Chapter 481 Another crisis, creative leaks (31 more)
"At the end of last year, we received a letter of intent from Honghui Group to jointly develop an eco-tourism area project."

"At the beginning of this year, the contract was formally signed after several rounds of negotiations between the two parties."

"In early February, the preliminary plan was formed and sent to the relevant person in charge of Honghui Group."

"In mid-February, according to the request of the other party, the modified plan will be delivered."

"At the beginning of March, that is, the day before yesterday, the plan was formally finalized and confirmed to be implemented in mid-June. Unexpectedly, two days later, the idea was stolen by Qingxiang Group, a rival company of Honghui Group, and their own eco-tourism area was used in advance development project."

"The above is roughly what happened."

Shen Hou listened to the whole story with a sullen face, and the air conditioning almost froze the people in the meeting room.

"Has the source of the leak been investigated?"

Lin Hua subconsciously clenched the cap of the pen in his hand, "Sorry, I haven't had time yet."

"What does Honghui say?"

"It's not their responsibility to bite to death."

"So, there is something wrong with our Mingda?" Shen Yu sneered, his sharp eyes swept across the crowd, and the coercion was revealed invisibly.

Lin Hua tightened his brows. He had thought about this for the first time, but after preliminary investigations, everyone was basically cleared of suspicion.

"Preliminary investigation?" Shen Yu glanced at him, "How did you investigate?"

"I have checked both the company's computer and the personal computer, and also retrieved the surveillance video in the office, but no problem was found. Therefore, I suspect that someone inside Honghui leaked the secret. If the other party can't catch the black hand, they will put all the responsibility on us."

"Is there any evidence?"


"When encountering a problem, first review yourself before you are qualified to crusade against the other party!"

"Sorry for my oversight."

"Since the incident has already happened, it doesn't help to find out the reason. The most urgent thing is how to get out of the current predicament." Shen Wei's voice paused, and the muffled sound of knuckles hitting the table suddenly became very clear, "Who has a good suggestion?" , you can say it, everyone can refer to it.”

A: "Timely stop loss is the safest method at present."

"How to stop the loss?"

"...Unilaterally terminate the cooperation with Honghui."

"Ridiculous!" Shen Yu slapped the table with his palm, his face turned black to the ground, extremely ugly.

Everyone's hearts trembled, and A's legs were so startled by the cold shock that his legs became weak. If he hadn't gritted his teeth to hold on, he might fall to the ground in the next second.

"According to what you mean, this matter should be left alone? Your so-called stop loss is to pat your ass and leave after you get into trouble?"


"Do you think you can leave if you want? Not to mention how strong Honghui's tourism industry is, but just looking at the current situation of us as the wrong party, do you think we have the confidence to terminate the contract first?"

The first to flirt is cheap!Right now, it is no longer possible to get away just by pulling away!
A is sweating profusely.

Shen Yu did not intend to let him go: "On the premise that the other party does not admit that he is responsible, we unilaterally terminate the contract, what do you think will be the result?!"



A A big man was almost forced to cry on the spot.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point, and even breathing became cautious unconsciously.

"Who else has something to say?"

After five seconds of silence, a hand was raised tremblingly.

"I have."

Shen Wei raised her eyebrows: "Speak."

He took a deep breath. Facing such a strong leader, the new B did not dare to relax a bit: "If you break the contract unilaterally at this time, it is tantamount to...becoming a deserter. First of all, Honghui has enough The reasons and the confidence to ask for compensation, in this way, we will pay a huge cost, which is not worthwhile."

Shen Yu looked at him expressionlessly, until B's eyes revealed apprehension, and his right hand began to tremble unconsciously.

She just opened her mouth, her voice slowed down: "Go on."

B heard the words and put his heart back into his stomach. In fact, his back was already covered with cold sweat. He stabilized his mind and continued: "Furthermore, giving up Honghui is tantamount to acquiescing that we are solely responsible for the leak, and it will be a huge blow to Mingda's reputation and reputation. Destructive damage. In the future, I’m afraid no company will cooperate with us.”



Shen Yu looked at A, "Do you understand now?"


"Anyone else want to add?"

No one spoke, collective silence.All of them lowered their heads, more cowardly than quails.

Shen Wei: "Who was responsible for contacting Honghui in the first place?"

"Me." A female voice came.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, isn't this the former deputy manager, Bai Yu?


"Tell me about how you do it."

"After Honghui Group got the eco-tourism area development project, the first consideration was to cooperate with Mingda. The main mode is to provide them with projects, and we provide part of the funds and part of the ideas."

Shen Wei: "During this period, have any other companies connected with Honghui?"

Bai Yu: "There are two medium-sized investment institutions, but they failed to negotiate in the end."

Shen Wei: "Then why do you think Honghui chose Mingda?"

Mingda's comprehensive strength is indeed good, but it is far from being unrivaled.If Honghui wants to choose a partner, the range of options should be very large, and Mingda does not have a unique advantage.

Strong capital?

Sorry, people are also rich.

Good reputation?

There are better ones.

Bai Yu's eyes flickered slightly: "I think there should be two reasons."

"Well, let's hear it."

"First, Mingda is strong..."

Tsk, swallowing the jujube like this, everyone looked at Bai Yu with surprise in their eyes.

She wasn't like this before.

Oh, it used to be about Xintong being a shooter, but now it's gone, and the poor professional level is fully exposed.

"Number two..."

Two for a long time but can not tell why.

Shen Wei: "At this level, I doubt how you got on line with Honghui?" 
Bai Yu's face turned red.

Shen Yu stopped looking at her and asked, "Who are the people who have worked on creative proposals?"

"It seems that everyone present has experienced it."

Shen Wei: "Okay, everyone has 1 minute to explain what specific content they are responsible for..."

After listening to everyone's report, it was already 10 minutes later.

Shen Yu didn't say much to comment, but she already had a vague idea in her heart, as long as she peeled off the cocoons, she shouldn't be too far from the truth.

"The time limit given by Honghui is three days?" Shen Yu picked up the pen in hand and tapped on the table, with a faint smile on his condensed face.

In the eyes of everyone, it is more terrifying than not smiling.

Lin Hua nodded, "Today is the first day."

"How do you think it should be handled properly?"

"If Honghui wants to let go of his mouth and give up taking legal channels, he must find out the real reason for the leakage of the creative plan. Whether there are traitors in us or spies raised by the other party, we must use evidence to speak. At the same time, we must plan out A new creative plan, no matter which party has problems, as long as the contract between the two parties is still there, if we can’t come up with a satisfactory solution before the deadline, then we will probably be required to pay liquidated damages.”

(End of this chapter)

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