Chapter 416 Meeting at the Cocktail Party, Dance to the Vinegar Circle

In the study room on the second floor, Shao Anheng opened the curtains, and happened to have a panoramic view of the two figures sitting and standing.

Then, he couldn't help laughing.

"Fifth, what are you looking at?" Hu Zhibei stepped forward.

Shao Anheng turned sideways to give him part of the position.

"What is this doing?"


Hu Zhibei clicked his tongue, feeling a little surprised: "Xiao Yun still has this leisurely mood?"

Why doesn't he know?
In my impression, Ling Yun is a cool boy who is dragged to the sky. He doesn't talk much and has good skills. Guns and sandbags are his daily pastime, and he has never seen fishing before.

Shao Anheng twitched the corner of his mouth lightly: "Join the fun, and don't have that skill."


"Xiao Yun couldn't catch any of Shen Yu's raised heads."

Hu Zhibei understood, this little bastard was competing.

"Let them go. Being able to eat, drink and play is the treatment that patients should have."

"Third brother, come and see..."

Hearing this, Hu Zhibei bumped into Shao Anheng: "Let's go, the sixth son is calling."


When Shao Anheng lowered the curtains, Ling Yun and Shen Yu were no longer satisfied with standing still, and started bickering, one childish and the other speechless.

Sure enough, mentally handicapped children have a lot of fun.


"In short, it's not my technical problem, but these fish don't know what's good!" After a long debate, Ling Yun made a final decision.

Shen Yu stared at him like a fool, then turned around decisively and entered the room.

have to!If you want to fish, just fish. Humans and mushrooms are not the same species and cannot communicate.

Finally, before the sun sets, Ling Yun, who sticks to the pond, catches the first fish he has caught with his own hands.


Just a head, a little small.

Ling Yun: "Braised or steamed?"

Shen Yu stretched out her palm silently for comparison, it was not half as long as her hand.

Ling Yun raised his head, with a lovable baby face, the broken hair drooping in front of his forehead was parted, revealing his forehead.

The pupils are pure black, highly focused, and appear crystal clear. At the moment, she is a bit dazed, just like a young lady with red lips and white teeth.

"Is there any problem?" You can eat it without frying it.

Shen Yu couldn't hold it back, and stretched out her hand to stroke his head. The hair was fine and smooth, and the tentacles were smooth.

"?" The boy's eyes were even more dazed.

The woman chuckled: "you'd better let it go."


"Too small, too many thorns."

"...Oh. Well, why are you touching my head?"

I seldom hear him talk so much. Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, but she was not surprised. She still remembered the first time the two met. In front of the daily necessities shelf in the supermarket, this little mushroom took the initiative to remind her that she took the wrong size of underwear. , the result was molested instead.

It seems that the Ling Yun in her impression is quite different from the cold, reticent, ruthless young man that everyone generally recognizes.

"Because you are cute." Shen Yu smiled.

The young man froze for a moment, his cheeks blushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his confused eyes were separated by a layer of mist, like a lost elk in the forest.

With itchy hands, Shen Yu pinched his face again.

Ling Yun: "?"

"It's so cute."

Suddenly, her fishing rod moved, and Shen Hou reeled the line immediately. A fat fish with a fat head splashed out of the water, struggling hard in the air with its tail.

Shen Wei: "Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and help!"

"Ah? Oh!"

Ling Yun quickly stretched out his hand, and finally the two joined forces to throw the fat head fish into the bucket.

"Now I can answer you," she said.

"What?" the boy thought, his IQ today is not enough.

Shen Wei: "Just now you asked whether braised in brown sauce or steamed, now I can tell you."

"Then... braised or steamed?"


"Ah?" Dazed returned to those quiet eyes.

"Because pickled fish is boiled." Neither steamed nor braised.

After finishing speaking, he clapped his hands, grabbed the fishing rod, and turned to leave.

Looking at her back, Ling Yun suddenly realized, pointing to the plastic bucket at his feet: "Hey, your fish..."

Shen Yu neither looked back nor stopped, just waved his hand: "It's you who caught it."

Ling Yun silently glanced at the "big fat head" curled up in the bucket due to the narrow space, and then looked at the crucian carp he caught in the other bucket, swimming around without feeling cramped.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the direction the woman was leaving, and there was no sign of Shen Hou. Ling Yun blankly touched his hair and cheeks, and these two places were touched by Shen Hou just now.

