Chapter 466 He Has a Woman and Leaves Silently (16 More)
The next day, Sunday.

After dealing with work matters, Miao Miao saw that the time was still early, thinking that there were still some leftovers from the vegetables bought yesterday, Shen Chunhang would definitely not do anything, and she would have to throw them away after a long time, so she might as well cook for him today meal.

When we got to the apartment, no one answered the door.

Miao Miao guessed that he was probably not at home, so she took a spare key from under the insole to open the door.

Sure enough, the living room was empty and clean, without any trace of popularity.

Miao Miao didn't feel disappointed either, anyway, she came here to cook, so she put it on the table when it was ready, and when he came back, put it in the microwave and heat it up before eating.

Boiled chicken, shredded potatoes, braised beef, and a can of pork ribs and lotus root soup.

Miao Miao reckoned that when he went out in the morning, he would eat lunch outside, so he only made one dinner.

After tidying up the kitchen counter, Miao Miao took off the apron, turned around to hang it back to its original position, but suddenly caught a glimpse of a tall figure standing at the door of the kitchen.

The man looked like he had just taken a shower, his hair was still wet against his scalp, his bathrobe was loosely draped over his body, his front was slightly open, his belt was lightly tied, revealing his strong and powerful chest.

Lazy, casual, elegant.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Shen Chunhang?
Miao Miao was taken aback and exclaimed, before noticing what he was wearing at the moment, her eyes flickered slightly, but she was not as shy as an ordinary little girl.

"You are at home?"

"Sorry, I was taking a shower just now, so I didn't hear the knock on the door."

"It's okay, I..."

"Ah!" A scream came from the bed, the thin voice was not difficult to distinguish, it must be a woman.

Miao Miao's smile stopped, but only for a moment.

Shen Chunhang's age and experience are destined that he will not be single for too long, even if he does not get married, he will not be without women by his side.

There is Ye Xuanzhi, Zhang Xuanzhi and Li Xuanzhi.

He can remain unaffected in the slightest, and continue to live his unrestrained life among thousands of flowers without even a single leaf touching his body.

Miao Miao thought, this woman in the master bedroom should be more important to him than Ye Xuanzhi, right?Because she saw the man's sudden change of expression and his anxious back striding away.

All signs are silently proclaiming the importance of that woman.

More important than Ye Xuanzhi...

It is said that Miss Ye has been by his side for four years, so what about this one?

Will it be longer?
Miao Miao sighed softly, then shook her head with a smile, what did she care about?
Also confused.

Hang the apron back to the original place, put the food on the table, and take the two sets of bowls and chopsticks.

After making sure nothing was missed, Miao Miao left.

Before leaving, she was still thinking that there were not enough dishes today, and she didn't know if there would be enough for the two of them.



Shen Chunhang's eardrums ached and his head swelled from her high-pitched screams, and finally he couldn't bear it any longer: "Hu Wen, shut up!"

"But, cockroach, cockroach... Ah! It crawled to my side! Help!" The woman hid behind the man, grabbing his bathrobe and not letting go.

Suddenly, snap—

The bottom of the slippers went down, and the little thing that caused the woman's extreme discomfort and panic completely stopped moving.

"My God! The intestines and feces are all shot out, it's disgusting, hurry up and get rid of it... vomit..." Looking at it further, she really couldn't help but want to vomit.

Shen Chunhang: "You go out first, I'll clean it up."

"That's not good?"

"Oh, or you can come." The man said with a cold face.

"Then it's better for me to go out!" After the woman finished speaking, she slipped away, clenching her teeth as she walked around Xiaoqiang, trembling all over.

Soon, Shen Chunhang wrapped something in a tissue and threw it into the trash can.

The woman started screaming again: "No, have to throw it out! What if it survives? This thing is very tenacious, otherwise why is it called 'Xiaoqiang'?"

Shen Chunhang: "..."

"Please, please, I'm in a special situation right now, and I can't stand being surprised, so can't you be considerate and considerate, and satisfy my little request?" The woman's original rosy face was replaced by paleness because of surprise.

Unable to bear it in the end, Shen Chunhang stooped to collect the garbage bag and carried it outside, which made everyone happy.

"Have you dealt with it?" The woman asked cautiously, laughing along with her, a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

Fortunately, his complexion has returned to normal.

Shen Chunhang hummed lightly, and handed over the water glass in his hand: "Drink some, it's warm."

The woman took it over with a smile: "My younger brother treats me better."


"Really! I swear, it's better than my husband."

"Okay, come on Caihong fart, I'm not as easy to fool as my brother-in-law. I can't find my way after being coaxed by you with two or three words. I look like a fool in the cloud."

Hu Wen's complexion collapsed: "You are really getting less and less cute."

Shen Chunhang stared at her slightly protruding belly: "I don't need to be cute, he is enough."

"That must be!" The woman touched her belly, smiling happily and contentedly, "My baby must be the cutest baby in the world!"

Shen Chunhang: "..." I have never seen such a shameless person.

"Let me tell you, I was really scared just now, I couldn't even move... Ever since I was a child, I was most afraid of that thing..."

"when are we leaving?"

"Ah?" Hu Wen looked blank, and then realized, "Okay, Xiaohang, have you learned how to drive people away? I'm your sister!"

"Cousin, thank you." He corrected rigorously.

"That's my sister too!"

"OK, skip this topic. My brother-in-law has already blown up my phone, when are you going to free me?"

"Don't be so stingy... How good is your apartment? It's close to the city center, you can go shopping at any time, and the surrounding environment is good, so it's convenient to take a walk after dinner. I plan to live here for a long time..."

Shen Chunhang smiled wryly: "You'd better let me go, this house can't stand brother-in-law tearing it down, it will be gone in a few clicks."

With a slap on the table, the woman's aura was full: "He dares! Believe it or not, I will leave him—"

"From what?" The man suddenly appeared at the door, stepped in, and walked towards the woman.

Hu Wen looked at Shen Chunhang in disbelief: "You, you... this traitor!" She was heartbroken.

"Brother-in-law." Shen Chunhang called out.

"Ah Hang has worked hard for you. You know, your sister..."

"Zhao Huaiyuan, what's wrong with me?! You dislike me?!"

"Cough...your sister has a very good personality, she is considerate of others in everything, gentle and virtuous, beautiful and kind. I am worried about putting it here with you, so I took it away."

Shen Chunhang made a gesture of invitation, take it away, take it away, take it away quickly!

"No... you two teamed up to trick me? Shen Chunhang and I are your sister, what does Zhao Huaiyuan have to do with you? Why do you help him? I'm so angry, I'm so angry..."

The woman's voice gradually faded away, accompanied by the man's low consolation and...threats.

Shen Chunhang heaved a long sigh of relief after finally sending away the couple who were in heaven every minute.

Suddenly, his eyes paused and fell on the dining table.

The aroma of the food penetrated into his nostrils, and he only realized it later: "Miao Miao?"

(End of this chapter)

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