock.

When the lights come on, the whole city is shrouded in beauty.

The night wind blows gently, bringing a little coolness.

While Shen Hou was paying the bill inside, Miao Miao was standing at the door with her hands in her pockets, waiting quietly.

On the way, a little puppy ran over and bit her pant leg.

It's a tricolor corgi.

The hair is smooth and smooth, and it is neatly combed, and there is a collar around the neck, so you can tell at a glance that it belongs to the owner.

The little guy was swinging his little ass around at her feet.

Miao Miao squatted down and patted its head: "What's the matter, little guy?"

It seems to be more cheerful, squinting, a look of enjoyment.

Miaomiao pulled her hand back, her whole body was happy, rubbing and rubbing, as if to say: Continue!keep touching~
Miaomiao laughed, seeing its anxious appearance, she really couldn't bear to refuse, so she stroked it a few more times and even scratched it for him.

Maybe it was too comfortable, and the little thing made a little milky sound of "嘤嘤嘤嘤".

Miao Miao was almost bleeding from it, "Where's your master? Why did you leave your dog here?"


"What if it is stolen by a dog dealer?"


"Hey, kid, are you hungry?"

"Woof~" Although the voice was soft, it finally sounded like a dog.

Miao Miao went to the convenience store next door to buy a ham sausage, peeled it open, and when she was feeding it to the little guy's mouth, a scolding directly scared the sausage out of her hand.

"What are you feeding Yuanyuan?!"

Miao Miao raised her eyes subconsciously, her eyes were blank.

The man didn't even look at her, he strode forward to kick the ham off the ground, but the little guy had already eaten most of it, and he even wagged his hips and tail triumphantly.

The man's face turned black.

"Cough..." Miao Miao cleared her throat, "Director Gui, is this your dog?"

Hearing this, the man turned his head abruptly, and seeing Miao Miao's smiling eyes, he couldn't help frowning: "Why are you here?"

Miao Miao pointed to the sign above, "Come and eat."

Guidongnan glanced inside.

Miao Miao seemed to see through his intentions: "Boss Shen is also with me."

The man looked embarrassed.

"You haven't answered me yet, is this corgi yours?"

"My friend is on a business trip, and I put him in foster care for half a month."

Miao Miao leaned over and patted the little guy's head again, "So cute!"

And the little Corgi looked like he was enjoying himself very much, and the corners of Guidongnan's mouth twitched when he saw it: You are a heartless dog, serving you with delicious food and drinks, and pooping on my pillow, but I just touched you a few times. Start acting coquettishly.

Double standard dog!
"Do you know how to raise it?" Miao Miao stood up straight and looked at him suspiciously.

The furrows between Gui Dongnan's eyebrows deepened, and he really wanted to answer her: What does it have to do with you?

Miao Miao didn't know that he was complaining in his heart, and continued: "It looks very hungry, are you sure you took it out for a walk after you fed it?"


Gui Dongnan remembered that after he got off work, he just put some dog food into the basin, and when he came out of the bedroom after taking a shower, the basin was already empty. As for whether he was full or not, this was not in his consideration, could it be that he just ate it? up?
Seeing him like this, Miao Miao knew there must be something wrong.

"Although it is raised for a friend, since it is handed over to you, you should take responsibility. The most comfortable thing for such a small dog is to eat well and sleep well, and then go out to have fun with the owner. If you don't care, you will grow up later. It will leave a psychological shadow on the dog."

"What? It's not that serious, is it?"

Still psychologically shadowed, do you really come to support yourself?

Miao Miao was serious and didn't mean to be joking: "Of course!"

Southeast Gui rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "Okay, I'll pay attention next time, I haven't raised a dog before, so I don't have much experience... Thank you."

Miao Miao: "You're welcome. Is it called Yuanyuan?"


"Which Yuan?"

"A dollar for a dollar."

"Then his master must be a money fan."

Thinking of his friend's virtue, Gui Dongnan couldn't help laughing out loud, "You really guessed it right!"

"Hey, looking at you now, you are not the kind of taciturn wood, are you?"


Miao Miao: "I said, you are different now than when you sent us back to the hotel yesterday."

The man smiled slightly, his eyes embarrassed.

"Oh, I see, you were just pretending yesterday, trying to get something out of me, right?"

Guidongnan didn't expect Miaomiao to point it out so directly.

He thought that the internal affairs of the company had stabilized, and every member of the team had been appeased. It was good for everyone to know this matter well, and then he never mentioned it and exposed it.

Unexpectedly, Miao Miao didn't play the cards according to the rules.

This is a little embarrassing.

In other words, Miaomiao looked calm, and he was the only one embarrassed by Gui Dongnan.