It's a little hot.


Fish for dinner, fathead fish.

The powerful Mr. Hu directly called a chef, and half an hour later, the pickled fish was out of the pot.

Shen Yu sat on the sofa, handling the mail while enduring the torture of the scent.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ling Yun lowered his head to pack his fishing tackle, his serious attitude was no different from when he was cleaning his gun.

"What smell? It smells so good..." Hu Zhibei came down from the second floor first, followed by Quan Hanting, Shao Anheng, and Chu Yujiang.


"A little hungry."

Seeing that everyone was here, Shen Yu put down the computer and walked straight to the restaurant. He had just taken half a step when he was pulled back by the collar by Quan Hanting.

She was wearing a short cotton top today, with an elastic neckline, in the shape of a V. When Quan Hanting pulled it, the elastic belt was pulled up with the whole dress, and she caught a glimpse of it.

Quan Hanting behind him didn't notice it, and Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng standing beside him didn't notice either, but Ling Yun was directly opposite, and sitting in a wheelchair, his line of sight was already a bit shorter.

When Shen Yu was pulled over, he just raised his eyes and saw that scene without any preparation.

His eyes flickered slightly, his cheeks flushed, and he looked away in a panic.

Everything happened in a short while, Shen Yu held down the hem of her clothes, then turned her head to stare at Quan Hanting, "Why are you dragging me?"

"Run too fast."

"You are steel giants, you don't need to eat, but I'm hungry!"

Yo, is this... a temper tantrum?

Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng looked at each other, and decided very wisely not to eat this pot of dog food.

"Third brother, I heard that you spent a lot of time finding this cook..."

"Of course! My ancestors were imperial cooks, and their skills are superb!"

The two walked towards the dining room while chatting, slipping away naturally, fresh and unaffected.

Chu Yujiang rubbed his nose and stepped up to keep up.

"Cough..." Ling Yun coughed lightly, "Push me over."

Chu Yujiang: "Because you are a sick patient, I will take care of you today."

Ling Yun didn't say thank you either, he thought it was hypocritical.

Let Chu Yujiang push him to turn around and head all the way to the dining room.

Suddenly, Ling Yun turned his head and glanced at the back. Shen Yu was already smiling and holding Quan Hanting's arm, while Quan Hanting was talking helplessly, his eyes full of connivance and doting.

"Look at what?"

"...the scene of the dog slaughter."

Chu Yujiang didn't expect that Ling Yun, who was like an ice lump, would still play tricks.

Tsk, amazing!
The chef is very skilled, and he made a simple fish with pickled cabbage extremely delicious.

Anyway, the last bit of soup was eaten by Hu Zhibei Bibimbap.

It's night, two o'clock in the morning.

Shen Yu was thirsty, so she habitually went to get the water glass on the bedside, but she couldn't reach it for a long time before she suddenly woke up. She was in Nanshi, not Dongli Villa, and the room she and Quan Hanting were in was not the owner of her. lie down.

"What?" Sensing her restlessness, Quan Hanting closed his eyes and asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

"I want a drink of water. I'll go downstairs to get it."

Quan Hanting was stunned for two seconds, then turned over and sat up, lifted the quilt without saying a word, "I'll go."

Shen Yu was tired and sleepy, so she didn't want to fight with him.

First floor, kitchen.


Quan Hanting turned his head and saw Ling Yun sitting in a wheelchair also coming towards the water dispenser, holding an empty glass in his hand.

"Thirsty in the middle of the night?"

"Yeah." The boy nodded.

Quan Hanting took the cup in his hand, received it [-]% full, and handed it to him: "Have you taken the medicine?"

Ling Yun: "Eat."

"Remember to be on time. There is no special situation. I have been in a wheelchair for the past few days and I am not allowed to walk on the ground. Do you hear me?"

"... Oh." You are the master, you have the final say.

Quan Hanting took another cup and didn't intend to drink it himself, obviously it was for Shen Yu.

Ling Yun's eyes froze slightly, and he stayed on Quan Hanting's shoulder, showing a murderous look: "You are injured! My name is Chu Yujianguo..."

"What's your name? Come back."

Ling Yun turned back again, his eyes were blank.

A rare look of embarrassment appeared on Quan Hanting's face, but it was accompanied by a chuckle on his lips, which coexisted contradictoryly, "Cough... I accidentally cut it, a small injury."

