Chapter 420 Shen Qian's Night Banquet Before Treating Guests

At the beginning of February, when Ningcheng was the coldest, Shen Hou returned to school.

The first thing is to ask Zhang Fan to sell the fake.

The second thing is to make up for missed courses.

Zhang Fan asked a few questions as a matter of routine, and Shen Wei answered them one by one, and presented the relevant certification materials issued by the hospital.

"...Not an excuse?" Zhang Fan raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

Looking at the pile of receipts in his hand, he was really sick like that.

Shen Yu's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were open.

On the contrary, he stared at Zhang Fan a little embarrassed: "Cough... now there is nothing serious about your health?"

She hummed lightly.

"That's good, let's go back to class." Zhang Fan waved his hand, "By the way, there is another question."


"Although you are on sick leave, you can't miss the course records. You find a way to catch up with the progress and hand in the homework that should be completed."

"Oh." Shen Yu turned and left.

Zhang Fan read through the receipts patiently, wondering, "Are you really sick?"


It is not the first time for Shen Yu to make up for missing classes.

Before, she was hospitalized in a car accident and didn't come to class, but it still didn't affect her study progress, and now she is even more handy.

During this period of time, Miao Miao listened to lectures more seriously than ever before.

Not for anything else, just to get a detailed note for Shen Hou.

"...Thank you for your hard work. I will raise my salary next month."

Miao Miao's eyes lit up, she stood at attention, took a rest, and then bowed: "Thank you, big brother!"

Shen Yu paused her gaze for a moment, raised her chin with a smile, and looked around.

Miao Miao's cheeks were flushed, her black eyes blinked shyly and cleverly, she was extremely shy: "Boss, don't... people will be shy..."

Shen Yu pinched her face lightly, "Well, I lost a lot of weight."

Miao Miao smiled even brighter.

She asked again: "How many catties?"

Miao Miao stretched out her index finger and made a 1.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows: "Ten catties?"


"Not bad, since that's the case, the salary will not increase."

"?" Miao Miao was stunned.

"Hey, I'm afraid you will be ecstatic and can't help eating and drinking." After finishing speaking, he took away the notebook and turned to leave.

Miao Miao: [Black question mark face] jpg
Did she do something wrong...?

It only took Shen Wei three days to finish all the courses that were left behind before, and finished three homework assignments in one go.

An "Investment Plan".

A "Financial Analysis Form".

A paper on "Principles of Statistics and the Application of Financial Market Data".

In a blink of an eye, it's mid-February.

During this period, Shen Yu lived in Dongli Villa for a long time, and returned to the old house very rarely.

Shen Chunjiang has no objection to this, on the contrary, he is happy to see the result.

Ever since the relationship between her and Quan Hanting was exposed, it quickly spread throughout Ningcheng's social circle. Shen Chunjiang thought that hugging Phaeton's thigh was a very good time for a while.

But soon, he discovered that this kind of scenery was limited to the front of others, but in fact, he didn't benefit from it.

At the beginning, he could comfort himself, take it slowly, Quan Hanting is not an ordinary person, and he can't be fooled easily.

But after a long time, it is inevitable to be impatient.

After all, a mountain of gold was in front of him, but he couldn't even scrape off a little gold powder. This feeling of seeing but not eating was like cutting one's heart with a blunt knife—painful and unbearable.

Therefore, Shen Chunjiang was in a hurry.

"...Tomorrow is A-Qian's birthday, and I plan to hold a small banquet at home, remember to come back early."

Now that the words have been said, Shen Yu has no reason to refuse, and she does not intend to refuse: "Okay."

Ended the call with a smile.

The next morning, Shen Yu got up on time.

Just as he sat up, he was dragged back by Quan Hanting.

"What are you doing?"

Quan Hanting paused, and couldn't help frowning, obviously losing his temper.

Shen Yu sighed softly: "It's time to get up."

"Sleepy... sleep a little longer." Turning over, she was quite angry.

Men who wake up in the morning can't be messed with, but the key is that Shen Yu didn't mess with him at all, so she posted the trouble herself, and she was helpless.

Shen Yu said helplessly: "It's really worth it, I still have something to do."

"what's up?"

She lifted the quilt and sat up: "Go back to Shen's house."


"My brother's birthday."

Shen Qian?

When Quan Hanting heard the name and thought of this person, the damn bracelet immediately appeared in his mind - Tears of Ares!

His face suddenly became extremely ugly: "Don't go!"

Shen Yu knew what he was interested in, and comforted him softly: "It's just a formality, and I won't stay for too long." She also wanted to test Shen Chunjiang's tone.

