Chapter 456 Ask Grandfather, Love Experience (6 more)
"An San, get out of the way, we want to see Grandpa."

"The old man is still taking a nap, the two young masters may need to wait for a while."

An Zizhao didn't dare to force his way, coughed lightly: "Okay, then grandfather is awake, you call us..."

"Who is outside?" An old and majestic voice came from inside the room.

An Zizhao's whole body was shocked, and he instantly restrained his foolish look.

Quan Hanting also subconsciously straightened his back.

An San replied respectfully: "It's the two young masters."

"Let them in."

An Junhuang just woke up from his afternoon nap, dressed in casual attire, looking casual and friendly.

Although he is over 30 years old, he maintains a pretty good figure, with well-proportioned muscles. If you ignore the graying temples, the waist, legs, and arms are comparable to a boy in his [-]s or [-]s.

And all this is the result of self-discipline.

The old man not only strictly arranged the exercise time, but also controlled the diet and daily life more precisely.

He is a buddhist health preserver, so he did it like he was performing a task.

An uncle of the same age once asked him: Isn't this tired?
An Junhuang: If you can prolong your life, you won't feel tired.

Everyone said that the iron-blooded and fearless An Shao couldn't escape after all, because - he was old and began to fear death.

But An Zizhao knew in his heart that his grandfather was not afraid of death, he was just afraid of walking in front of his grandmother and making her cry.

A man even arranges life, old age, sickness and death clearly and clearly, just to keep his woman from being sad, which shows the depth of love.

"It's rare for you two to come together."

Quan Hanting pursed his lips, as if organizing his words.

An Zizhao obediently poured a cup of hot tea for the old man: "Will you drink something?"

An Junhuang raised his hand to take it, and pointed to the sofa next to him: "Sit down and talk."

The two dare not refute.

Although An Junhuang completely retired after the transfer of the power of the An family to An Jue, no one in the whole family dared to make trouble in front of him. The prestige is profound.

An Zizhao didn't talk nonsense, and explained the whole story concisely and clearly: " sister-in-law is angry, and my brother is in a panic. Can you think of a way?"

An Junhuang didn't know what to think of, and his expression suddenly became quite subtle.

History is always surprisingly similar. The old man didn't believe this before, but now...

"Cough! You all made a trip at noon, just for this?"

Seeing that he spoke lightly, An Zizhao hurriedly retorted: "My brother finally got a girlfriend, and now his girlfriend is angry, that's a big deal!"

The old man: "Why do you ask me?"

"Cough... You can handle a tough woman like my grandmother. You must have been a master when you were young! If you're not looking for you, who are you looking for?"

Could it be that he is looking for his expressionless father?
An Zizhao seriously suspected that if his mother hadn't been raised by his side since she was a child, and had a proactive, daring to love and hate temperament, his father might never be able to marry a wife in his life, and he would not have a son like him right now. one.

An Junhuang was very cold about the word "master".

Think back when he was chasing his wife, it was as difficult as taking down half of An's family.

The bitterness in it, I still linger in my heart when I think about it now, with a lot of emotion...

To say that another woman answered the phone while taking a shower, it really happened back then.

An Zizhao looked terrified.

Quan Hanting's eyes were bright: "How did my grandfather deal with it?"


"What are you guys talking about? I heard voices from afar." The old lady came in from the outside, put aside the freshly picked flowers from the garden, and took the handkerchief from the servant to wipe her hands.

Then he sat next to An Junhuang, with a look of "I want to join too".

The three men present were silent at the same time.

The old lady raised her eyebrows, and Yoyo's tone was a bit teasing, with some deep meaning: "Why, I can't listen?"

An Zizhao and Quan Hanting shook their heads at the same time.

How dare they...

Ye Guxing turned to look at An Junhuang again.

The latter smiled: "There is nothing in this family that you can't listen to."

The old lady is satisfied.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, his desire to survive was so overwhelming that people couldn't look directly at him.

An Zizhao smiled: Senior brand dog food, it smells so good!

Quan Hanting was taught: Well, I learned another trick!
The addition of the old lady made the old man unable to keep his mouth open, because——

"Back then... Let your grandfather tell the story, he knows best, right?"

An Junhuang was completely pushed out of the shelves right now.

If Ye Gu Xing hadn't come, he would still be able to rely on his status as "grandfather" to say something, or not to say something, or to embellish and beautify it so that his behavior back then didn't sound so secondary.

But as soon as my wife arrived, there was really no other way but to tell the truth.

"...At that time, your grandmother's cell phone couldn't get through. I was very anxious. Seeing that New Year's Eve was coming soon, I couldn't leave. Cough... Let everyone help make a call..."

An Zizhao: "Everyone together?"

Quan Hanting: "Call?"

The old lady nodded affirmatively when she heard the words: "At that time, I was out of town and I lived in a hotel. When I woke up, I had hundreds of missed calls, all of which were from numbers I didn't recognize. Regions, countries. I don’t know how he made these people obedient..."

Every region, every country, An Zizhao fell into deep thought, could it be——

"Grandfather asked the guests on the island to call?"

An Junhuang hummed very low-key.

An Zizhao: "?!" There is such an operation?
Bull burst!
What Quan Hanting was curious about was: "Will those guests be willing to do this?" According to the situation of the home in the past, the guests who could be invited to the island were either rich or expensive, and many of them were on par with An Junhuang. Are those people really so obedient?
Ye Guxing couldn't help being curious too.

The old man coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment: "I promise whoever can make a call will get the right to use the Victoria Harbor for the next year for a period of one year."

Ye Gu Xing: "!"

An Zizhao: Hiccup!So much dog food.Come on, hurt each other!
Quan Hanting: I don't seem to have the right to use Victoria Harbour, but I do have the right to use the wharf!But... the New Year's Eve banquet is over, and the guests have almost left...

"Did it finally get through?"

The old lady smiled and shook her head: "No."


after that……

Embarrassment flashed across An Junhuang's eyes, the majestic old man suddenly showed such an expression, the two younger ones almost didn't react.

See you a long time!
"Tell me." The old man dumped the blame on the old lady.

The latter's eyes were empty, and he seemed to be trapped in memories...

After all, An Junhuang was unable to attend the New Year's Eve banquet that year, because he rushed back to Huaxia to spend the New Year with her.

For this reason, An Junhuang's mother was furious on the island, and her dissatisfaction with Ye Gu Xing reached the extreme, which gradually turned into murderous intent.

An Zizhao: "Handsome!"

Quan Hanting nodded to show his agreement, but he didn't expect his grandfather to be impulsive and desperate for love.

(End of this chapter)

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