Ling Yun didn't understand why he seemed to be in a good mood.

Quan Hanting didn't explain too much, took the water glass and left directly.

Liu Lingyun sat alone in the wheelchair, his eyes full of doubts.


The next day, after Shen Yu was woken up by the biological clock, after thinking about it, she went back to sleep for an extra hour.

When he woke up again, the temperature beside his pillow was gone.

She slowly washed up, and then went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Morning, little mushroom. What did you eat?" Shen Yu leaned over.

Ling Yun moved his lips, and there was a reflective oily layer on the skin of his mouth, which almost choked on him.

"Beef noodles?" Really delicious!
The master chef who happened to be the descendant of the royal chef turned around, still holding a colander in his hand, and asked her with a smile: "What do you want for breakfast, Miss?"

Shen Wei: "Same as him."

"OK, just a second."

Ten minutes later, the hot beef noodles were delivered to Shen Yu, "Thank you."

"You take it slow."

She ate two mouthfuls, the beef was thick but not overpowering, the noodles were firm and the heat was just right.

"What about them?"

It took Ling Yun a while to answer: "Are you asking me?"


"...Oh, in the study."

"Why don't you go?"

Ling Yun thought for a while: "Master said, I am a sick patient."

Shen Yu nodded: "It's true that you shouldn't meddle in it, take care of it, Sao Nian."

Sao, Sao Nian?
Ling Yun's cheeks flushed, feeling a little wronged: In fact, he is not...

In the middle, when Shen Yu was picking noodles, her hands slipped, and the oil splashed on her clothes, right on the front of her clothes, and she hurried to wipe them off.

The oil wasn't wiped off, but the neckline slipped down because of her rough movements, exposing the neck and connecting the collarbone. The white is really white.

Ling Yun's eyes paused.

Why was she injured too?Was zoned?
He was about to ask, but Shen Yu put down his chopsticks and stopped eating.

The words swallowed again.

Did Grandpa and her have an argument last night?

No quarrels or fights were heard.

Forget it, I'll ask Chu Yujiang and the others later...

"Xiaoyun, why are you sitting in the living room?" The TV is not turned on, the mobile phone is not playing, and even the most precious gun is not being wiped. Could it be...

Think about life instead of fishing?

Shao Anheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Hu Zhibei.

"...Master is injured." Ling Yun said suddenly.



Both of them were shocked.

Ling Yun: "Last night."

"Where is the injury?"

He pointed to his shoulder, and then drew a circle, which means, this area.

Ling Yun won't lie, but Lao Liu is indeed in good spirits today, and he didn't show any performance that he should have after being injured.

"Cough... make it clear," Hu Zhibei sat on the sofa, looking at his posture, apparently intending to ask, "What time did you find out yesterday?"

"At night, at 32:[-]."

"Can you tell what kind of sharp weapon is from the characteristics of the wound?"

Ling Yun recalled the scene last night: "The wound is very thin, not deep, like being scratched by something, leaving a few long lines."

"How many?"


Hu Zhibei raised his eyebrows, suddenly thought of something, his expression was a bit complicated: "Think about it carefully, is there four parallel scratches?"

Ling Yun nodded.

This time, Shao Anheng also understood, and his eyes were a bit indescribable.

Ling Yun was still in a dazed state.

"Cough..." Hu Zhibei coughed lightly, speaking earnestly, "Xiao Yun, you are also 16 years old, right? You should gradually understand this adult matter, otherwise you will make jokes in the future."

"understand what?"

" and women..." Hu Zhibei frowned, his face and organs were all conveying the same message—it can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

He is bold and bold, but he is not thick-skinned enough to directly bring this kind of matter to the table.

Ling Yun didn't know much about it, "Third Master?"

Hu Zhibei: "..."

Ling Yun turned to Shao Anheng again: "Fifth Master?"

"Cough... A while ago, didn't you ask Chu Yujiang for something and did your homework?"

The words have already been said for this sake, what else do you not understand?


Ling Yun's cheeks flushed red.

When Hu Zhibei saw this, Lao Huai was relieved: "It seems that our little Yun has grown up."

Shao Anheng nodded: "It's time to popularize these things, otherwise how will you beg for a wife in the future if you face targets and sandbags all day long?"

The two looked at each other, and Hu Zhibei smiled and coaxed: "Xiaoyun, third brother will take you to a good place."