Seeing that there is still more than a month to go and it is time to end here, she still wants to take advantage of Shen Ru's absence and Shen Yan's coma to enter Mingda.

And Shen Qian was bound to object, so Shen Chunjiang's support became particularly important.

So this time, she had to go, and she had to do her best to play the role of "filial daughter".

Quan Hanting: "I'm with you."

Shen Yu refused.

"The reason." The man said blankly.

Shen Yu sighed: "Do you know what you look like in the eyes of those in the Shen family?"


"A piece of fragrant pork belly."


Shen Wei: "What if I bring you there, and everyone smells the meat and wants to share a bite?"

Quan Hanting thought for a while, and said solemnly: "I am yours."

"But I don't even want others to smell it, what should I do?"

What else can I do?
Of course not.

Shen Yu's desire for monopoly greatly satisfies the man's vanity, and Quan Hanting is very useful.

"...I'll pick you up after it's over?"

"it is good."

At ten o'clock in the morning, Shen Yu returned to the old house.

Shen Chunjiang and Yang Lan were not there, only Shen Qian was sitting on the sofa in the huge living room, and a financial program was playing on the TV. The host was humorous and funny, transforming boring financial terms into easy-to-understand.

"Are you back?" He turned his head to look at the entrance, his tone indifferent.

"Yeah." Shen Yu changed her slippers and walked over, with a decent smile on her lips: "Happy birthday, brother."

Shen Qian put down the remote control, stood up, his eyes were dark, as if he wanted to look into the depths of her soul.

After a while, he twitched the corners of his mouth, half mocking, "I thought you would hide from me for the rest of your life and never return to this house."

"Hiding?" Shen Yu's expression remained unchanged: "Why should I hide?"

He lowered his head and leaned closer, breathing in the woman's ears, Shen Yu retreated subconsciously, but he held his shoulders forcefully, unable to move——

"Wu Wan, you are a liar. You know everything, but you still pretend to be stupid."

She smiled, her eyes were cold, "I don't know there are many situations, pretending to be stupid is one, and there are 'don't want to know', 'disdain to know', 'no need to know'..."

The strength on the shoulder suddenly tightened, and the pain followed, but Shen Yu's eyes were calm.

It is as solemn as a distant mountain, and as broad as the sea, as if it can contain everything in this world, except... him.

There was a tinge of gloom on the man's face, but it was quickly covered up by warmth.

Shen Qian let out a low laugh, and suddenly withdrew his hands: "Birthday wishes, I accept them."

"You're welcome. Who told me to be your younger sister? We are the only ones left in the third generation of the Shen family, and we are doing well. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future..."

He smiled elegantly, but his eyes were beating with excitement that didn't match his temperament: "Really? I'm looking forward to it."

Shen Wei didn't say any more nonsense, and went directly upstairs to her room.


The sound of slamming the door was so loud that it could be heard on the first floor, with a trace of exasperation and venting.

Then, Shen Qian smiled.

"After all, she's still a little girl who hasn't grown up..." Her tone was helpless, her eyes doting.

If Yang Lan was present, seeing Shen Qian's expression at this moment, he would definitely go crazy on the spot.

Because, that has obviously exceeded the bottom line of connivance.


The room has been unoccupied for a long time, but it has never been dusty, which shows that the servants do not forget to clean it every day.

The cactus on the window sill did not show any signs of withering, but was vigorous and fattened up.

Shen Yu promised Shen Chunjiang to come back early, but Shen Chunjiang was nowhere to be seen, only Shen Qian was left at home...

Really interesting!
She took out her mobile phone and started to deal with emails. Two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

It was noon, and the sun came up rarely, and thousands of golden lights pierced through the clouds and cast towards the earth, leaving a piece of golden splendor.

Shen Yu pushed open the window, and the cold air blowing towards his face was not at all warmed by the warmth of the sun, but still wrapped in the coldness soaked into the bone marrow.

knock knock --

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

She opened the door, stood still, and saw Shen Qian's handsome face with a warm smile as expected.

The banquet time was set in the evening, and the servants had already started to arrange it, without any grievances, as if there was no unhappiness between the two of them.

But the faint pain from his left shoulder clearly reminded Shen Hou of what happened not long ago.

Shen Qian: "Parents are back, let's go downstairs for dinner." In and out, orderly.

"Father, aunt." When they arrived at the dining room, Shen Yu called out.

Shen Chunjiang had already shown a kind and friendly face: "When did you come back? Come on, sit down and eat."

