Chapter 464
The higher the difficulty of the task, the greater the reward and the greater the natural risk.

Even if he came back alive, he might not be able to survive the punishment.

In the end, Yan Jin began to consciously cultivate killers, choosing mostly from orphans, and those with high talents were brought back to the headquarters, where they were brought up by special personnel, and relevant personnel were assigned to teach them.

Due to the loss of freedom and flexibility, and the harsh punishment, most members chose to leave, and only a very small number stayed.

Yan Jin did not keep them, but instead gave those defectors a severance pay.

So much so that after these killers left, no one said anything bad about him.

From then on, the "Blood Prison" changed its appearance and completely became Yan Jin's world.

And those killers who were brought back to train quickly replaced the left members. They were more obedient, easier to be manipulated, and more usable by Yan Jin.

Hu Zhibei: "This person surnamed Yan is also a famous person. Hai Shark has just come back, so it stands to reason that he shouldn't face the 'Blood Prison' so soon?"

Shao Anheng: "What if the sea shark is not targeting 'Blood Prison', but Yan Jin?"


"Back then, the old man made a move and Rakshasa disappeared, but there was no news of her death, and she probably still breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the sea shark has just recovered, it can't wait for the whole team to attack Yan Jin, and Mo Boxun even issued a 'must kill order. '. What other reason do you think there is?"

Hu Zhibei's brows tightened: "You mean... Yan Jin is very likely to have killed Luo Shapo?"

"That's the only reason that makes sense, doesn't it?"

If it was just Mo Bo Xun's personal enmity, if Yan Jin was to be killed, then the entire sea shark would not be mobilized, and it would be far from the level of issuing a "kill order".

Chu Yujiang: "It's no wonder that the sea shark has been so quiet during this time, it turns out that it has a new goal."

"It just so happens that half a year is almost here, and the sixth child is going to the hot spring resort to recuperate, so there is no need to worry about sea sharks taking advantage of it..."

Shao Anheng didn't particularly agree with it, but he didn't refute it directly, he just said: "Although that's the case, the vigilance that should be there should not be relaxed, for fear that the other party will make a false move and come up with a slap in the face."

Hu Zhibei nodded: "I was careless and careless."

Shao Anheng patted him on the shoulder: "It's all for Lao Liu..."

The tacit understanding between the brothers was evident at this moment, and Hu Zhibei smiled heartily: "Between brothers, is it possible that I still blame you?"

"Old Five, do you have any other gains from this trip?"

"Yes!" Shao Anheng's eyes lit up, "Big harvest."

Quan Hanting became interested: "Let's hear it."

"On New Year's Eve, Yan Jin appeared in Ningcheng with injuries."

"Is Yan Jin injured?" Hu Zhibei pulled the corner of his mouth and laughed, "It's been a long time."

He had dealt with the "Blood Prison" before, and Hu Zhibei was amazed by its strict organization and discipline, but how outstanding is the person who created all this with his own hands?
Ling Yun: "It is said that this Yan Jin will always wear a mask, so he won't show his true face?"

Shao Anheng nodded: "On New Year's Eve, someone saw a man wearing a mask with injuries in a bar, and all the characteristics matched him."

"Then, can we make such a conjecture: Haisha issued a 'kill order' to Yan Jin, and Yan Jin appeared in Ningcheng with injuries, so it is very likely that Haisha's people are also lurking in Ningcheng !"

Quan Hanting frowned suddenly: "Since everyone is here, it's best not to leave."

Hu Zhibei: "Lao Liu, what do you mean?"

"Take this opportunity and uproot it."

"Okay! I'll make the arrangements now." Hu Zhibei was as excited as if he had been pumped, but...

"Old five, why don't you speak?"

Shao Anheng pondered for a moment, and hesitated to speak.

"Is there anything that can't be said directly, but must be stammered?"

"There is no evidence." Shao Anheng paused for a moment, then continued, "It's just a feeling."

"What do you feel?"

"Perhaps, the resurgence of sea sharks is not aimed at us."

Hu Zhibei was stunned, the fifth child actually spoke for Hai Shark?
what the hell?

Obviously, he was still very firm before...

Quan Hanting has not made a statement yet.

Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun glanced at each other. Fifth Master's attitude is very weird, isn't it?

Even they can see it, how obvious it is...

"Forget it," Shao Anheng let out a breath of foul air slowly, "Pretend I didn't say anything."

Between his brows and eyes, there is a somewhat gloomy look, a bit like his performance when he encounters difficulties while doing research.

After some discussion, it was decided that Hu Zhibei would observe the movement of the sea sharks first. If the other party wisely withdraws from Ningcheng as soon as possible, then it is not necessary to kill them all, but if they insist on not leaving, then...don't leave forever.

With the enmity six years ago and the accident in the forest, Quan Hanting was able to make such a decision. It can be said that he could not be more benevolent, which is very inconsistent with his previous iron-blooded style.

Anyway, Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun, the two people who had been with him for a long time, could tell.

Hu Zhibei did what he said, and planned to start making arrangements.

"Fifth Brother stay behind."

Shao Anheng's feet froze, and after the person had left, he calmly said, "Lao Liu, do you have something to ask?"

"Well, there are a few words."

"Let's talk." He smiled frankly. With Quan Hanting's mind, Shao Anheng was not surprised that he would be seen through.

"You and the sea shark...Although I am curious, you don't want to say that you must have your own reasons. I will not ask questions, nor will I use the intelligence network to investigate."

Fifth Master secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Quan Hanting: "For your sake this time, I let the sea shark go, but I will not be an example."

"Old Six, actually I..."

"Back then, the second brother insisted that I killed the eldest brother. No matter how he explained it, he would not believe it at all, but you stood firmly by my side. At the beginning, you gave me great trust to tide over the difficulties; now, I also give you the same trust ..."

I hope I will not disappoint.


In a blink of an eye, it was Saturday, non-working hours, but Miao Miao couldn't rest, because there was an old man waiting for her to cook and feed her at home.

At seven o'clock, get up and take a shower.

At eight o'clock, go out on time.

In order to save parking fees, Miao Miao usually parks her car in the public parking space at the back door of the community, and walks about 10 minutes from the entrance of the unit building.

But in order to lose weight, she always runs.

From the first seven or eight minutes, the speed was similar to walking, and now it has stabilized at between three and four minutes.

On the way, she received a call from Shen Chunhang——


"Where are you?" The deep voice has a kind of attractive and sexy.

Miao Miao said truthfully, "On the way to pick up the car."

"How did you arrange it later?"

"Drive to buy groceries, and then go over and cook for you."

"Oh, let's go together."

"What?" Miao Miao thought she had heard wrong.

The other end repeated lightly: "I said, let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables together."


After the two met at the agreed place, Miao Miao moved to the co-pilot, and Shen Chunhang drove.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the two arrived at the supermarket.

(End of this chapter)

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