Chapter 414 Life and death together, finally out of danger

Quan Hanting, who has always been inarticulate and mostly silent, was uncharacteristically talking non-stop, trying to keep her awake in this way.

Shen Wei was listening very hard and trying to understand the meaning of each word, but slowly, she could only see the man's lips moving, but the voice gradually faded away until it was completely replaced by a buzzing tinnitus.

Cold, occupying most of the senses.

She subconsciously moved closer to a warmer place, but soon, the man's body temperature also began to drop.

In addition to the dark hole in the pool, there is an open top hole tens of meters above their heads, and the moonlight pours down.

At this moment, the wind whimpered.

Every time it is scraped, the temperature in the hole is taken away.

Quan Hanting knew that if this went on like this, they would be frozen to death if no one came.

We must find a way to warm up both of them!

But this ghostly place has no dry firewood, and no kindling, so there is no way to rely on foreign things.

Then only...

Quan Hanting was about to let go of Shen Hou, but in the next second, she was grasped by her cold fingers. The strength was so light that it could be ignored, and he could get rid of it with a little struggle.

But Quan Hanting didn't, he couldn't bear it, let alone bear it.

Following Shen Yu's movements, the man bowed his head and comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, I won't leave."

Shen Yu opened her mouth, she wanted to say: You can go, leave me alone, find someone, I will wait for you here.

But when she met the man's gentle and quiet gaze, she realized that she couldn't speak at all.

She is not that great, even selfish.

She didn't want to be alone, and she was even more afraid of being abandoned...

Guilt and self-blame swarmed at a certain moment. Maybe the man's gaze was too tolerant, or it could be just a pure physiological reaction. A drop of crystal slipped from the corner of his eye, and finally sank into the sideburns and disappeared.

"Stupid or not? Why are you crying?"

Shen Yu didn't speak, but looked at him with nostalgia.

The man's heart softened: "Good boy, I don't want to leave you behind."

She pursed her lips, Quan Hanting spread out her skirt and helped Shen Yu lie down.

Then start running.

After about a quarter of an hour, it stopped.

At this moment, he was already covered with thin layers of sweat, walking towards Shen Yu with heat all over his body, and hugged her into his arms.

"Is it warm?" The man asked with a smile.


"Why, are you disgusted?"

Shen Yu grinned, "I haven't finished talking yet, what's the hurry?"

Quan Hanting raised his eyebrows.

"Even if I'm sweaty, I love it."

He smiled.

But this way, the temperature that can be maintained is not long, unless Shen Wan can also generate heat through exercise like Quan Hanting, otherwise, it is just a drop in the bucket.

But Shen Yu's current physical condition does not allow it.

Not to mention running, even getting off the ground is a bit difficult, so I can only lie down.

Quan Hanting's brows and eyes moved slightly.

"Wu Wan... still remember that time, how I helped you warm your feet?"


"It seems that I have not forgotten." He smiled.

Four eyes facing each other.


The two spoke at the same time.

Quan Hanting knew that she agreed.



It was already the next morning when Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun came to find him.

The rain had stopped, the sky had cleared, and the sun was pouring down through the top hole, brightening everything up.

The temperature in the cave has risen to the point where people can sweat profusely while sitting still.

Yin Yang Cave, the name is really correct.

Shen Hou fell asleep, and when she woke up the next day, her body temperature returned to normal, but her face was still extremely pale, and her lips were chapped and bloody.

Quan Hanting: "Do you want to sit up?"

Shen Yu nodded, but heard a clatter——

The sound of water breaking.

Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun floated up from the pool, and before they could get ashore, they were choked by what they saw before them, almost dying of breath.

The golden beam of light cast from the top hole enveloped the two people who were embracing each other.

The woman's complexion is not very good, she looks a little embarrassed, but she also has a kind of scattered beauty.

The man had a loving expression and hugged her tightly.

They were not knocked down by the harsh conditions, nor panicked about their own situation, just like a couple camping in the wild, not coming to suffer, but to take a leisurely vacation.

"Cough cough cough..."

Chu Yujiang was really choked, and didn't mean to disturb the reminder in the slightest.

Quan Hanting backed away, leaned against the woman's forehead, and said softly: "The master said, we will all be fine."

Shen Yu also found two rescuers floating in the pool water: "Well, you said everything you said."

"In that case, then be obedient and obedient."

She smiled without saying a word.

