Chapter 489
After running to several places in succession, but found nothing, Miaomiao looked depressed.

Shen Wei thought for a while, and asked the nurse: "Did the patient's son personally handle the discharge procedures?"

"That's right, he's a handsome guy. I'm quite impressed."

"Thank you."

The two left the hospital, Miao Miao: "What should we do now?"

Shen Wei: "You go back first, I'll go to school."

Qihang Academy, Academic Affairs Office Archives.

"Sorry, you are not qualified to view the files of other students." The supervisor gave a serious look.

Shen Yu nodded, not embarrassing the other party, directly took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Student, it's useless for you to call, this is the rule, it's the same for everyone."

Shen Yu didn't answer, and soon the other end connected: "Uncle, it's me."

"Wu Wan?"

It's no wonder that Shen Chunhang was surprised. During his school days, Shen Yu never called him except to ask for leave. Now that he's graduated, he's looking for him.

"I want to ask you for a favor."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I'm in the Academic Affairs Office now, and I want to see a classmate's file."

The other end pondered for a moment, but didn't express his opinion directly: "You wait, I'll come over."

"Okay. Thank you, uncle."

After the call ended, Shen Yu put away the phone.

The supervisor looked her up and down, "Student, I've said it many times, it's useless for you to find anyone, just go away."

Shen Yu ignored it.

Seeing that she didn't eat oil and salt, the man was also a little angry, "Why don't you understand any rules?"

There was a sneer on Shen Yu's lips, and she raised her eyes suddenly: "Excuse me, do you mean the 'rules' of the archives management, or the ones you set yourself?"

"What did I decide on my own? You are talking nonsense!" The woman's eyes flickered slightly, and her voice raised unconsciously.

As everyone knows, such a move has already missed the bottom.

Only those with a guilty conscience will unconsciously want to arm themselves with the advantages of voice.

"Isn't it possible to read the archives here if you give them money?"

"Who did you hear that from?!"

"Auntie, you may not remember me. I was also with you when that person came here last time." Shen Wei just said casually, but her expression was too determined, and her seriousness easily bluffed people.

The woman didn't panic, she looked around and saw that there was no one else, she became more calm, "Since you know the rules, then I don't want you to pay a high price, you can look at the file, 200 yuan each."

"Well, that's not too expensive."

"It's good to know, I charged five hundred to one thousand for the first ones, and the price I gave you is already too low."

Shen Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and he seemed to be a little moved: "Then can I change the information on it?"

"Well," the woman smiled deeply, "that's another price."

"Oh? How do you calculate it?"

"Look, this change of information is not just a matter of crossing out and rewriting it casually. The most basic requirement is that there should be no scars or black spots. Even if we only change a small place, we need to make a new file. Putting it back, the manpower and material resources of this process are not low."

"What's more, the special paper for archives is different from the A4 paper we usually use. It can only be produced by designated and specially approved paper mills, and we have to make an old-fashioned effect so that it will not be discovered. In short, the entire set Our process is all-inclusive, efficient, convenient, and most importantly, safe."

Women obviously do this kind of business a lot, and they are very proficient in their mouths.

People who don't know think she is introducing some traditional handicrafts, and the whole process is covered...

After listening to Shen Wei, he must admit: 360 lines, every line will be the number one.

There are so many details about a file falsification.

"How much does this cost?"

The woman just waited for her to say, "It's two thousand for one place, three thousand for two places, four thousand for three places, and so on. The more you change, the cheaper the unit price will be."

Tsk, even the charging system is so perfect, I can't accept it.

Seeing that Shen Yu didn't speak, the woman urged: "Have you thought about it? After thinking about it, I called someone to come over and do the work. This job can't be done in four, five, 10 minutes. Now the labor cost is expensive, and the price is all conscience. .”

"Are you going to call someone else?"

"Of course!" The woman gave her a contemptuous look of "We are a professional team, you don't understand", "This fraud is a craft, and I have professional masters here."

"How many masters?"

"One!" blurted out.

and many more……

The woman looked suspicious, and was vaguely defensive: "Why are you asking this?"

"Of course it's convenient to uproot you guys and wipe them all out!" Shen Yu smiled gently, but her words were full of malice.

Under the stunned gaze of the woman, she picked up the phone, and the screen showed that she was in a call. She put it to her ear: "Uncle, did you hear everything?"

"I heard it." It's just that the voice didn't come from the phone, but from behind the two of them.

Shen Wei hung up, and this really ended the call.

The woman's face had turned completely gloomy. When she saw Shen Hou calling the person on the other end of the phone "Uncle", all her fears disappeared. She was just a relative of a student, and even if she found out, there was nothing she could do about it.

Just when she was about to teach Shen Yu a lesson, the phrase "I heard it" came from behind her unexpectedly, and the voice... seemed a little familiar.

The woman turned her head in a hurry, and her eyes widened in the next second, full of disbelief.

"School, Principal!"

"Sister Li," Shen Chunhang looked at her expressionlessly, "It's a shame to let you work in the archives room. You have such a good eloquence and such a brilliant business mind, so you should go into business. You will surely make a lot of money, and your customers will be like a cloud. Come on. Stay in Qihang to receive such a meager salary, I will feel aggrieved for you!"

"Principal, it's not like this, you listen to my explanation..."

"Explain what? Explain how you pretend to be obedient and disobedient, and how you falsify?"

The woman's eyes were flushed with anxiety: "That's not the case, I just said that I was playing with this classmate! Classmate, don't you think so?" Xi Ji cast her eyes on Shen Yu.

But in Shen Yu's eyes, he became a fool.

It's not good to ask who, but her?
"Of course not. You were seriously trying to do my business just now."

"Principal, she slandered me! Yes, she set up a trick to lure me in, and then sued you..."

"That's enough! I've called the people from the security office to come over. You pack up and prepare to go to the police station to explain."

The woman took two steps back, as if struck by lightning.

"Police station?!"

Shen Chunhang: "Your behavior has been suspected of leaking other people's privacy and making illegal profits. It is a crime and the school has no right to deal with it. It is most appropriate to hand it over to the public security organs and hand it over to the law for trial and punishment."

Soon, people from the security department arrived, and the woman was taken away crying.

"Principal, I know I was wrong! Don't call the police, I don't want to go to jail—"

(End of this chapter)

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