In a blink of an eye, he seemed to have turned into that "old ghost" who was as dumb as wood and could not speak.

It's just that this time Miao Miao found that the expression on his face was obviously more lively than yesterday. It seemed that he was not pretending, but was really speechless because of her embarrassment.

After a long time, he squeezed out a sentence——

"...Don't you want to talk to me too?"

Miao Miao nodded, and generously admitted: "That's right, that's my plan."

"You..." The man was slightly taken aback.

His introverted and deep, and Miaomiao's outspokenness seem to form two extremes.

She handles him with ease.

However, when he dealt with her, he was struggling and struggling everywhere.

"Southeast Gui," Miao Miao called him by name directly, "Your acting skills are quite good, the hibiscus comes out of clear water, and you can carve it naturally—it couldn't be more natural."

"I didn't act."

Miao Miao snorted and patted little Corgi's head again before turning around and going into the shop.

The man stood where he was, looking at the woman's not-so-slender back, with doubt gradually appearing in his eyes.

He found that he really didn't understand women as creatures.

In the past, he didn't understand the thoughts of beautiful women; now, he couldn't even figure out the not-so-beautiful fat sister.

Obviously, she taught him how to keep a dog in a good voice before, but later she was provoked, and she changed her face when she said she would change her face.


It's inexplicable!
Gui Dongnan didn't know that creatures like women hold grudges.

He played people like monkeys yesterday, but if they meet him today, he will naturally ask for it back.

Miao Miao and Shen Hou held hands, and when they left together, Guidongnan was no longer at the door of the store, and little Corgi was taken away, and even the wrapping paper of the ham sausage was cleaned up.

Shen Wei: "What are you looking for?"

"I just met Guidongnan."

"where is it?"

"Here it is, he walks the dog."


"Finally revenge."

Seeing her embarrassed look, Shen Yu shook her head helplessly.

This is a contradictory girl, sometimes it can be very simple, but sometimes it is also very complicated...

The two took a taxi back to the hotel.

As soon as Miao Miao sat down, she realized that her mobile phone was gone.

She turned the bag upside down and found nothing.

The room was also searched, but nothing was found.

She knocked on the door of Shen Yu's room opposite, borrowed her mobile phone, and dialed her number.

There was no ringing in her room, and just when she was about to hang up, someone answered it!


Miao Miao paused and quickly realized: "Hello, I am the owner of this phone, may I ask..."

It turned out that it fell in the private room of the barbecue restaurant. The waiter found it when he was clearing the table and handed it to the front desk.

The cashier answered the phone.

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Miao Miao returned the phone to Shen Hou, "I'll go out for a while, and I'll come back when I get the phone."

"I'll accompany you."

"No, it'll be quick. I'll take a taxi and leave as soon as I get it. It will only take ten minutes."

Shen Yu thought for a while, "Then you pay attention to safety."



BBQ shop.

"Thank you." Miao Miao took the phone.

"You're welcome."

Suddenly a familiar figure came into view, and she blinked in a daze, trying to distinguish the real from the fake.

Shouldn't he be in Ningcheng?

How could it appear in Beihai?

Miao Miao wanted to go over to find out what happened, but someone was faster than her, and jumped to the man's side like a rabbit, grabbed his cuff and said something excitedly.

The two of them were in the small square directly opposite the store. Although they were separated by a distance, they couldn't hear what they were talking about, but the street lights were bright enough for Miao Miao to recognize Shen Chunjiang's back and... Ye Xuanzhi's profile .

beep - beep -

The taxi driver waiting on the side of the road saw that Miao Miao had not come out after 2 minutes, so he honked his horn vigorously to urge her.

Miao Miao first sent a WeChat message to Shen Hou, telling her that she might return to the hotel later, so she didn't have to worry.

He paid the fare to the driver and told him not to wait.

After arranging everything, she slowly approached the two of them.

"...Chunhang, how long are you going to hide from me?"

The man's expression was calm and his tone was indifferent: "I thought I had made it very clear, Xuanzhi, you are a smart woman, you should understand what I mean."

"No..." The woman shook her head dejectedly, her eyes sparkling, "I'm not smart, and I don't understand."

Shen Chunhang frowned, sighing like a sigh: "Why are you doing this?"

Ye Xuanzhi's grip on his cuff became more intense, as if it was the only thing she could hold on to. Once she let go, everything she owned would disappear.

So, you can't let it go, and you can't let it go.

"Chunhang, I know, I'm still angry about what happened that day. I shouldn't go to the bar in the middle of the night, and I shouldn't go crazy with alcohol, regardless of your advice. When you took me away, I should be obedient, but I was drunk I can't control myself at all..."


The woman froze slightly.

Shen Chunhang shook his head: "It's not for these reasons."