"Let's go out and discuss this issue."

Shen Wei: "..."

Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun not only came, they also brought tools.

Considering Shen Yu's body, Quan Hanting did not choose to dive back from the pool, but left directly from the top hole with a rope.

After several people went up, they joined Ah Zhao outside and continued to cross the forest area.

Finally in the afternoon, I saw the coastline.

The helicopter that arrived was still there, but the driver was Ling Yun.

A Zhao was closely monitored by Chu Yujiang to prevent him from contacting Song Jing.

And since Shen Wei got on the plane, she tilted her head and fell asleep.

Not even the noise of the propellers woke her up.

Chu Yujiang's curiosity was almost taken to the sky by what she did, and she had a backlog of questions, but unfortunately, there was no way to ask them.

Asked, but no one answered.

Isn't the person involved still sound asleep?

Scratching my ears and cheeks, my heart itches unbearably.

Quan Hanting also wanted to know how she hooked up with Song Jingdang, and how she persuaded him to lend the helicopter and pilot. Out of the corner of her eye, she fell on her bandaged arm, her brows and eyes darkened.

An hour later, the helicopter landed on the private apron of Nanshi Airport.

Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng rushed to the hospital with a team of medical staff, with solemn expressions.

A quarter of an hour later, Shen Wan, who seemed to be asleep but fell into a coma, was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

In the hospital corridor, the pale light shone on the side of the man's face, making his outline more and more profound, but at this moment, his pair of dark and deep eyes seemed to lose focus and become dull and gloomy.

There was a sound of footsteps, it was Hu Zhibei who had handled the completed matters.

"The pilot named Ah Zhao has been temporarily controlled. The fifth child will personally watch over him and will not let him escape. In addition, the helicopter is indeed recorded under Er... Song Jing's name."

Quan Hanting didn't look at him, but kept his gaze flat, staring at the surgery door not far away that would be opened at some point, "Did you open your mouth? The pilot."

"He didn't know what Shen Yu and Song Jing talked about, but he suddenly received an order to drive the helicopter to the apron on the top floor of the casino."

"I see."

Hu Zhibei pondered for a moment, knowing that it was not the time, but still couldn't help but ask: "What happened? Why are you trapped on a desert island?"

Quan Hanting didn't speak, just stared at the door.

Hu Zhibei was anxious.

It was Chu Yujiang who called him aside and recounted the incident in a low voice.

It turned out that they entered the rainforest area of ​​the west district of Nanshi and searched, but found no trace of the "sea shark".

At that time, the three of them had already gone deep into the hinterland. Fortunately, there was a signal to contact the outside world, so Chu Yujiang directly arranged for a helicopter to pick them up.

While waiting, they were attacked by a "sea shark".

The other party obviously noticed something shortly after they entered the forest, so they found a hidden place to hide, and did not start until the three of them were almost exhausted.

Fortunately, the helicopter arrived in time, and after the three of them got up, the opponent was unwilling to do so, and fired two shots at the tail of the aircraft with a heavy weapon.

The helicopter is the latest unmanned aircraft developed by Shao Anheng. There are still improvements in both the intelligent system and the internal parts. As a result, the bombing did not know what was damaged, and the emergency parachute alarm was activated directly.

In this way, the three of Quan Hanting floated to a small island hundreds of kilometers away from Nanshi, and the landing point was right in the middle of the forest area.

"...If it wasn't for Shen Hou, we would still be trapped on the island."

Hu Zhibei let out a long sigh: "Xiao Wu and I were both stuck, and we didn't receive her call for help. Who would have thought that she would go directly to the second child... that is not a person who is willing to help others, especially when it is about It is even more impossible to let go of the life and death of the sixth son, how did Shen Yu do it?"

Chu Yujiang also wanted to know, but he could only wait for Shen Yu to wake up.

Suddenly, the door of the emergency room opened...

Shen Yu had a very long dream.


The protagonists are her and Quan Hanting.

Various places, various postures, she became hot, suddenly, there was a landslide, and she lowered her head, only to realize that she was on the ice surface, and the ice surface was cracking at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Opening his eyes suddenly, he saw the snow-white ceiling, and the smell of disinfectant lingered in his nose.

Shen Yu's mind went blank for five seconds before she realized——

This is... a hospital?
"woke up?"

Moving his eyes to the left, the man's exquisite face came into view, but he was slightly tired.