She pulled out the chair and sat beside Shen Chunjiang.

On the other side is Yang Lan.

As for Shen Qian, he was naturally ranked under Shen Yu, but he didn't care.

"Why isn't sixth master with you?"

Halfway through the meal, Shen Chunjiang finally couldn't help asking.

Shen Yu realized it later, and said, "He's been very busy recently."

Shen Chunjiang immediately expressed a bit of regret: "You said that you are both boyfriend and girlfriend, and your relationship has been made public long ago, but Liu Ye has been unwilling to come to the door for a long time, this..."

Shen Qian's hand holding the chopsticks tightened, but no one noticed except himself.

Shen Yu didn't seem to understand the hints in Shen Chunjiang's words, and didn't accept the instigation of discord, but said calmly: "He said that he has a special status, and the cooperation relationship between Phaeton and Mingda is there. If you rush to the door, just I'm afraid you will be uncomfortable."

Shen Chunjiang wanted to say: I am not afraid!You won't be uncomfortable either!

It's a pity that nothing can be redeemed by talking about it, but it makes me look eager for quick success.

Think about it or give up.

"At the banquet tonight, you entertain the guests as the host. Butler Zhou will remind you of some rules and taboos. By the way, you will also learn about our family's relationships."

This is to get Shen Wei to recognize someone.

It is also equivalent to indirectly acknowledging her identity as "Miss Shen".


Yang Lan dropped her chopsticks directly.

Shen Chunjiang's brows tightened suddenly: "What are you doing?"

She glanced at Shen Yu with obvious disgust, and finally turned her gaze back to Shen Chunjiang's face, "Have you discussed this matter with me?"

"Is there anything to discuss?"

"As the hostess of this family, don't I even have the right to speak?" The tone was sharp, full of resentment and resentment were mixed in this questioning.

"Mom..." Shen Qian shook his head at her, signaling to stop talking.

Yang Lan has a grudge against Shen Chunjiang, but she is very convinced by Shen Qian.

He didn't continue to make a fuss, held his breath, didn't even eat, and walked away.

Shen Chunjiang was also not in a good mood, so he barely sat for 2 minutes, then put down his chopsticks and left.

Only Shen Qian and Shen Hou, like normal people, ate their own food.

In the middle of the journey, Shen Qian even picked up vegetables for her himself.

Shen Yu said thank you softly.

No matter from which aspect, from any angle, no matter how you look at it, they are a pair of brothers and sisters who have a good relationship.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the costume artist and make-up artist appeared in Shen Yu's room carrying large and small items and bags.

"Miss San, here are the latest evening dresses from major brands, which one do you like?"

Shen Wei casually pointed to a white one.

Then comes the boring and tedious makeup process.

At six o'clock, night fell, and the well-arranged lights finally came in handy, decorating this quaint old house with colorful colors.

At seven o'clock, Shen Yu went downstairs to entertain the guests.

Zhou Qingfu introduced who was coming to her.

"This is the president of Chengjin Group..."

"This is the CEO of Lin Hua Industrial..."

Zhou Qingfu discovered that Shen Yu's memory was very good, even to the point of astonishing.

No matter how many people there are, how complicated their identities are, and the huge network of connections behind this individual, once he has said it once, Shen Yu can remember it exactly.


Shen Yu raised his eyes to look at him, there was no threat in his eyes, but it made Zhou Qingfu's neck go cold.

He quickly changed his words, replacing "you" with "you", "...Have you known this before?"

"I would like to, but I have to have this opportunity."

Zhou Qingfu secretly scolded himself for being confused.

Without the conscious guidance and explanation of these important interpersonal relationships, it is difficult to understand them easily by studying on your own.

This is the accumulation of time, the precipitation of countless exchanges.

It took Zhou Qingfu more than 20 or [-] years to gradually form a context in his mind after attending countless banquets, large and small, with Shen Chunjiang.

Shen Yu is young and has never attended a public banquet. It stands to reason that she does not have any channels to get in touch with this level of things.

But now he can draw inferences from one instance and sort out such a huge and complicated network of contacts just by dictation. Zhou Qingfu can only say——

Talent is something that ordinary people can't envy.

This third lady is even better than the young master back then!

Thinking of this, from the corner of the eye, I saw Shen Hou greeting people in a graceful manner, with a demeanor all over his body, just like his master.


The master of the Shen family.

Even though the room was well heated, Butler Zhou couldn't help shivering.

So, did he miss the weak girl who came slowly from the end of the alley on the bluestone road?
She is not weak, even... ferocious.

(End of this chapter)

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