Chapter 453 Zhan Ao'an's House, Plastic Brothers (3 more)
"I know you're not short of money, but no matter what you say, it's my heart."

"You're sending me the way you deal with other women?"

Geng Ao smiled and nibbled on her shoulder: "I didn't warn my partner for other women. For you, I didn't even give Liu Ke any face, just be content."

Shen Ru curled his lips coldly: "What kind of thing is Liu Ke? It's just a dog under your feet. Don't make yourself so great. It's only natural for the master to give orders to the dog, and there is nothing to lose face."

"Hahaha..." The man laughed loudly, "I like to hear that."

Shen Ru was dispirited.

Geng Ao raised his eyebrows: "If you have any other requests, please bring them up while the Lord is in a good mood."

A dark light flashed across the woman's eyes, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye. She didn't care about the man's words: "I'm afraid that you can't do what I ask."

"Heh," Geng Ao's eyes sharpened, and he raised his hand to grab the woman's slender neck, "Although you used the most clumsy provocative method with ill intentions, I'm going to let you do it today."

The first half of the sentence made Shen Ru raise his heart high, but the second half of the sentence suddenly fell back to reality.

She raised her neck, graceful and noble like a swan.

It's Geng Ao's favorite look.

"Help me deal with someone."

"Oh? Who doesn't have eyes to make you angry?"

"...Shen Wei."

Seeing the doubts in the man's eyes, Shen Ru added: "My half-sister."


The first day of the first lunar month.

Shen Wei woke up naturally from sleep to sleep.

Neither the thrill of being held hostage yesterday nor the signs of the man's suspected cheating could affect her current good mood.

After washing up, I practiced a set of yoga on the spot.

Then I called the room service to deliver breakfast. After eating, I put on light makeup and went shopping.

The first is to buy a new phone.

After paying the money, I asked the clerk to help install the phone card. After Shen Wei tried it, there was no problem, so she left directly.

Opposite is the largest shopping mall in Ningcheng, holding Quan Hanting's card, Shen Wei is like a farmer who is going to cut leeks, his eyes are full of joy of the upcoming harvest.

Compared to her good mood, someone far away on the island is not so relaxed.

Last night's birthday banquet ended, most of the guests had already left the island, a small number of them stayed for one night, and left this morning one after another.

Finally, the bustling curtain came to an end, and only the An family was left on the island.

"Brother, why are you so sad?"

As soon as An Zizhao entered the hall, he saw Quan Hanting sitting on the sofa with his brows furrowed.

He thought for a while, "Ji Feixuan broke into your room. I have already punished the hidden guards who were guarding outside at that time. That woman left the island with Ji's family last night."

The implication is that everything is settled, can we put away that poker face?

Quan Hanting hummed lightly, but his serious face was not relieved in the slightest.

Seeing that An Zizhao was amazed: "Brother, have you run into something evil?"

Quan Hanting has been precocious since he was a child, and when he was ten years old, he was sent out to experience by his aunt and uncle. So far, there are very few people and things that can make him show this expression.

"Don't make noise, just go and play."

The corner of An Zizhao's mouth twitched: "..."

At this time, An Zijun, the grandson of the An family, came in and saw both of them there, he smiled and called out, "Brother Zhao, Brother Ting, what are you two doing here? Do you have anything good?"

"Zijun came just in time. I heard that you have been pestering Mr. Xi to learn Chinese medicine recently. Hurry up and show Brother Ting what kind of disease you have."

An Zijun was puzzled: "Brother Ting was fine last night, why did he suddenly get sick?"

"Where did you come up with so much nonsense? You'll know if you take a look."


An Zijun walked up to Quan Hanting and raised his hand to feel his pulse, but the latter raised his eyes coldly, and his movements froze in midair.

"Ting, Brother Ting..."

"I'm not sick."

An Zijun cast his eyes on An Zizhao asking for help.

"Ahem! Brother, don't scare Zijun, he is timid."

Quan Hanting suddenly raised his eyes, looked at An Zizhao, and said solemnly, "Since you know that he is timid and you don't need to be scared, don't drag him into it from the beginning."

An Zizhao: "Well... I don't care about you."

Quan Hanting: "Do you want me to say thank you?"

An Zizhao: "If you want, I don't mind accepting it."

An Zijun: "?" So, why did you two brothers' bad things bring me along?

When he was finished, An Zizhao put away his hippie smile, and suddenly turned serious——

"Honestly, brother, what are you worrying about?"

Quan Hanting pondered for a moment: "How to explain."

"Explain what?" An Zizhao sat down.

An Zijun also leaned over. Usually, Quan Hanting is rarely seen on the island, so it is rare to hurry up now.

Quan Hanting: "It's about Ji's daughter."

"Hey, I thought it was really a great problem. It's not easy? You just tell grandma that you don't like her. According to her love for you, she will definitely not force you. Don't worry."

An Zizhao thought he was bothering how to explain Ji Feixuan's incident to the old lady, and continued to explain: "Besides, my grandmother's sense of the surname Ji is not as good as outsiders imagine. It is said that when my great-grandmother was a mother-in-law back then, she often said this to my grandmother. The daughter-in-law is doing something wrong."

In a family like theirs, being able to use the words "under the black hand" is not a general friction, but the kind that kills people at every turn.

"The two families have kept in touch these years, just because of Mr. Ji, Ji Xiuchen. If you want to say that the entire Ji family is worthy of respect, this old Taishan is the only one. He has never married and left no heirs. In the future, if you go back to the west, the connection between the An family and the Ji family will be completely severed. Presumably, the rest of the Ji family are also aware of this, so they spare no effort to marry Zhan'ao so as to maintain the relationship between the two families. "

Quan Hanting was in a daze, and didn't know if he listened or not.

An Zizhao shrugged, and suddenly looked at An Zijun who was sitting quietly beside him, with a malicious smile flashing in his eyes: "Actually, it's not easy for the Ji family to find a son-in-law surnamed An? Zijun like us is very suitable." If it wasn't for you, you rejected the girl too hard last night and hurt her self-confidence, maybe you have cooked rice with Zijun by now, right?"

An Zijun who was also shot while lying down: "?"


What does it matter to him?
"What are you three brothers talking about sitting here?" A smiling voice came, and an elegant woman entered the hall.

The three stood up at the same time.

Quan Hanting: "Aunt."

An Zijun: "Auntie."

An Zizhao: "Mom."

Ming Ying glanced at the three young men, "Sit down, why are you standing up? What were you talking about just now, let me listen too?"

An Zizhao was helpless: "Mom, the three of us are talking about business, so stop meddling."

Ming Ying glanced at her son heartbroken: "It is said that a dog does not dislike a poor family, and a son does not dislike a mother's ugliness. I am not ugly now, so you start to despise me?"

An Zizhao: "..."

Quan Hanting: "..."

An Zijun: "..."

"By the way Ah Ting, how did you get along with Ji's girl last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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