Shao Anheng pushed him out: "You'll know when you go."

The three of them came back after nightfall, Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng were all smiling, Ling Yun sat in a wheelchair with her head drooping, the spot on her neck was so red that it was dripping with blood.

Shen Yu opened the door, and seeing the situation, she couldn't help being curious: "Where did you go to play?"

Ling Yun buried his head even lower.

Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng laughed without saying a word.

"..." What the hell?

When Quan Hanting returned to the room, Shen Yu couldn't help but tugged at him and asked, "What's going on with Ling Yun?"

"Don't worry about it, third brother and fifth brother took him to class."

"What class?"

Quan Hanting leaned over and whispered something.

Shen Yu's expression became more and more horrified. After listening, she couldn't help swallowing: "Is this possible? Don't teach children badly."

"He's over 16 years old, not too young."

"...Sure enough, men are not good things."

Quan Hanting clicked his tongue: "Who are you scolding?"

Shen Yu curled her lips, she didn't expect that the third master and the fifth master, one seemingly simple and honest, the other pretending to be serious, both hidden old drivers, would actually take Ling Yun to such a place.

Thanks to them for figuring it out!

"Be honest," Shen Yu grabbed the man by the collar, staring at the watery eyes, pretending to be fierce, "Did you play like this before?"

The man was instantly alert.

"Can Ling Yun's stunned youth be compared to Master?" What he wanted to express was that Master is very talented, Master is very talented, and Master can learn by himself without a teacher.

But in Shen Hou's ears, it became——

"Oh~ You're not stunned, it seems that you have experienced a lot?" There was a faint smile, but the eyes were cold.

"Nonsense, Master is innocent!"

Shen Yu didn't believe it, she wrapped herself in the quilt and moved away from him, feeling inexplicably disgusted.

Quan Hanting gritted his teeth: "It's not like you didn't know about our hot spring villa when we met for the first time."

"It turns out that you also know that you are cowardly."

"..." MMP!

Seeing someone's deflated look, Shen Hou slept very well this time, with a smile on his lips.

While half asleep and half awake, Quan Hanting turned on the light, and then there was the sound of opening a drawer, and soon, a cold touch hit the wound on his arm.

Shen Yu felt the pain, and subconsciously twitched back.

Being held down by the man, "Don't move, it will be fine soon. When do you think you can treat yourself? And you forgot to apply medicine..."

At the same time, Ling Yun was also dreaming soundly.

He dreamed of a woman who was tall and tall, but smiled brightly at him with indifferent eyebrows.

Ling Yun opened his eyes suddenly, sat up with a jerk, his whole body was like being fished out of the water, sweating profusely.

Who is in the dream?

In fact, the woman's face is already blurred.

He only remembered the general scene and some fragmented pictures.

Thinking of the question he asked Third Master and Fifth Master yesterday, Ling Yun buried his head in the quilt, how could he be so stupid?
Yesterday, even though he rejected that woman, the third master still insisted that he stay at the scene. He didn't expect to think about it day by day and dream about it at night...

Taking advantage of Ling Yun's breakfast break, Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng sneaked into his room to check, and the results were gratifying.

The two looked at each other, and Hu Zhibei suddenly felt emotional: "After so many years, Xiaoyun has grown up..."

Shao Anheng cast his eyes into the distance, unable to see clearly what he was thinking, for a long while: "Time flies so fast..."


There was a reception in the evening, and Quan Hanting asked Shen Yu to go with him.

She doesn't have a dress here, so she can only buy it now.

So, in the afternoon, I took Quan Hanting out for shopping.

"Which one looks better?"

On the left is a deep V to the abdomen, and on the right is the split to the thighs.

Quan Hanting took a closer look, and gave a serious suggestion: "None."

Shen Wei: "..."

The employees in the store had very good eyesight, and it could be seen that the two customers were either rich or noble, especially the men, just sitting there made people unable to look away.

"How about I change it for you?"

Shen Yu pointed directly at the long wine red dress on the hanger next to her.

After seeing it, Quan Hanting finally nodded: "This is good." No breasts, no legs.

The woman chuckled and asked him, "Have you decided?"

"Well, that's it."

"Don't choose another one?"


"Okay, that's what you said." Shen Yu turned around and entered the fitting room.

After 5 minutes, she came out from inside.

