Chapter 450 Miserable, Shen Rugeng proud
On New Year's Eve, when they were supposed to be reunited, Shen Ru stayed away from his family and the hustle and bustle, and tasted the taste of loneliness alone in a foreign country.

If Shen Ru used to have gentle and dignified labels, then now, she has torn off these labels one by one.

Falling from heaven to hell, she knew it would hurt, but she never thought it would hurt like this!
Broke her wings, and also shattered Miss Shen's pride.

She once laughed in her heart that Shen Yu was born in the mud but still expected to be innocent and put on a high air.Now, in her place, Shen Ru found out sadly that she was no better than Shen Wei, or even far behind.

knock --

The sudden knock on the door made her stiff and breathless.

At this time, who else will come?

Thinking of a certain possibility, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, her hands and feet were cold.

"Open the door!" The man's rough voice was full of impatience and slurred speech, obviously he had been drinking.

Thinking of his behavior after drinking...

Shen Ru gritted her teeth, almost drowning her in fear.

"Hey...Miss, I know you're inside, I can't hide."

The man's words were like a curse, constantly echoing in his ears.

Can't escape...

Can't escape...

Can't hide...

The moment the door opened, the man rushed in like a beast and knocked the woman down.

Fortunately, there was a soft carpet as a buffer, so it didn't throw people out of the way.

But the pain is real.

"Geng Ao! What are you doing?!" Shen Ru screamed, faintly breaking down.

But in return the man sneered.

The pain made Shen Ru pale.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, a trace of pity flashed across the man's eyes, but his expression was still ferocious.

"If you want to have a peaceful life, then be obedient, otherwise, I have a way to deal with you!"

"Go away—"

The man's complexion suddenly sank, his eyes obviously flashed with displeasure, "Try saying the word 'scroll' again?"

Shen Ru is the first one who dares to say this word to him in Guangdong Province.

And more than once.

"Get lost." Shen Ru looked at him with a hint of arrogance in his eyes, and he spoke clearly.

In the next second, snap——

The man's hand was strong, and he slapped half of Shen Ru's face, his ears were buzzing, and his mouth tasted blood.

"Bitch, shame on your face!" The man smiled maliciously, his eyes were ruthless, and he didn't have any feelings of pity. anger.

The more Shen Ru struggled, the more interesting he found it.It's like a cat catching a mouse, I don't want your life, but I want to play tricks on you.

"Miss Shen? Heh, what do you think you are? Aren't you still being controlled to death by the master?"

The light in Shen Ru's eyes gradually dimmed. Shame and unwillingness made her heart seem to be on fire and poisoned, but she was powerless to resist. For a moment, her soul seemed to be pulled away from her body.

She felt that she was divided in two, the body was suffering, and the soul was watching the whole process with pity.

Suddenly, Geng Ao let out a cold snort, and raised his hand to pinch her chin: "Who are you showing your lifeless expression to? Huh? No matter how hated or dissatisfied, I have to put it in front of you! You can't resist .”

The big palm like iron pincers pinched her delicate and small chin. The man's eyes were not friendly and his expression was fierce.

Shen Ru a shock, suddenly came back to God.

When Geng Ao saw a thin layer of mist appearing in her eyes, with a little daze and panic, he knew that she had resigned to her fate.

(End of this chapter)

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