"I..." As soon as he opened his mouth, his throat was dry and astringent.

Quan Hanting helped her sit up, then took out the glass, walked to the water dispenser, took half of the glass, inserted a straw, and handed it to Shen Yu's mouth.

She subconsciously raised her hand and was held down by the man: "I'll do it."

The tone is deep.

She opened her mouth and sucked lightly, the warm liquid moistened her throat and slid down her esophagus.

"anything else?"

Shen Yu shook his head.

He put down his glass and sat back on the bed.

"How long have I slept?"

"...two days."

Shen Yu glanced at her unbandaged arm. Although it was a little red and swollen, it was not deep, and scabs had begun to form, but...

It looks ugly.

Like a giant centipede.

"Will it leave a scar?" She raised her eyes blankly, and was at a loss for a moment when she met the man's cold gaze.

Shen Wei: "What's wrong with you?"

Quan Hanting was expressionless: "It's only now that I'm afraid of leaving scars, why did I go so long ago?"

She reacted, her eyes sinking slightly.

Expressing silent resistance by not speaking, how angry!

"Shen, Hou!" He suddenly raised his voice, "Look at what you're doing!"

"What did I do? I just risked my life to save you. It's nothing, it's not important, it's not worth mentioning at all, is that all right? Are you satisfied?"


In the next second, water quickly gathered in the woman's eyes, which were crystal clear: "Quan Hanting, you have no conscience! White-eyed wolf!"

As soon as Chu Yujiang walked to the door of the ward, he heard such a voice and stopped immediately in fright.

If he breaks in at this time, he will probably become cannon fodder. For the sake of his own life, he should withdraw first and go to the next ward to see the little mushroom...

That girl hurt her leg and forced herself to dive into the pool, she deserved it!

Alas, this one and the two don't worry...

Chu Yujiang sighed with emotion.

In the ward, the four eyes met, the love was absent, and it was full of flames.

"Tell me clearly, why am I sorry for you? When I just woke up, you turned my face and said harsh words, Quan Hanting, did you see a little nurse in the hospital when I was in a coma, and you made such a fuss? I propose to break up?!"

Men are stupid.

What is this all about?
"Don't think about it, how can there be any little nurse..."

"Okay! So you've taken a fancy to a female doctor!"

"..." He was more wronged than Dou E.

"Wu Wan," Quan Hanting's eyes darkened, complex and heavy between his brows and eyes, "You didn't feel sorry for me, you were sorry for yourself." As he spoke, his eyes fell on her hand.

Shen Wei pursed her lips, subconsciously retracting.

Gently held down by the man's warm palm: "You hurt me because of me, are you afraid of me watching?"

"You know it all?"

Quan Hanting turned his head away, Shen Yu saw that the end of his eyes were red, but when he turned back he regained his composure, "I don't need you to do this."

Word by word.

"Actually, the wound was not deep, and it didn't hurt at all. I controlled the strength and angle when I struck, but it just looked scary..."

"Enough!" The man trembled all over.

Seeing him like this, Shen Yu felt sore and soft in her heart: "Quan Hanting, listen carefully, this is my wish..."

"I can't do it willingly!" He interrupted, biting his cheeks tightly, trying his best to suppress the fluctuating emotions: "My life doesn't need to be exchanged by you in this way."

"But you know I will definitely come, don't you?" Shen Yu looked at him calmly, "You can never leave me when I fall into a hole, why can't I stand up when you are in danger? ?”

Quan Hanting was left speechless by the question.

Shen Wei: "I am your lover, and may even become your wife in the future, not a pet kept in the house or a flower blooming in the greenhouse."

Pets need to be taken care of by their owners, and flowers need to be watered by gardeners.

No matter pets or flowers, they are just tools for a smile or a reward for the blogger, but what Shen Yu wants is never Quan Hanting's care or play, but hand in hand to share the wind and rain.

"If I don't even have the courage, how can I be your rightful woman?"

When she said these words, there seemed to be light in the woman's eyes, revealing tenacity, which was the unyielding spirit that penetrated into the soul.

He is proud, so why isn't she?

He was willing to give his life for her, why couldn't she?

"Our love has always been equal. If you can do for me, I can also do for you." The woman curved her lips and smiled aggressively.

 The correct answer is C Oh, I thought everyone would be dirty, but it's actually okay...

(End of this chapter)

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