The ankle-length burgundy skirt has a slim fit. Although the legs are not exposed, the proportions are perfect, making the figure even more slender.

The sloping shoulder design on the chest reveals one side of the collarbone. Although it is still relatively bold, it is much better than the deep "V" one.

The employee glanced at the time and reminded: "There are two hours left, it's time to put on makeup, miss."

Shen Yu turned around, and in the next second, the man's eyeballs almost popped out.

There is almost no fabric on the back, and a large area is hollowed out. The curve of the woman's spine is clearly visible, and the curvature is perfect.

White skin and wine red complement each other.

"You—" cheating!
Shen Yu winked at him: "Uncle Six, you decided on it yourself. I've already put it on, so don't go back on your word."

Quan Hanting: "..." So angry!

No, why is he called "Uncle Six" again?

Suddenly there was a bad feeling.

The clerk smiled flatteringly: "Miss, this is the most expensive dress in our store. Your uncle treats you very well."

"Of course, that's my dear uncle."

The clerk led Shen Yu towards the dressing room, and could vaguely hear "uncle long, uncle short".

Quan Hanting's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Fuck Uncle Six!


Kinda Group and Hebang Industrial reached a strategic cooperation, and specially held a commercial reception, taking this occasion to announce it to the world.

"Mr. Jin, you are overjoyed today. Why are you so out of your mind that you keep looking at the door?"

Jin Chao reacted and apologized in a hurry: "I'm sorry, brother Zhang, I invited a distinguished guest, but he hasn't arrived yet. I'm a little worried about something happening on the way..."

"Guest? How expensive is it?" Disapproving.

Jin Chao remained calm: "It's not expensive, it's just the Phaeton Group."

"Phaeton? Which Phaeton?"

"How many Phaetons do we have in Nanshi? Don't you want the goods on your pier to come from that man? Why are you asking about me?"

The man's expression was shocked: "You mean... Liu, Master Liu?"

Jin Chao reservedly and calmly hummed.

This "Brother Zhang" is in a bad mood: "Why didn't you say it earlier? That guy never attends such occasions, what method did you use, so that I can learn from my brother?"

In fact, Jin Chao was also puzzled.

Jinda Group has cooperated with Phaeton for five years, and all the waterway freight is handed over there. With this big Buddha as a backer, no one on the pier dares to show him face over the years. A "Golden Lord", he is not too shameless to think that those people on the road are giving him face, after all, they are not going for Quan Hanting.

Jin Chao is not a fool to be able to develop the company to its current scale, and he will naturally reciprocate if the other party votes for him.

First of all, in terms of attitude, you must be respectful.

Secondly, in terms of profit, it is also a win-win situation as much as possible.

After all these years, he has become a familiar face in front of that person, and he will definitely send someone to send invitations to each reception. Unfortunately, Liu Ye never buys it.

Unexpectedly, this time, I actually agreed!
Jin Chao didn't know the reason, but the other party always had his own considerations, and he didn't intend to explore, so all he could do was sweep the couch and greet him.

For this reason, he specially added an additional budget for the reception, and it must be held in a grand manner, so that he would not be rude to that person.

Soon, the people from Hebang Industrial arrived.

Jin Chao raised his smiling face and stepped forward, "Mr. Sun, please..."

"President Jin, I'm not the protagonist today."


"I forgot to tell you something, I am only in charge of Hebang's daily operations, but the real boss is someone else." Saying this, he made room for the people behind him to be exposed to the front.

Jin Chao frowned, and looked up, only to see the man's tall and straight figure, his brows and eyes were warm, and the string of Buddhist beads in his hand didn't fit the atmosphere of the scene, but it blended with him.

Mr. Sun: "Let me introduce, this is the actual controlling person behind Hebang, that is, the big boss - Song Jing, Song Erye." Then pointing to Jin Chao, he respectfully said to the man, "This is the president of Jinda Group, we partner."

Song Jing nodded, "Happy cooperation."

Jin Chao frowned, there is an actual controlling person behind Hebang?He didn't even know it!
Song Jing?

The name seems familiar...

and many more!

Song... the second master? !

Isn't that Quan Hanting's former brother, now his deadly enemy? !

How could he sign a strategic cooperation plan with his company?

Jin Chao was covered in cold sweat and his hands and feet were cold.

Before these masters parted ways, Jin Chao and Quan Hanting got on the line, and he could be regarded as a witness that the brotherhood of the past eventually fell apart.

it's over... it's over...

