Chapter 483 It's too late to regret, Shen Ru borrowed a knife (33 more)
"No...impossible..." Bai Yu firmly refused to believe it.

"That person's name is Xiao Lan, right?"

Bai Yu was struck by lightning, Xiao Lan...


Her life is over!
The big consummation dinner not only rewarded the hero, but also uncovered the traitor.

The next day, Shen Yu arrived at the company on time, dressed in an Armani blue and black striped suit, majestic and majestic, with dark blue high heels and a Hermès bag, looking like an elite in the workplace.

"Tsk, I changed my body again today, and I haven't seen it repeated."

"People are rich and self-willed."

"You have to be in good shape and be able to wear it. Wearing the same clothes on us and wearing them on her are completely different concepts."

"Hey, who is nicer, the current manager Shen or the previous one?"

"If you want to say nice, Shen Ru is quiet and gentle in character, and rarely loses his temper with us, while Shen Wei is much more flamboyant, but she is very capable and has the capital and confidence to make flamboyant."

"Then which one do you want to pick?"

"In the workplace, Shen Yu is more suitable, right? Following this kind of leadership, there should be no shortage of meat."


At 08:30, the employees arrived one after another.

"Hurry up and log in to the mailbox, there is a notification!" 
"It's probably about the traitor. By the way, the email notification covers the entire group, right?"

"Yes! Disgrace to other departments and branches."

The email is not long, but in summary there are three main points:

1. Bai Yu, an employee of the project department of the group, was suspected of stealing confidential documents and was handed over to the police yesterday.

2. The company will dismiss the employee.

3. Everyone should take it as a warning. Once it is found that personal behavior has harmed the interests of the company, it is bound to be investigated to the end.

At this time, Shen Ru, who was far away in the Guangdong Branch, also saw the content of the email.

white feather...

That useless thing!
I couldn't do this well, and I was arrested.

Shen Yu, Shen Yu, why are you so lucky every time?
The drug smuggling incident can't bring you down, and the creative leakage can be easily solved. Has God's blessings been given to you?

The pen in his hand broke at the sound, and Shen Ru clenched it tightly, as if holding his own destiny.

She won't just admit defeat like this...

Knock knock knock!
The sound of knocking on the door brought her back from her thoughts of being almost in a trance, adjusted her facial expression, and cleared her throat again: "Come in."

"Manager Shen, Mr. Liu said that this document needs your signature."


"Then I'll go out first."


As soon as the assistant left, the phone rang.

Caller ID - White Feather!
Shen Ru connected: "Hello."

"Ah Ru, I've been discovered!" The woman's voice was trembling.

"I know." Shen Ru said lightly.

"You know?! When?!"

"Just now, Mingda sent an email stating that he wants to fire you."

"Ah Ru, I, I have just been released on bail from the police station. Now I have lost my job and may be involved in lawsuits. Can me?"

Shen Ru frowned, her voice was still soft and gentle, "How do you want me to help?"

"Help me hire a better lawyer. I don't want to go to jail, and I have no job or money now, and my boyfriend wants to break up with me. I don't even have a place to live. Please help me find a place to live."

"Bai Yu, I am very grateful that you still remember me as a friend in the most difficult time, but now I can't protect myself, how can I take care of you?"

"Ah Ru?! You, why do you..."

"I'm trapped in Guangdong Province now, and I can't do anything about your affairs. I can't do anything about it. I'll make you some money in a while, just treat it as a little bit of my heart."

Bai Yu's heart warmed up a little, at least there are friends who are willing to help her: "Thank you! Ah Ru, thank you so much!"

"We are friends, so we don't need to say these outrageous words."

"Okay..." Bai Yu almost choked up.

The call ended, and soon, the transfer information popped up on WeChat.

700 yuan.

Looking at the screen of the phone, Bai Yu's whole body became stiff, and his heart that had just warmed up fell back into the ice cellar in an instant.

700 yuan...

Send the beggar?

She called again, wanting to ask Shen Ru if she missed a 0 by mistake, but the prompt sound "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable" came.

She...was blacklisted?
At that moment, Bai Yu stood on the street with people coming and going, but was surrounded by a sense of powerlessness like a tide.

She regretted it, why did she steal the creative plan just to take a gamble?
She didn't even get much money from the other party, not even enough to buy a better bag.

Hurting others and benefiting oneself, and finally pitting oneself in it.

Looking back now, Bai Yu felt that he was so stupid, and so stupid.

She seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, and wanted to win back a game from Shen Yu. After hearing Shen Ru say that she knew the deputy manager of the project department of Qingxiang Group, Bai Yu was about to come to contact Xiao Lan. Exchange news.

At first, it was only a tentative industry exchange.

After several meals, the relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds, and they began to ask each other about the internal situation of their respective companies.


In the end, she leaked the entire team's creative proposal to the other party.

The other party betrayed her again.

Haha ...

Bai Yu smiled miserably.

"Stupid! Really stupid!"

If she didn't know Xiao Lan, she wouldn't go astray.

and many more!

Xiao Lan...

Xiao Lan was introduced to her by Shen Ru!
His expression froze, Bai Yu's eyes widened, "It's her, it's Shen Ru..."

 That's all for tonight. It seems that the fish not only has a slow coding speed, but also uploads at the same speed as a tortoise.There will be another wave at about nine o'clock tomorrow morning~ Meme!
(End of this chapter)

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