"I don't need to tell you, you should know it in your heart." The man's pupils were pure black, like two deep and merciless vortexes, crushing a piece of her heart mercilessly until it was turned into ashes and scattered in the wind. Finally turned to dust.

Ye Xuanzhi's face was pale.

In memory, this man always seems to have a calm and determined appearance.

He will gently express his concern, help her solve all the problems in life and work, give her expensive and decent gifts on every important day, and contact the best hospital and hire the most powerful staff when her family members are sick. doctor surgeon.

In her mind, he is like a hero, who goes to heaven and earth, and is omnipotent.

Over the years, he had given her the warmth and consideration of a husband, but when she mustered up the courage to ask him for a title, he gave her a blow in the head.

Only then did Ye Xuanzhi realize how completely wrong she was.

His tenderness and thoughtfulness are all gifts, rewards for dedicating his body and youth to her.

There has never been a love and acquaintance between them, and there are only clear prices and money.

This recognition was like a sharp knife piercing her heart.

But even so, Ye Xuanzhi was still reluctant to let go.

She thought, the big deal is not about fame, even if she will never see the light, she still has to be by his side, not asking for forever, just asking this man to come and see her when he occasionally thinks of her, and accompany her for half a day, or a few hours.

That's enough.

That's right, Ye Xuanzhi desperately wanted to go back to the past.

There is no bar to get drunk, nor does Shen Chunhang leave in a rage.

They are still in the previous loving and harmonious mode of getting along.

Unfortunately, everything is her fantasy.

From that day on, Shen Chunhang never came to the apartment again, and she didn't dare to go to school to find him.

Afraid that others would see it and misunderstand something, she was too aware of how much Shen Chunhang cherished her own feathers. He valued his reputation as his own life.

Ye Xuanzhi didn't dare to gamble, let alone make trouble.

Because she knew that once a quarrel broke out and the last friendship was worn away, then there would be no possibility for her and Shen Chunhang.

So, she can only wait.

It's okay during the day, she has to go to work, try to keep herself busy, so that she won't always think of him.

What was difficult was that at night, she suffered from insomnia all night. Even with the help of medicine, she could barely sleep for two hours.

Except for the time when she closed her eyes, she would either lie on the bed, stare blankly at the ceiling, and wait for the dawn; or sit on the sofa in the living room, turn on the TV, turn off the sound, and stare blankly at the screen, but nothing happened in it. Heart, forget it in a blink of an eye.

Ye Xuanzhi felt that she might go crazy.

But she still underestimated the tenacity of people, she is fine, not even a little cold.

Sometimes, she even thought, if she was sick, terminally ill, with no cure, would she be able to get that person's sympathy?

In the end, she still waited.

But it was not Shen Chunhang's change of heart, but his determination and ruthlessness.

A villa with a market price of tens of millions, a sports car, and a certain amount of savings can buy out their relationship for several years. 
Undoubtedly, he was generous.

The value of these items, together with the jewelry he gave her, was enough for Ye Xuanzhi to spend the rest of her life in peace and prosperity.

She was still young and so beautiful, leaving Shen Chunhang, and with money around her, she did not expect to find a good man to marry.

If Ye Xuanzhi was smarter, she should take the money and leave.

But she didn't.

After hearing the news that Shen Chunhang would come to Beihai to inspect the location of the branch campus on New Year's Day, she also followed without hesitation.

This is what is now.

"Chunhang, can you... be kind to me?" She cried.

Unbearable flashed in the man's eyes, but he was still indifferent: "I will deposit another sum of money in your card..."

"You clearly know that what I want is not these!"

"Then what do you want?" There was a sharp flash in his eyes, which was fleeting.

Ye Xuanzhi moved her lips, she wanted to say: I want your sincerity!
But when the words came to her lips, she suddenly lost the courage to speak when she met the man's cold gaze.

Can't say it, it will only make the situation worse.

Ultimately, "...I want to move on, I don't want to break up."

"Feel sorry."

"Why? Why?" She shook his sleeves, like an aggrieved child, asking more and more intensely.

Shen Chunhang pulled out his sleeve, but the woman did not let go.

He exerted a little force, "Be obedient, stop making trouble."

Her tone carried the gentleness she was familiar with, as if they hadn't broken up and were still in love.

Ye Xuanzhi's heart was soft and her nose was sore, her eyes were flushed, and when she loosened her hands a little, he managed to break free.

Tears could no longer be restrained and burst out of my eyes.

Shen Chunhang opened his arms and hugged her gently: "Xuanzhi, I can't afford what you want, so I can only let go."

 Today is [-] words. Adding updates is not bursting updates. Don’t get me wrong~
(End of this chapter)

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