He is a small president of a group, and he is content to just hug Liuye Quan's golden thigh, but why did Second Master Song come out to make trouble again?
Is life finally going to get its hands on this little cutie?


Jin Chao thought about it again, Liu Ye uncharacteristically agreed to attend today's reception, does it mean that he already knew about it?

Phew... Now that the boss is protecting him, Jin Chao is obviously relieved.

If Quan Hanting insisted on blaming him, then he was kept in the dark anyway, without knowing it...

Jin Chao was completely relieved.

He smiled and said: "Second Master is here, the hospitality is not good, please-"

Song Jing glanced at him with a smile, as if he had insight into everything.

Being stared at by such eyes, Jin Chao felt terrified.

But soon, the other party looked away and stepped inside.Song Jing's visit today was not for Hebang, a small company, and it wasn't worth the trip himself.

Ari wore a black tube top dress, outlining her hot figure.

At this moment, she held the man's arm, restrained her spirit in every move, and dutifully played the role of an elegant female companion.

"Grandpa, will he come?"

"Yes." I am sure.

"Then if Quan Hanting hasn't escaped danger..."

"Ah Li." Song Jing suddenly called her name.

The woman was slightly startled.

"You underestimate Lao Liu, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp..."

With the last 5 minutes left before the reception, most of the invited guests have already entered the venue.

While looking at his watch, Jin Chao looked anxiously towards the entrance.

Seeing this, Mrs. Jin gave him a tug: "What are you still dawdling about? The reception will start soon, hurry up and get on stage!"

"Don't make noise, wait a little longer..."

"Almost all are here, who else are we waiting for?"

"You'll know in a while."

Seeing his perfunctory, Mrs. Jin immediately lowered her face: "Are you going to ask everyone to wait with you for one person? Old Jin, you have to be a little bit more modest!"

"Let me tell you, just this one person is worth as much as everyone above him."

Mrs. Jin was overwhelmed by his serious tone: "Really..."

Just then, the door was pushed open.

Jin Chao's eyes lit up, "Here we come..."

Mrs. Jin followed the trend, and the next second, she was completely stunned.

The man was dressed in a black suit, dignified like a European aristocrat, his face as tough as a knife and an axe was invisible, with a kind of awe-inspiring and cold murderous aura, his eagle eyes were sharp, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. , the atmosphere that was still warm just now froze in an instant, and everyone felt a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts, shivering.

The man's arms were slightly bent, and a long white and slender arm was wrapped around him, soft and flexible, like the most beautiful decoration in the world.

Everyone's eyes moved up slowly following the slender jade arm. The woman wore a wine red dress, which was low-key and mysterious. She had a tall figure, fair skin like porcelain, unpainted eyebrows, and unpainted lips.

Beauty is in the bones but not in the skin.

Shen Yu's beauty makes people ignore her appearance, the first thing she sees is her extraordinary and clear temperament.

Song Jing curled his lips: "Isn't this here?"

As the two entered, Jin Chao didn't even bother to host the reception, and stepped forward to greet him in person. There were many whispering voices in the crowd——

"Who is this man?"

"It looks extraordinary."

"It must be good to have Mr. Jin greet you so warmly."


The speculation about Quan Hanting's identity didn't stop until Jin Chao took the stage to deliver a speech announcing the start of the reception.

Unfortunately, none of them guessed right.

Shen Wei: "Are you here because of Song Jing?" Passing through the crowd, she immediately saw the man in a Tang suit who was mixed in a suit and leather shoes, and was gentle and Buddhist.

Xu Shi noticed the scrutiny from here, and Song Jing raised his eyes to look back.

Their eyes met and they nodded to each other.

Hearing a cold snort, Shen Wei obviously felt the big hand around her waist tighten slightly, she withdrew her gaze, and turned to Quan Hanting's face nearby, " should keep your focus."

"No pain, no long memory. Who told you to flirt with Song Er?"

Shen Yu really wanted to give him a hammer.

Quan Hanting: "You are not allowed to look at him again!"


Unexpectedly, Shen Yu didn't look at it, but Song Jing came over on his own initiative.

"Old Six, we meet again."

Quan Hanting said in a deep voice, "Second brother."

"It's not in vain to see that you're safe and sound. After all, this little girl dared to attack her cruelly. You should... cherish it."

