chapter 485
Qin Shifeng admired her frankness, and his smile became deeper and deeper, and the look in his eyes that looked at her changed from superficial amazement to genuine curiosity and exploration.

Who said beauties have no brains?

Isn't there an exception right now?

He cut to the chase: "So what's your purpose in looking for me?"

What Shen Wei was waiting for was the other party's words, "Honghui gave three days to come up with a new creative plan. Although our team is working overtime and non-stop, there is no [-]% guarantee that it will be completed in three days. Therefore, I hope Honghui Hui can relax the time limit and extend it to seven days."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly: "Mingda's fault is Mingda, why should Honghui give in?"

At this moment, he is not a friend who can chat, but a businessman with a clear mind. 
Shen Wei: "Boss Qin, there's no need to pretend to be stupid anymore." The woman's lips were full of smiles.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you said."

The four eyes met, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder rubbing in the air.

One didn't retreat, and the other didn't give in, as if sitting opposite each other and talking and laughing before was an illusion.

Qin Shifeng still said the same thing: "Honghui has no obligation to pay for Mingda's mistakes."

"Our fault?" Shen Yu sneered, "Boss Qin is too clean."

The man's eyes darkened slightly.

Shen Yu spoke leisurely, unhurriedly: "Part of the creative plan is provided by Mingda, and part by Honghui itself. The two are combined. If there is only an internal problem with us, then it should be Mingda's part that leaked, but according to me As far as we know, Qingxiang Group even stole your part."

She paused, then continued: "Then can I understand that there are also traitors in Honghui?"

"You!" Qin Shifeng stared angrily.

Shen Yu could tell from his performance - "I guessed it right."


"Boss Qin, let's cooperate."


"I'll catch my traitor, and you catch your traitor, killing two birds with one stone, mutual benefit and win-win. Of course, you have to allow a few more days in terms of time."

What should be said, Shen Yu didn't say any more, some things can only be pointed out, once the fig leaf is lifted, it is really embarrassing.

Among the [-] directors of Honghui Group, not all of them are convinced by Qin Shifeng, causing troubles from time to time, and occasionally playing dirty tricks, but this time it is playing too big!
Not only did he steal the creative plan, but he also directly gave it to the arch-rival Qingxiang Group. The former is tolerable, but the latter is an unforgivable crime.

"There are teeth-cracking stones hidden in the good white rice. It's okay if you don't know it. Now that you know it, Mr. Qin may find it hard to swallow."

"Miss Shen is taunting me?"

"Misunderstanding, it's just a matter of fact. Mr. Qin doesn't like to hear it, so don't take it to heart." The woman was laughing, and the evil was obvious.


"No leader likes subordinates who disagree with him, just as the emperor hates disobedient courtiers."

Regardless of whether Qin Shifeng belongs to the relatively radical hawks or the relatively moderate doves, as long as he is in office for one day, he will never let the board of directors ride on him!

Unless the man is a pussy, which, obviously, he isn't.

The man's brows and eyes moved slightly: "President Shen seems to have someone to suspect?"

"I won't say it until you say yes." It's another exchange of equals.

Qin Shifeng fell into deep thought, speechless for a long time.

Shen Yu turned her head to admire the river view, calm and patient.

"What if I don't agree?"

If the project department fails to come up with a new creative plan in time, Mingda Group, as the party at fault, Honghui has the right to terminate the contract after three days and demand huge liquidated damages.

This was a decision made after deliberation during the meeting during the day, and Qin Shifeng, as the general manager, also supported it.

After all, it is a sky-high liquidated damages...

Because of this, if Qin Shifeng agreed to Shen Yu easily, it would be tantamount to slapping himself and standing on the opposite side of the company's decision-makers.

It's not that it can't be done, but it's measuring whether it's worth doing.

A businessman seeks profit, and every step he takes is the result of careful consideration.

"If Boss Qin doesn't agree..." Shen Yu murmured softly, her eyes narrowed slightly, but a strong aura spread out, "Then it's up to the court to decide."

"You want to file a lawsuit with Honghui?" The man seemed to have heard some terrible joke, and looked at Shen Yu as if he were looking at a wayward child, "Is this your personal idea, or the Mingda Group's idea?"

"It makes no difference."


"I can turn my thoughts into the will of the group." After a pause, "As long as I want."

Qin Shifeng really wanted to applaud her courage and ambition.

This woman is no ordinary madman!
But damn attractive.

"Okay, I promise you! Isn't it just a few days of grace? A few days? Is seven days enough?"

Shen Yu accepted it when she saw the deal: "Thank you."

In exchange, she also told Qin Shifeng about the traitor who leaked Honghui's creative plan.

hands clasped—

"Pleasant to work with."


Time back to the present.

"So, our original deadline should be seven days!"

Miao Miao smiled.

"But why didn't Manager Shen tell us?"

"I told you, can you still force yourself to complete it within three days?"

"...Probably not."

So far, Shen Wei's heroic deeds have added another stroke.It is really impossible for ordinary people to make Honghui Shaodong let go.

In view of the fact that Shen Yu was so outstanding during this period, and she had indeed solved two major problems for the company, plus the 0019 land, it should be three major problems. After discussion, the board of directors decided——

The whole group commended.

Then there is no more then.

Miao Miao: "The whole group..." Star-eyed, looking yearning, Niu X is broken.

Shen Yu himself said: "It's better to just give out bonuses to punish those vain people."

Miao Miao: "..."

You shouldn't talk about reputation with powerful factions, you have to talk about benefits, talk about substantive benefits!

During this period of time, the project department has become the subject of hot discussion in the group, and even the employees below are walking with wind——

I am proud, I am the cub of manager Shen of the project department.

Thinking of how this group of people rejected Shen Yu at the beginning, Miao Miao heheed twice: Does the slap in the face hurt?

Everyone: It smells so good!
Mingda's affairs came to an end, Shen Yu had a lot of free time and spent more time at home.

If there is no urgent matter in the department, she mostly stays at home to process documents.

On this day, Shen Yu finished turning over the last page, closed the folder, put it aside, and stretched his waist. Following this movement, the hem of the home clothes was lifted up, revealing a white waist. He was also dealing with business. Someone is like a shark smelling blood, suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkled.

Shen Yu withdrew his hands, and tugged at the hem of his clothes as if nothing had happened.

But the man blew towards her like the wind, and started to do something...

(End of this chapter)

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