Quan Hanting was stabbed in the heart.

However, Shen Yu held his hand, exerted a little force, and then smiled at Song Jing: "Second Master, don't be envious, you will have it too." His eyes moved aside and fell on Ari, "I think the people around you are very good."

Ari was taken aback, secretly joyful in his heart.

Song Jing's brows tightened suddenly, and immediately, he laughed in a low voice, and glanced at her and Quan Hanting's clasped hands from the corner of the eye: "Little girl protects people, she can't be provoked, can't be provoked..."

"But old six, when did you become so useless that you wanted a woman to protect you?"

Instead of being angry, Quan Hanting was in a good mood: "I have a woman to protect me, but do you have one? In this world, only those who can't eat grapes will say grapes are sour."

Satisfied, very owed.

Song Jing: "..." Little bastard!
"Second brother, you've been alone for so many years, are you a little lonely?"


"I'm different, I have hou hou." As he spoke, he kissed the corner of Shen hou's mouth in front of the two of them, and slurped loudly.

Song Jing: "..." Childish!ridiculous!

Shen Yu was also speechless.

In the end, the two men took a step outside to talk, leaving Shen Hou and Ari staring at each other.

"Well... your arm is healed?"

Ari glanced at it, but Shen Wan wrapped a wine-red bandage around the injured area, so she couldn't see clearly.

"It will take a few days for the scab to fall off."

"Feel sorry……"

Shen Yu waved his hand, "I know you love Second Master, so you want to get it back from me."

Ari pursed her lips.

"I used to hear people say that you have to pay it back when you come out to hang out, but now I believe it."

Ari raised his eyes and said seriously: "If time goes back and I have another chance to choose, I will still watch you scratch yourself, and then help deliver the message."

"Understood. You protect the mood of the second master, just like I protect Quan Hanting. Although the positions are different, the starting point is the same..."

Ah Li's red lips hooked slightly, her eyes showing appreciation.

Shen Yu said casually: "It's all for the man I love."

Love? !

Ari's brain was stunned, and in a panic, he could only cover it up with silence.

Shen Wei didn't continue to probe, because she had already got the answer she wanted.

Some things don't have to be spoken, but a pair of eyes can see clearly.

At this time, Song Jing suddenly came in from the outside, walked through the crowd with awe-inspiring momentum, then grabbed Shen Yu and led her to the dance floor.


"Shhh! Don't struggle, I'll let you watch it for fun."

Shen Yu was led by him and had to keep up with the dance steps.

Song Jing: "You are very brave."


"In order to save him, I will not hesitate to take risks."

It seems that Song Jing already knows everything.

"His kid is blessed." He snorted coldly, with resentment.

The corner of Shen Yu's mouth twitched, Second Master, are you a child?
"But girl, you lied to me."

Shen Yu froze all over.

"What Laika Island and what catching rape are all made up by you to confuse me. Why, are you afraid that if I know that Quan Hanting is in danger, I will make trouble and make up for it?"

Shen Wei curled her lips: "...It's not impossible."

Song Jing snorted coldly: "This dance is to punish you for being dishonest."

After saying that, the song ended, and Song Jing let her go.

Shen Wei was at a loss, what did the last sentence mean?
Until she saw a cold face not far away, looking fixedly at Quan Hanting...

Oops!The vinegar jar needs to be turned over.

This Song Jing...

Quan Hanting stepped straight onto the dance floor, dragged Shen Yu out, and strode upstairs.

Then he pushed open the door of a rest room and pushed her in by the way.

As soon as Shen Yufu turned around, he felt a beast-like cold breath rushing towards his face, and he fell into his embrace in the blink of an eye.

In fact, with her current skills and strength, it is not difficult to escape the shackles, but she knows that this man is in a fit of anger, like a lion with fur, and she can only follow him, and absolutely not the other way around, but in her heart, Song Jing Cursed inside and out, from head to toe!
If it wasn't for his dance, would he be able to piss off Quan Hanting?

"Hiss—" Shen Wei gasped.

The man's eyes are gloomy.

"You listen to my explanation."

"Explain that you and Song Jing have a good conversation? Or dance close to each other?"

"I just said a few words and danced. How can there be 'very happy' and 'close-to-face', you are talking nonsense..."

"Hmph! Grandpa has eyes, so he can see clearly!"

(End of this chapter)

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